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Hello guys. So here’s the mod I’ve been working on it. It’s quiet simple to use it. You can find a video in the spoiler bellow, where is the romanian description too. The main thing is that you will need cleo 4 for this. You download the file and put in you GTA SA game directory - cleo, then ingame write [/ih]. If you have any questions or if you find bugs or any mistakes in the mod, PM me.



Note: This mod is not made by me, it is made by Prince, I just edited it to fit the new rules.






Mod: SFSI Test helper
Descrierea modului: Aces mod este un helper pentru cei din factiunea SFSI. Modul consta in shortcuturi care preiau comenzile originale si le prescurteza in alte comenzi mai scurte.
Modul nu este facut de mine, doar editat dupa regulile noi al factunii SFSI. Fiecare test are comanda lui, ce puteti gasi pe [/ih].
Instrucțiuni de instalare: Este un fisier de cleo. Deci pui doar aici: GTA SA game directionary - cleo. [Trebuie sa aveti cleo 4 instalat]
Poze/video (obligatoriu):

+ poze: http://imgur.com/a/L18Qt
Download: http://www.fileshare.ro/en/e3172463719
Sursa: Prince’s mode
Alte precizări: Daca aveti orice intrebare, nu ezitati sa-mi puneti.


Edited by Csiicsa0324 GOLD
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Maybe you have other mods and it’s not working with them. For me it works well with other mods too. Check everything again and if the case can’t be solved I could check you pc with TeamV

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Hello guys. So here’s the mod I’ve been working on it. It’s quiet simple to use it. You can find a video in the spoiler bellow, where is the romanian description too. The main thing is that you will need cleo 4 for this and samp funcs (links in spoiler). You download the file and put in you GTA SA game directory - cleo, then ingame write [/ih]. If you have any questions or if you find bugs or any mistakes in the mod, PM me.



Note: This mod is not made by me, it is made by Prince, I just edited it to fit the new rules.






Mod: SFSI Test helper

Descrierea modului: Acest mod este un helper pentru cei din factiunea SFSI. Modul consta in shortcuturi care preiau comenzile originale si le prescurteza in alte comenzi mai scurte.

Modul nu este facut de mine, doar editat dupa regulile noi al factunii SFSI. Fiecare test are comanda lui, ce puteti gasi pe [/ih].

Instrucțiuni de instalare: Sunt fisiere de cleo. Deci pui cele doua fisiere doar aici: GTA SA game directionary - cleo. [Trebuie sa aveti cleo 4 instalat]. Iar mai o sa ai nevoie de samp funcs ce poti downloada de aici: http://www.girlshare.ro/3489445845.6

Poze/video (obligatoriu):

+ poze: http://imgur.com/a/L18Qt

Download: Updated link (click)

Sursa: Prince’s mode

Alte precizări: Daca aveti orice intrebare, nu ezitati sa-mi puneti.




Edited by Csiicsa0324 GOLD
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What a bug fix hahaha, it has a bigger bug now.

**​Nevermind, server is back lmao.


You can do everything without mods.

Just you need is fast fingers, That's it.

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You can do everything without mods.

Just you need is fast fingers, That's it.

Khalsa is right , your fingers is the best Mod. @Rau

Anyway PM me , I will try help you.

Edited by JoJo VODA
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Thanks a lot everyone, I do appreciate that.

and that last event #ProtectTheVIP was awesome.


First time ever, Someone escaped from DMers... Since I am doing event on the top of HQ.

Edited by Khalsa Ji
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Salutare tuturor. In primul rand, vreau sa imi cer scuze ca postez aici, dar vreau sa va informez cu un lucru. Cartea Recordurilor a fost refacuta de catre mine saptamana aceasa. Majoritatea recordurilor au fost resetate deoarece s-au schimbat multe. Asta inseamna o oportunitate pentru de a arata ca sunteti cei mai tari doborand un record. Va astept aici: https://forum.b-zone.ro/topic/369745-cartea-recordurilor-the-records-book/. Verificati ce recorduri pot fi batute si cititi regulamentul. Daca doriti sa imi dati un + pentru munca depusa as fi fericit. O zi buna tuturor!


Hello everyone. First of all, I want to apologize for posting here, but I just want to inform you a thing. The Records Book was rebuilt by me this week. Most of the records have been reseted because a lot of things change. This means an oportunity for all of you to show that you are the best by breaking a record. Check here: https://forum.b-zone.ro/topic/369745-cartea-recordurilor-the-records-book/. Check which records can be break and read the rules. If you want to give me a + for what I did to the topic I would be happy. Have a good day all of you!

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