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69 Pier Mobs - Evidenta war - Evidence of wars


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Nume: Dodge.

SS cu scoruri: Luni: - Imagini: http://imgur.com/a/9NZYR | scor total: 39 - 15

Marti: - Imagini: http://imgur.com/a/9CeeP | scor total: 82 - 21

Miercuri: - Imagini: http://imgur.com/a/6POby | scor total: 14 -10 (Cam slabut dar... nu am putut face mai mult eram la test....)

Joi: - Imagini: http://imgur.com/VpgLdsx | scor total: 9-10 (imi pare rau ca am ajuns numai la 2waruri da nu aveam net :| )

Scor total: 144 - 56

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Mâine, după ce se sfârșește ultimul war din ziua actuală postați evidența după următorul model:


  • Nickname:
  • LUNI: Scor total: <kill-urile și death-urile adunate toate din ziua respectivă> ; Imagini: <link către albumul cu toate pozele cu scorurile din ziua respectivă>
  • MARȚI: Scor total: ; Imagini:
  • MIERCURI: Scor total: ; Imagini:
  • JOI: Scor total: ; Imagini:
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Nume: [RTS]RoberT.

ScreenShot cu scoruri: Luni: - Imagini: Invoit. | scor total: 0 - 0

Marti: - Imagini: http://imgur.com/a/Rhx6F#0 | scor total: 24 - 12

Miercuri: - Imagini: http://imgur.com/a/0mGro#0 | scor total: 26 - 11

Joi: - Imagini: http://imgur.com/a/gJfyg#0 | scor total: 23 - 18

Scor total: 73 - 41

Edited by rTs RoberT
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  • Nickname: Csabbyk

  • LUNI: Probleme cu serverul. N/A

MARȚI: Kill - 8 / Dead - 11 ; Imagini: http://imgur.com/a/1Qvt8

MIERCURI: Kill 9 / Dead - 10 ; Imagini: http://imgur.com/a/XW9qz

JOI: Kill - 16 / Dead - 19 ; Imagini: http://imgur.com/a/C19LU

Scor total : 33 - 40

Edited by Csabbyk
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Nume: Parisieno

Luni: - | Scor total : 0-0

Marti: http://postimg.org/gallery/b6mw7nss/883301d3/ | Scor total : 12-17

Miercuri: http://postimg.org/gallery/9zhyks3g/ede02ed0/ | Scor total : 16-15

Joi: http://postimg.org/gallery/5xq3ii0o/e2a0025a/ | Scor total : 6-7 ==> Sorry for the scor cz You know the serveur this day was closed Just for Foreign Players, and i told you for that.

Scor Total : 34-39

Edited by MwP Parisieno
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Nume: FLoRiNaChEe

SS cu scoruri: Luni: - Imagini: - scor total: -

Marti: Imagini: http://i.imgur.com/B2q5UHi.png scor total: 6 - 7(Am uitat sa fac ss la toate)

Miercuri: Imagini: http://imgur.com/a/8P5ra scor total: 2 - 5 (Am uitat sa fac ss la toate)

Joi: Imagini: http://imgur.com/a/R1PXA scor total: 17 - 18

Imi pare rau pentru acest scor ,dar o sa ma mai antrenez si nu o sa mai fie asa slabut :D.

Edited by FlorinJmk
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Nume: Adyrzin.

SS cu scoruri: Luni: ~ Imagini: ~ scor total: ~

Marti: Imagini: http://imgur.com/zxgGVBv , http://imgur.com/v0ufOKo , http://imgur.com/NnT9ICt scor total: 15-14

Miercuri: Imagini: http://imgur.com/yx15F49 , http://imgur.com/cKdrH7u , http://imgur.com/aad3zia, http://imgur.com/nWeuTEV scor total: 14-13

Joi: Imagini: http://imgur.com/4ZiQwY6 , http://imgur.com/JT1ViOF , http://imgur.com/F2WdGtP , http://imgur.com/B7vJ5pi , http://imgur.com/FqNLRtG Scor total: 28-21

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SS cu scoruri: Luni: - Imagini: - scor total: -

Marti: Imagini:http://imgur.com/jYWphnm scor total:0 cu 3 (Scuze am uitat sa fac ss la celelalte).

Miercuri: Imagini: http://imgur.com/a/hmULT scor total: 3 cu 5.

