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69 Pier Mobs - Discutii - Discussions


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RO: Astazi la 19:30 sunteti asteptati cu totii in HQ pentru war-uri. Sa veniti in numar cat mai mare, avem nevoie de toti pentru a castiga.

* Cine nu vine si nu are cerere de invoire / inactivitate, primeste factionwarn. Cererile de invoire vor fi acceptate doar daca sunt facute cu un MOTIV FOARTE BUN.

ENG: Today, at 19:30 I will wait you in HQ for wars. Try to come in a large number, we need all of you for winning some turfs.

* Who's not coming and doesn't have pass request / inactivity, receives factionwarn. The pass requests will be accepted only if the REASON IS VERY IMPORTANT.

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RO: Astazi la 19:30 sunteti asteptati cu totii in HQ pentru war-uri. Sa veniti in numar cat mai mare, avem nevoie de toti pentru a castiga.

* Cine nu vine si nu are cerere de invoire / inactivitate, primeste factionwarn. Cererile de invoire vor fi acceptate doar daca sunt facute cu un MOTIV FOARTE BUN.

ENG: Today, at 19:30 I will wait you in HQ for wars. Try to come in a large number, we need all of you for winning some turfs.

* Who's not coming and doesn't have pass request / inactivity, receives factionwarn. The pass requests will be accepted only if the REASON IS VERY IMPORTANT.

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RO: Astazi la 19:30 sunteti asteptati cu totii in HQ pentru war-uri. Sa veniti in numar cat mai mare, avem nevoie de toti pentru a castiga.

* Cine nu vine si nu are cerere de invoire / inactivitate, primeste factionwarn. Cererile de invoire vor fi acceptate doar daca sunt facute cu un MOTIV FOARTE BUN.

ENG: Today, at 19:30 I will wait you in HQ for wars. Try to come in a large number, we need all of you for winning some turfs.

* Who's not coming and doesn't have pass request / inactivity, receives factionwarn. The pass requests will be accepted only if the REASON IS VERY IMPORTANT.

Ati vazut ca daca sunteti activi la waruri si suntem multi, castigam. E imposibil sa nu castigam asa ca, faceti bine si veniti TOTI !

Rank 4+ dati testele cu cei acceptati si postati la Evidenta, pana diseara la ora 19:00 !

Edited by MyAir
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