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Sa-mi bag sutu'n sedinta, ceasul din camera mea arata ora 9:30 (19:30 Romania) si ma gandeam ca numai bine, imi fac si eu ce am de facut dimineata si prind sedinta. De fapt, era 8:40 (18:40 Romania). Ceas but.

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Sa-mi bag sutu'n sedinta, ceasul din camera mea arata ora 9:30 (19:30 Romania) si ma gandeam ca numai bine, imi fac si eu ce am de facut dimineata si prind sedinta. De fapt, era 8:40 (18:40 Romania). Ceas but.

Tu esti si mai but,sedinta e la 20:00 :))

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Buna dimineata Paterno ! (:|

Si ca sa incepem o noua dimineata frumoasa ascultati:




2.Jere mi se intampla des deastea,mai ales cand am huntley :))

4.Lipseste 3.


Chestia asta cu numerotatul imi aduce aminte de Anna si R.Rambo,cu versetele lor la discutii F.B.I.

Old times...emptY,mai ti minte ? =))

Edited by Ecs7azy
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Buna dimineata Paterno,m-am trezit si eu...


Arms,verificati topicul Arms dealers,regulament schimbat.O sa facem si o sedinta in viitorul apropiat pentru a alege si sublider si a vorbii despre noul regulament.

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Astazi,11.12.2012 se tine sedinta gruparii Arms,ora 20:00,loc: HQ Paterno.O sedinta importanta la care se alege subliderul(dupa trecerea lui Rizea la Asasini) si o sa discutam cateva chestiuni noi legate de regulament,cine lipseste fara invoire primeste avertisment!

Sper sa nu lipsiti fara invoire.Este o sedinta importanta si am pretentia sa fiti on.

Ies,ne revedem mai tarziu,bye.

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Buna dimineata Paterno ! (:|

Si ca sa incepem o noua dimineata frumoasa ascultati:




Chestia asta cu numerotatul imi aduce aminte de Anna si R.Rambo,cu versetele lor la discutii F.B.I.

Old times...emptY,mai ti minte ? =))

Ce panarama am facut cand s-a ajuns la 69 =)))))))

Mai stii, anNa era disperata cu 69. Avea un colaj doar cu 69 -=)))))))



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hello dudes n' don, i have a freeeeking busy week, cause this week i am having a test in school, so i'll pass to another level

of technology, if i failed )= my dream to be PC engineer will be gone, :\ so i'll go in server every 2 days and i do this for

paterno and for cookies :P

please wich me luck =D

Edited by NGU MaXmErCeR
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hello dudes n' don, i have a freeeeking busy week, cause this week i am having a test in school, so i'll pass to another level

of technology, if i failed )= my dream to be PC engineer will be gone, :\ so i'll go in server every 2 days and i do this for

paterno and for cookies :P

please wich me luck =D

Where are you from and what time is it there?

*Good luck.

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