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SF Police Department - 🚩 Misiunea săptămânii / Challenge of the week 🚩

South Alin

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Castigatorii misiunii saptamanii 06.06.2022 - 12.06.2022 sunt: 


Locul 1: async: $125000 + 1 raport optional 

Locul 2: ._Mickey_Mouse_.:  $75000 + 1 raport injumatatit

Locul 3: AZONIC.: $50000 + 1 raport injumatatit




Misiunea saptamanii 13.06.2022 - 19.06.2022:


Consta intr-un stunt, la care la final va trebui sa ajungeti in acest loc cu un motor: https://imgur.com/a/UPUFzYc

Va trebui sa postati INTREAGA FILMARE cum ajungeti in locul respectiv cu un motor




Premii (in functie de ordinea cronologica a indeplinirii misiunii):


Locul 1:  $125000 + 1 raport optional + permisiunea de a purta orice skin din cadrul factiunii timp de o saptamana

Locul 2:  $75000 + 1 raport injumatatit + permisiunea de a purta orice skin din cadrul factiunii timp de o saptamana

Locul 3:  $50000 + 1 raport injumatatit + permisiunea de a purta orice skin din cadrul factiunii timp de o saptamana


*Daca aveti propuneri si sugestii pentru misiunea saptamanala, le astept in sectiunea "Feedback" din template sau pe discord/in-game/la mugetsu/dabro

Discord SFPD: discord.gg/AUdvg2W4pd



-Folositi modelul de postare din acest topic;

-Videoclipul trebuie sa includa hud-ul obisnuit (numele vostru, numele serverului, data, ora);

-Nu incercati sa gasiti vreo alta modalitate "usoara" de a castiga, pentru ca veti fi descalificati.


For English click on the spoiler:


The winners of the mission of the week  06.06.2022 - 12.06.2022  are: 


1st place: async:  $ 125,000 +  1 optional report 

2nd place: .Mickey_Mouse_ .:  $ 75,000 + 1 half report  

3rd place: AZONIC: $ 50,000 + 1 half report  




Mission of the week  13.06.2022 - 19.06.2022:


It consists of a stunt, which in the end you will have to get to this place with a motorbike:  https://imgur.com/a/UPUFzYc

You will need to post the FULL RECORDING as you get to that place with a motorbike




Awards (depending on the chronological order of the mission):


1st place: $ 125,000 + 1 optional report + permission to wear any faction skin for a week   

2nd place :   $ 75,000 +  1 half report + permission to wear any faction skin for a week

3rd place:   $ 50,000 +  1 half report + permission to wear any faction skin for a week


* If you have ideas and suggestions for the weekly mission, I look forward to them in the "Feedback" section of the template or on discord / in-game / at mugetsu / dabro

Discord SFPD: discord.gg/AUdvg2W4pd



-Use the post template from  this topic;

-The video must include the usual hud (your name, server name, date, time);

-Don't try to find any other "easy" way to win, because you will be disqualified.



Edited by South MrJelly
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Castigatorii misiunii saptamanii 13.06.2022 - 19.06.2022 sunt: 


Locul 1: Azonic. : $125000 + 1 raport optional + permisiunea de a purta orice skin din cadrul factiunii timp de o saptamana

Locul 2: Pointless:  $75000 + 1 raport injumatatit + permisiunea de a purta orice skin din cadrul factiunii timp de o saptamana

Locul 3: Dr[a]gos.: $50000 + 1 raport injumatatit + permisiunea de a purta orice skin din cadrul factiunii timp de o saptamana




Misiunea saptamanii 20.06.2022 - 26.06.2022:


Misiunea de saptamana aceasta va fi din nou una usoara: va trebui sa faceti o poza din acest loc: https://imgur.com/a/Za3pDh3


Premii (in functie de ordinea cronologica a indeplinirii misiunii):


Locul 1:  $125000 + 1 raport optional + permisiunea de a purta orice skin din cadrul factiunii timp de o saptamana

