Nume Real: KenanNumele din joc (link website):
Vârstă: 17 O scurtă descriere a ta: I am from Russia, I am Friendly and simple and calm person I always wish the best for all, and like to help people
Link poză:
Nume: Kenan.A[DEW]
Rank: (1)
Numele celui reclamat: tyz666
Levelul celui reclamat: 46
Motiv: made dm on me for no resoan and killed me
Name: Kenan.A
- RPG Bar:
- Type of Interview topic, and amount of players:simple . only me
- RPG Bar for ALL other participants: _
- I agree that I have read the rules on the top of the page: Yes
- If i am assigned a foreign reporter, I agree to support the English interview: Yes
- Anything else: i want urkelbama . to do the interview. Thanks
• @KeltonEverything is good but some players at rpg 1 are waiting helper applction to be open and apply from 3 month and now when it was close to open rpg 3 or rpg 4 helpers is coming to rpg 1 what means players at rpg 1 will wait at least 6 months more to helper applction open .. that's unfair so now helpers at rpg 1 will be 60-50 i suggest to open rpg 1 helper applction let that people apply it is not a problem if 60 or 70 helpers
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