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Green Street Bloods - Evidență waruri | Wars evidence

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In acest topic posteaza doar liderul/subliderul/membrul desemnat cu evidenta warurilor.

Daca nu sunteti prezent la niciun war din ziua respectiva veti primi Faction warn.

Pentru a nu fi sanctionati, trebuie sa fiti prezenti la waruile din ziua respectiva.

Pentru a fi trecuti prezenti la un war trebuie sa aveti minim 800 de secunde la warurile din Los Santos, iar in Las Venturas si San Fierro 600 de secunde.

Liderul/subliderul/membrul desemnat cu evidenta warurilor ce posteaza aici are obligatia sa treaca data pentru care evidenta a fost intocmita.


Absent la 1/4 - Amendă 15.000$.

Absent la 2/4 - Avertisment verbal.

Absent la 3/4 - Avertisment verbal + Amendă 50.000$.
Absent la 4/4 -
Faction warn.




Scor de -5 la war: $15.000. Neplata amenzii duce la sancționarea cu Faction Warn.
Scor de -10 la war: $20.000. Neplata amenzii duce la sancționarea cu
Faction Warn.
Scor mai mare de -15 la war: se va sancționa direct cu
Faction Warn.






In this topic only the leader/subleader can post/the member who make the evidence of wars.

If you do not come at least one war per day you will be punished with an Faction warn.

In order to not be punished you need to be present at all wars from that day.

To be present at a war you need to have at least 800 seconds in Los Santos wars and 600 seconds in Las Venturas and San Fierro wars.

The leader/subleader/the member who make the evidence of wars has the obligation to put the date of the respective evidence.


Absent 1/4 - Ticket 15.000$.

Absent 2/4 - Verbal warning

Absent 3/4 - Verbal warning + Ticket 50.000$.
Absent 4/4 - Faction warn.




Score of -5 at war: $15.000. Not paying the ticket will lead in receiving a Faction Warn.

Score of -10 at war: $20.000. Not paying the ticket will lead in receiving a Faction Warn.

Score worst than -15 at war: you will get punished directly with a Faction Warn.



Edited by oC Tuddor.VIDRUTA
Update sanctiuni, secunde
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Nick: SpeedY

Screen-Shoot cu scorul de la war: 3 waruri

Alte precizari: Imi cer scuze dar n-am putut ajunge decat la ultimele 3 waruri, am avut ceva probleme.

Ma revansez miercuri, voi fi prezent inca de la 18:00 ^_^ !

Edited by SpeedY17
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Nick: JJamaLL

Screen-Shoot cu scorul de la war: 11

Alte precizari: O seară bună.

Edited by J J a m a L L
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Nick : Cranky

Screen-Shoot cu scorul de la war : http://imgur.com/N0W...GRFdU&ITKlRZI#8 7 (doar 1 de aseara). SS de la war-ul meu de aseara a fost vital pentru a castiga war-ul :X !

Alte precizari : Am aflat tarziu, Miercuri o sa fac la fiecare sfarsit de war.

Edited by Cranky Powah
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Nick: Socker.

Screen-Shoot cu scorul de la war: http://i43.tinypic.com/5exwqp.png , http://i39.tinypic.com/6ia4ww.png , http://i44.tinypic.com/fnkoz.png , http://i41.tinypic.com/2zxtdt2.png , http://i41.tinypic.com/2j30dmq.png , http://i43.tinypic.com/1zn67wm.png , http://i42.tinypic.com/350wk9i.png

Alte precizari: 7-8 waruri, nu am mai stat de album.

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