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Kenan nWo

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Everything posted by Kenan nWo

  1. Real name: Kenan B-Zone Nickname: Kenan.A A member in the community since: 2013 Message for(Lover/partner/parent/colleague/friend/crush.. etc): huge crush Are they a B-Zone member? (Yes/No): no The Message: I only loved once in my life and i am pretty sure it is my first and last love,loving her teached me how to live also made me a loving and optimistic person to life, regardless she didn't had the same feeling for me I won't stop loving her, i will always have hope that she might love me someday,when i look in her eyes i see all my victories,only if i could give her one abilty in this life i would give her the abilty to look in herself in my eyes because only then she would understand how much she is special person to me,it is easier to kill me than seeing her with someone else,in the end i want to tell her thanks for existing in my life because without her i can't complete my life even with the distance between us.
  2. Nume in joc: Kenan.A Contract: https://imgur.com/a/Teorgd5
  3. Nume: Kenan.A Contractul: https://imgur.com/a/RyIGddL
  4. Nume in joc: Kenan.A Contract:https://imgur.com/a/XwyM4af
  5. Nume în joc: Kenan.A Contractul ales: https://imgur.com/a/4gEmnjE
  6. Nume in joc: Kenan.A Contract ales: https://imgur.com/a/hmgNvSS
  7. Nume în joc: Kenan.A Contractul ales:
  8. Nume in joc: Kenan.A Contract ales:
  9. Nume: Kenan.A Contract: https://imgur.com/a/wgy87ej
  10. Nume in joc: Kenan.A Contract: https://imgur.com/a/D6ol3RO
  11. Name:Kenan.A Contract:https://imgur.com/q4qwtv0
  12. Nume: Kenan.A Contract: https://imgur.com/bRSxHK3
  13. Nume in joc: Kenan.A  Contract: https://imgur.com/cofSsY2 
  14. Nume în joc: Kenan.A Contractul ales: https://imgur.com/wXpmFmf
  15. Nume: Kenan.A[ToV] Contract: https://imgur.com/L0AJ5bZ 
  16. Nume: Kenan.A[ToV] Contract: https://imgur.com/TOPq16b
  17. Nume in joc: Kenan.A Contract: https://imgur.com/mmi1Op7
  18. Nume in joc: Kenan.A[ToV] Contract: https://imgur.com/7OYoswN
  19. Nume în joc: Kenan.A Contractul ales: https://imgur.com/ZaTnBy9
  20. Nume in joc: Kenan.A[ToV] Contract: https://imgur.com/llzbmSl
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