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Kenan nWo

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Everything posted by Kenan nWo

  1. Nickname: Kenan. A[ToV] Rank: 2 Reason: I have school Date of the wars: 10/09/2018 Total number of pass requests: 1/2 More informations: Good luck wars
  2. Nickname:Kenan.A Rank:2 Reason : i have basketball Match \ Date of the wars: 27.08.2018 Total number of pass requests: 1/2
  3. Nickname:Kenan.A Rank:1 Reason : i have basketball training Date of the wars: 14.08.2018 Total number of pass requests: 1/2
  4. Nickname: Kenan.A Rank:1 Reason: i'm not at home but i will try come early to play last war Date of the wars: 03.08.2018 Total number of pass requests: 1/2
  5. Name:[AIM]Kenan.A Rank: Supervisory Specail Agent (3) Namecover actions: https://imgur.com/a/vM0E4Pv Number of namecover actions: x1 Possession / Use Drugs Other specifications?: None.
  6. Name:[AIM]Kenan.A Rank: Supervisory Specail Agent (3) Namecover actions: https://imgur.com/a/2Rlj9Ej Number of namecover actions: x1 Possession / Use Drugs Other specifications?: -
  7. Name: Kenan.A Rank: Supervisory Specail Agent (3) Namecover actions:https://imgur.com/a/6xBUIX2 Number of namecover actions: x1 Possession / Use Drugs Other specifications?: None
  8. Name: [AIM]Kenan.A Rank: Special Agent (2) Namecover actions: https://imgur.com/a/7yTp1VC Number of namecover actions: x1 Possession / Use Drugs Other specifications?: None
  9. Name: [AIM]Kenan.A Rank: Special Agent (2) Namecover actions: https://imgur.com/a/BBOdKFj Number of namecover actions: x1 Possession / Use Drugs Other specifications?: None
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