Locul 2:  $75000 + 1 raport injumatatit + permisiunea de a purta orice skin din cadrul factiunii timp de o saptamana

Locul 3:  $50000 + 1 raport injumatatit + permisiunea de a purta orice skin din cadrul factiunii timp de o saptamana


*Daca aveti propuneri si sugestii pentru misiunea saptamanala, le astept in sectiunea "Feedback" din template sau pe discord/in-game/la mugetsu/dabro

Discord SFPD: discord.gg/AUdvg2W4pd



-Folositi modelul de postare din acest topic;

-Poza trebuie sa includa hud-ul obisnuit (numele vostru, numele serverului, data, ora);

-Nu incercati sa gasiti vreo alta modalitate "usoara" de a castiga, pentru ca veti fi descalificati.


For English click on the spoiler:


The winners of the mission of the week  13.06.2022 - 19.06.2022  are: 


1st place: Azonic. :  $ 125,000 +  1 optional report + permission to wear any faction skin for a week

2nd place: Pointless:  $ 75,000 + 1 half report + permission to wear any faction skin for a week  

3rd place: Dr [a] gos .: $ 50,000 + 1 half report + permission to wear any faction skin for a week  




Mission of the week  20.06.2022 - 26.06.2022:


This week's mission will be an easy one again: you will have to take a picture from this place:  https://imgur.com/a/Za3pDh3


Awards (depending on the chronological order of the mission):


1st place: $ 125,000 + 1 optional report + permission to wear any faction skin for a week   

2nd place :   $ 75,000 +  1 half report + permission to wear any faction skin for a week

3rd place:   $ 50,000 +  1 half report + permission to wear any faction skin for a week


* If you have ideas and suggestions for the weekly mission, I look forward to them in the "Feedback" section of the template or on discord / in-game / at mugetsu / dabro

Discord SFPD: discord.gg/AUdvg2W4pd



-Use the post template from  this topic;

-The picture must include the usual hud (your name, server name, date, time);

-Don't try to find any other "easy" way to win, because you will be disqualified.


Edited by South MrJelly
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Castigatorii misiunii saptamanii 20.06.2022 - 26.06.2022 sunt: 


Locul 1: AloneKiNG: $125000 + 1 raport optional + permisiunea de a purta orice skin din cadrul factiunii timp de o saptamana

Locul 2: Pointless:  $75000 + 1 raport injumatatit + permisiunea de a purta orice skin din cadrul factiunii timp de o saptamana

Locul 3: AZONIC.: $50000 + 1 raport injumatatit + permisiunea de a purta orice skin din cadrul factiunii timp de o saptamana




Misiunea saptamanii 27.06.2022 - 03.07.2022:


Cel mai mare K/D ratio (raport ucideri/decese) la Paintball.

Premiile se vor acorda in functie de cel mai mare K/D ratio. Adica numarul de ucideri impartit la numarul de decese dintr-un meci de Paintball.

Exemplu: Am avut 16 ucideri si 10 decese, K/D meu va fi 1,6

Se va lua in considerare K/D dintr-un singur meci, nu adunate mai multe, insa puteti edita postarea sau posta din nou daca obtineti un scor mai mare.

Va trebui sa postati intreg video-ul de la respectiva runda.


Daca D=0, unde D=nr decese, atunci K/D = K



NU trisati, nu va chemati prietenii sau alte modalitati de a trisa, ci jucati normal rundele de paintball. Voi fi atent la filmari.


Premii (in functie de cel mai mare K/D, iar in caz de egalitate in ordinea cronologica a videoclipurilor):

Locul 1:  $125000 + 1 raport optional + permisiunea de a purta orice skin din cadrul factiunii timp de o saptamana

Locul 2:  $75000 + 1 raport injumatatit + permisiunea de a purta orice skin din cadrul factiunii timp de o saptamana

Locul 3:  $50000 + 1 raport injumatatit + permisiunea de a purta orice skin din cadrul factiunii timp de o saptamana


*Daca aveti propuneri si sugestii pentru misiunea saptamanala, le astept in sectiunea "Feedback" din template sau pe discord/in-game/la mugetsu/dabro

Discord SFPD: discord.gg/AUdvg2W4pd



-Folositi modelul de postare din acest topic;

-Videoclipul trebuie sa includa hud-ul obisnuit (numele vostru, numele serverului, data, ora);

-Nu incercati sa gasiti vreo alta modalitate "usoara" de a castiga, pentru ca veti fi descalificati.


