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Khalsa Ji

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Everything posted by Khalsa Ji

  1. Hello Reporters How are you all? I have enjoyed my days with ya.. But, At the end.. Time moment is here when I have to leave ya.. Good luck everyone, Enjoy your life. If you ever want to contact me, Ask my contacts from my friends. Take care.
  2. Yeaa, Suuure Call me anytime, If I am not busy in finding GF
  3. Hey bruh, Everything is going on well and good. I always do unexpected things. What about you ? How's life going on ? :V
  4. Suuure, If you teach me I will try to learn :V Thanks a lot friend.
  5. Hello everyone What's up? Don't forgot to welcome your new team mate :V
  6. - Name: Khalsa - Bar RPG: - Bundle type: Bundle 1 - News wanted: Khalsa is looking for a Girl Friend. He is poor, Ugly and Homeless. - Number of packages I received this week: 0/2 - I acknowledge the rules outlined on the first page: Yup - I agree that the type of package and advertisement to be modified if: Ye - Other specifications: I want Reporter Apollyon to take care of this Bundle (If possible), and I want these news when I am online.
  7. Uuuulalalala

    1. JoHaR


      Khair hena bhai? =)) 

    2. Khalsa Ji

      Khalsa Ji

      Hanji, Sab ok report hai =))

  8. - Name: Khalsa[SULTAN] - Bar RPG: You can grab it from here -> Khalsa[SULTAN] .. When I copy and paste the bar it shows like ( "].png] ) - Bundle type: Bundle 1 - News wanted: Khalsa[SULTAN] is looking for a Girl Friend. - Number of packages I received this week: 0/2 - I acknowledge the rules outlined on the first page: Yup - I agree that the type of package and advertisement to be modified if: Ye - Other specifications: I want Reporter Apollyon to take care of this Bundle (If possible), and I want these news when I am online.
  9. - Name: Khalsa[SULTAN] - Bar RPG: - Bundle type: Bundle 1 - News wanted: Khalsa[SULTAN] is looking for a Girl Friend. - Number of packages I received this week: 0/2 - I acknowledge the rules outlined on the first page: Yup - I agree that the type of package and advertisement to be modified if: Ye - Other specifications: I want Reporter Apollyon to take care of this Bundle (If possible), and I want these news when I am online.
  10. Oho, Great.. Nice work. MERRY CHRISTMAS Everyone.
  11. Bye bye everyone. Good luck for your future. Stay happy with new leader, Mr Tallat. Tallat, I will come someday if you gimme chance. If you need any help, You know where you will get me. Take care, Have fun.
  12. Thanks friend. I will return. But, Never with Khalsa[SULTAN]
  13. Dude, I am more shocked then you guys.. I have got some real life problems, So things get hard now.
  14. Don't be sad friend. Welcome a new leader with smiling face.
  15. Hello SF Instructors What's up? I hope, everyone is fine. Soo, It's the time to which you guys are waiting for. YES, NEW LEADER. YAY. Ye, My journey with you guys was till here only. I can't stay here anymore. You don't need to be sad (I know, you are now sad of course.), You are gonna get a new leader, Yay. Thanks a lot everyone for bearing me for 840+ days, I know that was the most hardest day ever. Sooo, See ya guys, Take care of yourself. Stay safe.
  16. Name: Khalsa[SULTAN] Rank: Leader (SF Boss) Instructor of the week: qSkyll04 Number of licenses he/she sold: 36 licenses. Proof: Click HERE Proof of [/transfer]: Pending Other specifications: Congratzz.
  17. He gets nothing, He told ya He don;t want license and he don't know how to cancel it.
  18. But, here is the platform where they can learn. Actually, They don't want to learn ...
  19. Tru that.. But, SF SI is for level 7 players.. Soo, Newbies can join.. And newbies.. don't know everything.
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