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- Name: RightHand

- Rank: 3

- The date of the emission/competition: 4/9/2018

- The type of the emission/competition: "Basic Math" contest

- The names of the participants at emission/competition: iAlex274, D_O_G, Spectru. and Joshua_Samuel

- The proof (screenshot) for the type of the competition/emission: https://imgur.com/a/WNE5bSp

- Other specifications: -

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- Name: RightHand

- Rank: 3

- The date of the emission/competition: 6/9/2018

- The type of the emission/competition: "Basic Mathematics" contest

- The names of the participants at emission/competition: Reyzard., ByKode, Huncho. and Master.Claudiu08!

- The proof (screenshot) for the type of the competition/emission: https://imgur.com/a/K1fKVpu

- Other specifications: -

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- Name: Joshua_Samuel

- Rank: 3

- The date of the emission/competition: 06/09/2018

- The type of the emission/competition: Maths

- The names of the participants at emission/competition: Huncho. - Constantin[] - .DarKoNe. - Alezander. - Don.Bob.

- The proof (screenshot) for the type of the competition/emission: https://imgur.com/a/gGyw0nh

- Other specifications: -

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- Name: Joshua_Samuel

- Rank: 3

- The date of the emission/competition: 04/09/2018

- The type of the emission/competition: Capital

- The names of the participants at emission/competition: Entropy - Katy_Apostol - Spike3D - Oliver_Green - Edi.NuDauTeapa

- The proof (screenshot) for the type of the competition/emission: https://imgur.com/a/5iFkOJl

- Other specifications: As i was looking for how many contest i have done, i discover i didn't post this, sorry! 

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- Name: RightHand

- Rank: 3

- The date of the emission/competition: 9/9/2018

- The type of the emission/competition: "Basic Math" contest

- The names of the participants at emission/competition: Cr.AmBAKUlaVara, Spike3D, XxDiavolulXx and ghoSt.

- The proof (screenshot) for the type of the competition/emission: https://imgur.com/a/kUVoGeu

- Other specifications: -

Edited by RightHand
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- Nume: Donald

- Rank: 3

- Data săvârşirii emisiunii/concursului: 10/09/2018

- Tipul emisiunii/concursului: Matematica

- Numele celor care au participat la emisiune/concurs: ..iHarD..swaqMaximus.rtvRobinson.Pavilion..

- Dovada (screenshot) pentru tipul concursului: https://imgur.com/a/eGZYdVl

- Alte precizări: -

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- Nume: Calculator1

- Rang: 4

- Data săvârşirii emisiunii/concursului: 10.09.2018

- Tipul emisiunii/concursului: Matematica

- Numele celor care au participat la emisiune/concurs: Ensey, Chymical, zzBoGdaNx

- Dovada (screenshot) pentru tipul concursului/emisiunii:  https://imgur.com/a/OAnjx6b

- Alte precizări: Scotocell era al 5-lea participant, dar era pe (AFK&Sleep), deci am inceput fara el.

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 Name: Joshua_Samuel

- Rank: 3

- The date of the emission/competition: 10/09/2018

- The type of the emission/competition: Capital

- The names of the participants at emission/competition: Fetita_Criminala - Khaled - AFROJACK - Oliver_Green - Agendarius.

- The proof (screenshot) for the type of the competition/emission: https://imgur.com/a/OznV7rd

- Other specifications: - 

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 Name: Joshua_Samuel

- Rank: 3

- The date of the emission/competition: 11/09/2018

- The type of the emission/competition: Capital

- The names of the participants at emission/competition:  iAlex274 - Ensey - Chymical.

- The proof (screenshot) for the type of the competition/emission: https://imgur.com/a/FeunP9c

- Other specifications: - 

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Name: AlekMeister

- Rank: 4

- The date of the emission/competition: 11/09/2018

- The type of the emission/competition: Quick Maths

- The names of the participants at emission/competition: Madalin12, MariusNG, Dima_Florin

- The proof (screenshot) for the type of the competition/emission: https://imgur.com/a/UNY4ITW

- Other specifications: - 

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- Nume: Rinocerul

- Rang: 3

- Data săvârşirii emisiunii/concursului: 11.09.2018

- Tipul emisiunii/concursului: Matematica

- Numele celor care au participat la emisiune/concurs: ialex274. afrojack, lokran, dariusz., .darkone,

- Dovada (screenshot) pentru tipul concursului/emisiunii: https://imgur.com/KPLYbVm

- Alte precizări: -

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 Name: Joshua_Samuel

- Rank: 3

- The date of the emission/competition: 12/09/2018

- The type of the emission/competition: Maths

- The names of the participants at emission/competition: Mabi - alekmeister - kev.omangozaur[x] - MariusNg - TheLink.

