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Everything posted by V O L K A N O

  1. Nick: Zenixx.heartlesss Rank: 3 Amount of money deposited: 5,000$ Date and time of deposit: 27/07/19 Reason: under 690 sec pe war ScreenShot: https://imgur.com/a/y5MPsZm Other specifications: -
  2. Nick: Zenixx.heartlesss Rank: 3 Amount of money deposited: 5,000$ Date and time of deposit: 26/07/19 Reason: 1/4 apsent war ScreenShot: https://imgur.com/a/f7yvDJ8 Other specifications: -
  3. -Name: VoLKanO - RPG Bar: - Type of Interview topic, and amount of players: Type about Questions And Answers and with points (exemple: Dan_Dilo 3pt VoLKanO 8pt), amount of players just 1 - RPG Bar for ALL other participants: - I agree that I have read the rules on the top of the page: Yes - If i am assigned a foreign reporter, I agree to support the English interview: Yes - Anything else: -
  4. Nick : VoLKanO Level : 113 Age (real) : 19 years old Gender(real) : Male How old are you on the server ?: 5 years Since 2014 RPG profile link : https://www.rpg.b-zone.ro/players/general/VoLKanO Did you been Mayor in the past?: No The reason you want to become a Mayor : 1) The new Events system looks very fun and I believe the players will enjoy this. 2) Daily events from my own pocket money or sponsors. 3) Events you can expect will be X/O, Par/Impar, Deagle, LMS, LCS, Trivia, SMS, Who wants to be a millionaire etc. 4) I have massive experience with Events and lots of creativity. 5 I have friends in the NR industry who will be able to accomodate with features like [/live] 6) Tax will be 1$ for the majority. 7) We will stabilize the 1000/1000 B-Zone RPG1 players. 8)I have friends in the NR industry who will be able to accomodate with features like [/live] 9) With some free time coming I will be coming online more often for May, before exams. I will try to keep the server at 1000/1000 all the time and make daily events with the players. I will also include many un-noticed Foreigners into the community and help them make new friends. I will make the following events at least every day, prize 50,000$+ *What I intend to do for other players.: *to much events Special: https://imgur.com/a/SYIKM || https://imgur.com/a/dY8yP4w -Last Car Standing. -Last Man Standing. -Par/Impar. -SMS. -Protect The V.I.P -Race -Find and Bring. -X/O -Gun Game -Duele 1 vs 1 -Paintball. -Maraton Romanian Language:
  5. Nick: Zenixx.heartlesss Rank: 3 Amount of money deposited: 10,000$ Date and time of deposit: 23/07/19 Reason: x2 -5 score ScreenShot: https://imgur.com/a/02VqLrK Other specifications: -
  6. Display Name: VoLKanO Doresc (Avatar/Semnatura/Userbar/Logo/Cover Profil): -Avatar Link către ultima cerere făcută (obligatoriu): Imagine (obligatoriu pentru semnătură): - Tema (În caz că nu există o imagine): There's something with a fox and a wheelchair if it cane Text: VoLKanO Dimensiuni: The Avatar Alte precizări: Thank You
  7. Yes, but it's oke pour le moment.
  8. -Name: VoLKanO - RPG Bar: - Type of Interview topic, and amount of players: Type about Questions And Answers and with points (exemple: Dan_Dilo 3pt VoLKanO 8pt), amount of players just 1 - RPG Bar for ALL other participants: - I agree that I have read the rules on the top of the page: Yes - If i am assigned a foreign reporter, I agree to support the English interview: Yes - Anything else: -
  9. Nick: ZeNixX.HEARTLESS Rank: 2 Amount of money deposited: 10,000$ Date and time of deposit: 29/06/19 03:32 Reason: war 27/06/19 0 seconds ScreenShot: https://imgur.com/a/74grdlw Other specifications: -
  10. Nick : VoLKanO Level : 109 Age (real) : 19 years old Gender(real) : Male How old are you on the server ?: 5 years Since 2014 RPG profile link : https://www.rpg.b-zone.ro/players/general/VoLKanO Did you been Mayor in the past?: No The reason you want to become a Mayor : 1) The new Events system looks very fun and I believe the players will enjoy this. 2) Daily events from my own pocket money or sponsors. 3) Events you can expect will be X/O, Par/Impar, Deagle, LMS, LCS, Trivia, SMS, Who wants to be a millionaire etc. 4) I have massive experience with Events and lots of creativity. 5 I have friends in the NR industry who will be able to accomodate with features like [/live] 6) Tax will be 1$ for the majority. 7) We will stabilize the 1000/1000 B-Zone RPG1 players. 8)I have friends in the NR industry who will be able to accomodate with features like [/live] 9) With some free time coming I will be coming online more often for May, before exams. I will try to keep the server at 1000/1000 all the time and make daily events with the players. I will also include many un-noticed Foreigners into the community and help them make new friends. I will make the following events at least every day, prize 50,000$+ *What I intend to do for other players.: *to much events Special: https://imgur.com/a/SYIKM -Last Car Standing. -Last Man Standing. -Par/Impar. -SMS. -Protect The V.I.P -Race -Find and Bring. -X/O -Gun Game -Duele 1 vs 1 -Paintball. -Maraton Romanian Language:
