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[B-Zone Tv]SA:MP | Trailer Motiavtion


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Titlul clipului: SA:MP | Trailer Motiavtion - B-Zone.RO


Gen: Action


Durata: 1:17


Data lansarii: 28.2.2013


Scurta prezentare: A trailer for motivation song that im going to upload soon


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Bravo, e tare.

Am si eu o rugaminte, imi poti spune toate programele pe care le-ai folosit?


Degeaba le ceri daca n-o sa le folosesti niciodata.

Sony vegas 9 probabil, sa camhack si fraps, ce-ti trebuie mai mult?


@Imi place foarte mult modul in care-ai filmat, efectele date si pot spune cu mare bucurie ca ti-ai meritat + ul.

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Degeaba le ceri daca n-o sa le folosesti niciodata.

Sony vegas 9 probabil, sa camhack si fraps, ce-ti trebuie mai mult?


@Imi place foarte mult modul in care-ai filmat, efectele date si pot spune cu mare bucurie ca ti-ai meritat + ul.

Eu nu consider ca le cer degeaba, as vrea si eu sa ma apuc si doream sa stiu de ce programe am nevoie si bine ca ai pomenit tu,...Bony ai un +...bravo.

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It's great man, keep up the good work !

Aştept varianta full. Ai editat foarte bine cât şi filmatul este formidabil, gj!


Thanks , i will upload the full version of the clip tommorow , I'm now make the video ( hope you will like it )

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Bine editat

Felicitari !

Great film! I like the message you've used in the intro, and I wait for the next clip. Good job!


thanks mate

and the message is from will smith and eric gordon speach

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Hmm, the trailer looks interesting but I can't decide yet if you deserve a "+" or not. I want to see the full movie and after that I will give you my answer. Anyway, it looks nice and pretty good. Show us your best!

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awsome video , i cant wait to see the full clip :) :) :) :) :)m/ m/

Hmm, the trailer looks interesting but I can't decide yet if you deserve a "+" or not. I want to see the full movie and after that I will give you my answer. Anyway, it looks nice and pretty good. Show us your best!



thanks viper.


and i'm appreciate your honest Mr.Kira , and im just now make the full movie , and its motivation song so what you heard in the intro of the video it was the beginning and the end was the end

anyway the story talk about like the same thing happen in b-zone rpg , you all the time makes a goals in your life so this is talk on man that work hard and all the time training because he want to be in the army , and the final of the video you will wait to the video:) because its realy nice

hope you will like it:)

Edited by Bony
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Să-mi bag piciorul de am înţeles ceva.. Ai filmat frumos, atât.

Edited by HeadgeaR
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Foarte frumos,mi-e unul imi place.

Frumos editat, ține-o tot așa.


Felicitări pentru munca depusă !

Să-mi bag piciorul de am înţeles ceva.. Ai filmat frumos, atât.


thanks mate's , im sorry that i not upload the video today because i have test tommorow so i must study but i will upload it soon

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Destul de frumos acest trailer. Parca atunci cand fuge pe sub acel pod se vede cam low quality dar poate vad eu prost. Asteptam video-ul !


You have an Full HD quality , idk why you see low quality , but any way thanks

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