- The proof (screenshot) for the type of the competition/emission: https://imgur.com/a/CjPNFM5

- Other specifications: - 

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- Name: cowS

- Rank: 5

- The date of the emission/competition: 13.09.18

- The type of the emission/competition: Capitals of Countries

- The names of the participants at emission/competition: Blackhawk, PACOSTE, FMSg, Oliver_Green 

- The proof (screenshot) for the type of the competition/emission: https://imgur.com/a/JT1jieq

- Other specifications: -

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- Nume: Alekmeister

- Rang: 4

- Data săvârşirii emisiunii/concursului: 14.09.2018

- Tipul emisiunii/concursului: capitale

- Numele celor care au participat la emisiune/concurs: mitici.frecmuieri, afrojack, Diana.Toreno

- Dovada (screenshot) pentru tipul concursului/emisiunii: revin cu edit - https://imgur.com/a/uDBbFTp

- Alte precizări: mitici a luat kick pentru /l aiurea. am continuat in 2.

Edited by AIM Kazuto
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@JoshuaNoob ai dat acelasi timp de concurs de 2 ori pe saptamana <<"Capital">>. Nu mai face greseala asta. Nu se da acelasi timp de concurs de 2 ori pe saptamana. Celalat concurs, "Maths", va fi adaugat la raportul de activitate.

@South Telefon concursul tau va fi adaugat la raportul de activitate!

@AIM Kazuto concursurile tale vor fi adaugate la raportul de activitate!

@Baoke concursul tau va fi adaugat la raportul de activitate!

@cowS concursul tau va di adaugat la raportul de activitate!


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 Nume: champioN

- Rank: 4

- Data săvârşirii emisiunii/concursului: 15/09/2018

- Tipul emisiunii/concursului: Live spontan - viata ca helper

- Numele celor care au participat la emisiune/concurs: Juvinho

- Dovada (screenshot) pentru tipul concursului: https://imgur.com/a/QJXqSd0 

- Alte precizări: -



 Nume: champioN

- Rank: 4

- Data săvârşirii emisiunii/concursului: 16/09/2018

- Tipul emisiunii/concursului: Live spontan - viata ca admin

- Numele celor care au participat la emisiune/concurs: PaggyOwn

- Dovada (screenshot) pentru tipul concursului: https://imgur.com/a/fdikoJA

- Alte precizări: -



 Nume: champioN

- Rank: 4

- Data săvârşirii emisiunii/concursului: 16/09/2018

- Tipul emisiunii/concursului: Live spontan - viata ca lider de mafie

- Numele celor care au participat la emisiune/concurs: Demon

- Dovada (screenshot) pentru tipul concursului: https://imgur.com/a/H28NwPQ

- Alte precizări: -

Edited by champioN ZEW
adaugare 2 interviuri ulterior
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- Nume:Cristeaa

- Rang:4

- Data săvârşirii emisiunii/concursului:16.09.2018

- Tipul emisiunii/concursului:viata de lider

- Numele celor care au participat la emisiune/concurs:Typhoon

- Dovada (screenshot) pentru tipul concursului/emisiunii: https://imgur.com/a/HsknCIW

- Alte precizări:Am fost nevoiti sa facem 2 sesiuni deoarece s-a dat restart la sV

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- Nume:Christian.S

- Rang:3

- Data săvârşirii emisiunii/concursului:16.09.2018

- Tipul emisiunii/concursului:capitale.

- Numele celor care au participat la emisiune/concurs:[TL]HolidayTM, Keks.  si QuilleS.

- Dovada (screenshot) pentru tipul concursului/emisiunii: https://imgur.com/a/PZ8570h

- Alte precizări:Sanatate.

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