  11. - Name: VoLKanO - RPG Bar: - Type of Interview topic, and amount of players: Type it's about questions and answers. me and 2 friendss - RPG Bar for ALL other participants: - I agree that I have read the rules on the top of the page: yes - If i am assigned a foreign reporter, I agree to support the English interview: Yes
  12. Nume: ZeNixX.HEARTLESS Rank: 1  Suma depusă: 25,000$ Data şi ora depunerii: 05/06/2019 Motivul: x2 -10 and score -5 ScreenShot: https://imgur.com/a/rdvQ0OK Alte precizări: -
  13. Nume: ZeNixX.HEARTLESS Rank: 1 Suma depusă: 15,000$ Data şi ora depunerii: 03/06/2019 Motivul: x2 -5 score + absent 1/4 war ScreenShot: https://imgur.com/a/uumGRww https://imgur.com/a/AqO3F4D Alte precizări: -
  14. Nick: ZeNixX.HEARTLESS Rank: 1 Amount of money deposited: 10,000$ Date and time of deposit: 31/05/19 Reason: -10 score ScreenShot: https://imgur.com/a/bLkItHq Other specifications: -
  15. Nick: ZeNixX.HEARTLESS Rank: 1 Amount of money deposited: 5,000$ Date and time of deposit: 31/05/19 Reason: Apsent in war ScreenShot: https://imgur.com/a/BE4SRXm Other specifications: -
  16. Nick: ZeNixX.HEARTLESS Rank: 1 Amount of money deposited: 5,000$ Date and time of deposit: 29/05/19 Reason: Apsent in war ScreenShot: https://imgur.com/a/Z0ljUl2 Other specifications: -
  17. Nick: ZeNixX.HEARTLESS Rank: 1 Amount of money deposited: 10,000$ Date and time of deposit: 29/05/19 Reason: -5 x2 at war ScreenShot: https://imgur.com/a/YGWUJ6K Other specifications: -
  18. Nick : VoLKanO Level : 107 Age (real) : 19 years old Gender(real) : Male How old are you on the server ?: 5 years Since 2014 RPG profile link : https://www.rpg.b-zone.ro/players/general/VoLKanO Did you been Mayor in the past?: No The reason you want to become a Mayor : 1) The new Events system looks very fun and I believe the players will enjoy this. 2) Daily events from my own pocket money or sponsors. 3) Events you can expect will be X/O, Par/Impar, Deagle, LMS, LCS, Trivia, SMS, Who wants to be a millionaire etc. 4) I have massive experience with Events and lots of creativity. 5 I have friends in the NR industry who will be able to accomodate with features like [/live] 6) Tax will be 1$ for the majority. 7) We will stabilize the 1000/1000 B-Zone RPG1 players. 8)I have friends in the NR industry who will be able to accomodate with features like [/live] 9) With some free time coming I will be coming online more often for May, before exams. I will try to keep the server at 1000/1000 all the time and make daily events with the players. I will also include many un-noticed Foreigners into the community and help them make new friends. I will make the following events at least every day, prize 50,000$+ *What I intend to do for other players.: *to much events Special: https://imgur.com/a/SYIKM -Last Car Standing. -Last Man Standing. -Par/Impar. -SMS. -Protect The V.I.P -Race -Find and Bring. -X/O -Gun Game -Duele 1 vs 1 -Paintball. -Maraton Romanian Language:
  19. - Name: VoLKanO - RPG Bar: - Type of Interview topic, and amount of players: Type about real life and 3 players - RPG Bar for ALL other participants: - I agree that I have read the rules on the top of the page: Yes - If i am assigned a foreign reporter, I agree to support the English interview: Yes - Anything else: -
  20. I'm back from a long sleep ;p ;p


  21. Nick: ZeNixX.HEARTLESS Rank: 4 Day: Thursday I'm taking a leave from: war Date: 22/03/2018 Reason: i have work today i can't play wars Number of leaves this week(1/2; 2/2): 1/2 Anything else: -
  22. Nick: ZeNixX.HEARTLESS Rank: 4 Day: Friday I'm taking a leave from: war Date: 16/03/2018 Reason: i have some exams i ca't be online at war Number of leaves this week(1/2; 2/2): 1/2 Anything else: -

    1. im ugly still gettin' hoes
    2. Adrian28


      Pm me a 20€ paysafe code and I will give you a Gta 5 key.

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