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69 Pier Mobs - Evidenta war - Evidence of wars


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Nick: Hanii

Screen-Shoot cu scorul de la war: http://imgur.com/MGppPMR
Numarul de war-uri la care am participat: all wars but i loose the calculation of the war by loosing the connection
Alte precizari: nO comment

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SS cu scoruri: Luni: Imagini: scor total:

Marti: Imagini: scor total:

Miercuri: Imagini: scor total:

Joi: Imagini: Scor total:

Aveti timp pana Sambata la 18:00 sa postati!

Edited by South DoKy
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Nume: SoundKiller

SS cu scoruri: Luni: Imagini: http://imgur.com/a/pRV4Y scor total: 22-12

Marti: Imagini: http://imgur.com/a/aTf2I scor total: 39-26

Miercuri: Imagini: http://imgur.com/a/BOAXB scor total: 24-23

Joi: Imagini: http://imgur.com/a/ZQgdZ Scor total: 41-27

Edited by DC SoundKiller
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Nume: [RTS]Aragaz

SS cu scoruri:

Luni: Imagini: http://imgur.com/a/nt6FR#0 scor total: 10 - 32 la warul in care am avut 23 deaths Doky a dat ordin sa venim la war oricat avem pe - si o poza este in + in album.
Imagini: http://imgur.com/a/npoRL#0 scor total: 6-17
Imagini: scor total: Cerere invoire
Imagini: Scor total: Cerere invoire

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SS cu scoruri: Luni: Imagini: http://postimg.org/gallery/1xxa7owm/ba8b69cf/ scor total: 6-10

Marti: Imagini: http://postimg.org/gallery/2c7bz1ke/e09fd460/ scor total: 2-7

Miercuri: Imagini: http://postimg.org/gallery/7gcen1rw/d05b97f8/ scor total: 2-7

Joi: Imagini: http://postimg.org/gallery/azzkoubc/660759fc/ Scor total:12-11

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Nume: HaNii
SS cu scoruri: Luni: Imagini: http://imgur.com/a/Dn25l scor total: 0-3
Marti: Imagini: http://imgur.com/a/nTSfG scor total: 4-11
Miercuri: Imagini: http://imgur.com/a/H6uRx scor total: 1-7
Joi: Imagini: http://imgur.com/a/Vxy4n Scor total: 1-7


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Nume: EllaFox17

SS cu scoruri:

-Luni: http://postimg.org/gallery/24p36eye/783b08cc/ (Am stat in HQ pt. ca am avut lag) scor total: 0-0.

-Marti: http://postimg.org/gallery/50oqiodm/dcf9f72e/ scor total: 2-7.

-Miercuri: http://postimg.org/gallery/7opomq0y/260d810f/ scor total: 1-2.

-Joi: Cerere de invoire.

Hopa,scuze. :o3

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Nume: [rTn]FaBii.

SS cu scoruri:

-Luni: http://postimg.org/gallery/aiqtldsw/5b9f83fe/ scor total: 20-24

-Marti: http://postimg.org/gallery/69euon3i/4a97d561/ scor total: 12-18

-Miercuri: Nu am fost dar am vorbit cu Doky scor total:

-Joi: Mi s-au sters pozele de la war:| Doar una am facut sau a ramas, habar n-am ce s-a intamplat cu celelalte!! Dar am fost la toate warrurile!! : http://postimg.org/image/dhac4pvvx/08b0db02/ scor total: 7-9

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Nume: [RTS]RoberT.

SS cu scoruri: Luni: - Imagini: http://imgur.com/a/M3w5g#0 scor total: 18 - 20

Marti: - Imagini: Invoire. scor total: /

Miercuri: - Imagini: http://imgur.com/a/i4nCS#0 scor total: 1 - 6

Joi: - Imagini: Invoire. scor total: /

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Nume: Dolaru

SS cu scoruri: Luni: Am avut unele probleme cu pc si a trebuit sa reinstalez windows ca nu se mai aprindea si am pierdut ss.

Marti: Imagini: http://imgur.com/a/z2ESB scor total: 9-16

Miercuri: Imagini: http://i.imgur.com/cfQX3NB.png scor total: 0-3 Nu am putu sa stau la toate warurile.

Joi: Imagini: http://imgur.com/a/b2eLu Scor total: 2-5, 2-5

Am avut niste probleme la scoala saptamana asta X_X si nu am putut sta prea mult in game dar s-au rezolvat :)

Edited by rTs Dolaru
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SS cu scoruri:

Luni: Invoit (check cerere de inactivitate) Imagini: scor total:

Marti: Invoit (check cerere de inactivitate) Imagini: scor total:

Miercuri: Invoit (check cerere de inactivitate) Imagini: scor total:

Joi: Imagini: http://imgur.com/a/VXS6l Scor total: 9-24

Tin in mod expres sa le multumesc adminilor care isi fac treaba foarte bine nota 10 de la mine . :)

Edited by DC Zayn
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I = Invoit

N - Neprezentat


0/2 = Avertismente postare evidenta war, ===> 2/2 = Fw

0/3 = Avertismente privind regula de "-3" ===> 3/3 = FW


La warul in care vi-am zis eu sa iesiti din HQ NU A PRIMIT NIMENI AV!


In unele cazuri veti vedea 0/2 si 1/3 in aceeasi casuta, 0/2 rapoarte. 1/3 "-3" , in alte cazuri doar 0/2, rapoarte ( 0/3 nu mai este trecut pentru ca este 0 nu 1)


Edit: am primit imaginile de la Biz. Pe Joi are 0/2 , a uitat sa uploadeze


Edited by South DoKy
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