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T r i G G 3 R

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Everything posted by T r i G G 3 R

  1. enough of maps have some laughs :))

  2. Foarte frumoase, felicitari !!
  3. great filters amazing job and good designs
  4. GG Tunisia we finally reached imgur ( read the comments tho ...) http://imgur.com/gallery/Fpup5kS

    1. Starp Exposito

      Starp Exposito

      What a Achievement ! -_-

    2. Nero ToV

      Nero ToV


    3. T r i G G 3 R

      T r i G G 3 R

      it should be on news reporting biggest f*ck ups


  5. amazing work very nice efects and filters i wish i have some of your ps actions and fonts
  6. Thanks a lot for the advise i actually noticed it but i couldn't fix it i hope there will be great difference in the next groupe of uploads
  7. very nice an amazing video i love it i jus wish i was in it <3 keep up the good work
  8. Just got back , Still warming up I am accepting some tips and tutorials and thanks for viewing ... Avatars : Logos :
  9. some of your avatars don't have a good sizing try to learn more and you will become better by time good luck
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