Joi: Imagini: http://imgur.com/a/y5aej scor total: 7 cu 14.

Promit ca pe viitor o sa ma descurc mult mai bine!!.

Edited by gabriel99
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Nume: [AssE]mNe

ScreenShot cu scoruri: Luni: - Imagini: Server Picat! | scor total: 0 - 0

Marti: - Imagini: | http://postimg.org/gallery/cn6xca24/ scor total: 11 - 17

Miercuri: - Imagini: http://postimg.org/gallery/3h5bae75u/ | scor total: 7 - 7

Joi: - Imagini: http://postimg.org/gallery/62tm55c6/ | scor total: 14 - 17

Scor total: 32 - 41

Scoruri.... de tot rasu'.....

Next War poate... alte scoruri mai bune....

Edited by AssE mNe
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Nume: D1abL0

Luni: - Imagini: - scor total: -

Marti: Imagini: http://imgur.com/P0CjOwf scor total: 0-3


Miercuri: Imagini: http://imgur.com/7XGCgwx scor total: 0-6



Joi: Imagini: http://imgur.com/fCu6noG Scor total: 1-7


Scor Total : 1-16 Rusinea gang-ului.


Edited by D1abL0
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Nickname: EllaFox17

LUNI: Aveam 3-1 sau ceva de genul,dar au fost probleme cu server-ul ,dupa cum stiti.

MARȚI: http://postimg.org/gallery/1pf0im4ha/b0a691d2/ ; scor: 3-8.

MIERCURI: http://postimg.org/gallery/2hy4ylby/70a27a4b/ ; scor: 1-10. X_X

JOI: Invoire.

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Nume: HipoRtf

ScreenShot cu scoruri: Luni: - Imagini: Invoit. | scor total: 0 - 0

Marti: - Imagini: http://imgur.com/p1JkCQJ,BSQahzu#0 | scor total: 1-5

Miercuri: - Imagini: N-am avut net am dat Pm Dolaru | scor total: 0-0

Joi: - Imagini: http://imgur.com/pcForOI,OOBGdUQ,2p2pewP,jz4bbRs | scor total: 6-14

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Nume: CiprianM

Luni: Invoit.

Marti: http://postimg.org/gallery/2mnd5nae/176e15d3/ | Scor: 11-18.

Miercuri: http://postimg.org/gallery/2nwau77ce/d74c57a4/ | Scor: 10-13.

Joi: http://postimg.org/gallery/159bu2nq/b6bac381/ | Scor: 7-17.

Scor total: 28-48.

Alte precizari: Nu stiu daca se pune ultima poza din warul de joi,ca n-am mai putut sa fac ss la war ca eram la masa,si am venit tarziu,asa ca m-am uitat in chatlog si am facut de acolo.Am facut cerere de invoire joi ca sa nu-mi mai fac nervi la war,dar totusi,am venit.

Edited by bB CiprianM
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Nume: Serdar03

Luni: N-a mers serveru.

Marti: http://i42.tinypic.com/2j0y45z.jpg | http://i40.tinypic.com/2qvquew.png | http://i40.tinypic.com/2zqxwcm.png Scor : Kill - 4 : Death - 7

Miercuri: http://i42.tinypic.com/28be9kx.png Scor : Kill - 1 : Death 0 .

Joi: http://i40.tinypic.com/241jry8.png | http://i44.tinypic.com/28ls3uh.png | http://i44.tinypic.com/adf71w.png | http://i41.tinypic.com/2432tdf.png | http://i44.tinypic.com/155s2lt.png : Scor : Kill - 6 : Death - 18

Scor total: Kill 12 - Death : 25

Alte precizari: Miercuri nu am mai mult de 1 poza deoarece mi-a fost rau.

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Nume: [rTn]FaBii.

Luni: Invoire.

Marti: http://postimg.org/gallery/aovt3x2u/613880d1/ Scor : Kills : 11 : Death : 8

Miercuri: http://postimg.org/gallery/7f46m5te/785fd041/ Scor : Kills : 8 : Deaths : 8 .

Joi: : http://postimg.org/gallery/9obb15e2/1186d768/ Scor : Kills : 4 : Deaths : 7

Scor total: Kills :23 Deaths : 25

Alte precizari: -

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