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Mafia 2, lansare pe 27 august


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Mafia 2, jocul celor de la 2K Games, va fi lansat pe data de 27 august, in Europa, lansarea nord americana urmand sa aibe loc cu trei zile mai devreme, adica pe 24 august 2010. Mafia 2 va fi lansat concomitent pentru PC, Xbox 360 si PlayStation 3, pe coperta urmand sa apara Eddie, Vito, Joe si Henry, personajele cheie ale jocului.


Dezvoltatorii nu au dat informatii daca jocul va avea si un demo download public, dar speram sa va putem oferi aceasta informatie in cel mai scurt timp.


Mafia 2 este dezvoltat de 2K Czech, actiunea urmand sa aibe loc in anii 40-50, in lumea interlopa a orasului Empire Bay, metropola creata de dezvoltatori avand ca inspiratie orasele San Francisco si New York.

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Mafia II va veni intro Editie Speciala


Made Man Pack: Get a taste of being a Made Man in this new DLC pack. Feel the difference of a luxury automobile as you drive 2 cars featuring bold design and dynamic performance. Vito will look the part in 2 new suits including a red carpet worthy tux.

Greaser Pack: The Mafia II Greaser DLC pack is all about speed. These 2 new hot-rod speedsters will win you pink slips every time. Pair that with 2 new suits for Vito, one with leather jacket and heavy boots, the other a leather racing suit, and get ready to start your engines.

Printed Map: A guide to Empire Bay

Exclusive Packshot Artwork






Game - Special Edition

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The Godfather 2 = masinile se conduc oribil.

Mafia 2 = masinile se conduc oribil.


Pur si simplu ... te chinui cu ele ... GTA SERIES POWER ! Daca se pune gta sa faca un joc calumea cu mafiute,barcute, misiuni si altele ... rupe topurile.



Pana una alta ... Metro 2033.

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