For English click on the spoiler:


The winners of the mission of the week  20.06.2022 - 26.06.2022  are: 


1st place: AloneKiNG:  $ 125,000 +  1 optional report + permission to wear any skin within the faction for a week

2nd place: Pointless:  $ 75,000 + 1 half report + permission to wear any skin within the faction for a week  

3rd place: AZONIC .: $ 50,000 + 1 half report + permission to wear any skin within the faction for a week  




Mission of the week  27.06.2022 - 03.07.2022:


The highest K / D ratio (kill / death ratio) in Paintball.

Prizes will be awarded based on the highest K / D ratio. That is, the number of kills divided by the number of deaths in a Paintball match.

Example: I had 16 kills and 10 deaths, my K / D will be 1.6

K / D will be considered in a single match, not more added up, but you can edit the post or post again if you get a higher score.

You will need to post the entire video from that round.


If D = 0, where D = number of deaths, then K / D = K


DO NOT cheat, do not call your friends or other ways to cheat, play the rounds of paintball normally. I'll be watching the footage.


Awards (depending on the highest K / D, and in case of a tie in the chronological order of the videos):

1st place: $ 125,000 + 1 optional report + permission to wear any faction skin for a week   

2nd place :   $ 75,000 +  1 halved ratio + permission to wear any skin within the faction for a week

3rd place:   $ 50,000 +  1 halved ratio + permission to wear any skin within the faction for a week


* If you have ideas and suggestions for the weekly mission, I am waiting for them in the "Feedback" section of the template or on discord / in-game / at mugetsu / dabro

Discord SFPD: discord.gg/AUdvg2W4pd



-Use the post template from  this topic;

-The video must include the usual hud (your name, server name, date, time);

-Don't try to find any other "easy" way to win, because you will be disqualified.


Edited by South MrJelly
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Castigatorii misiunii saptamanii 27.06.2022 - 03.07.2022 sunt: 


Locul 1: FROG : $125000 + 1 raport optional + permisiunea de a purta orice skin din cadrul factiunii timp de o saptamana




Misiunea saptamanii 04.07.2022 - 10.07.2022:




Va trebui sa aterizati de urgenta cu un avion AT-400 pe varful muntelui Chilliad.

Va trebui sa filmati intregul zbor: de la decolare pana la aterizare, unde va dati jos.



Premii ( in ordinea cronologica a completarii misiunii):

Locul 1:  $125000 + 1 raport optional + permisiunea de a purta orice skin din cadrul factiunii timp de o saptamana

Locul 2:  $75000 + 1 raport injumatatit + permisiunea de a purta orice skin din cadrul factiunii timp de o saptamana

Locul 3:  $50000 + 1 raport injumatatit + permisiunea de a purta orice skin din cadrul factiunii timp de o saptamana


*Daca aveti propuneri si sugestii pentru misiunea saptamanala, le astept in sectiunea "Feedback" din template sau pe discord/in-game/ catre Dabro

Discord SFPD: discord.gg/AUdvg2W4pd



-Folositi modelul de postare din acest topic;

-Videoclipul trebuie sa includa hud-ul obisnuit (numele vostru, numele serverului, data, ora);

-Nu incercati sa gasiti vreo alta modalitate "usoara" de a castiga, pentru ca veti fi descalificati.


For English click on the spoiler:


The winners of the mission of the week  27.06.2022 - 03.07.2022  are: 


1st place: FROG:  $ 125,000 +  1 optional report + permission to wear any skin within the faction for a week




Mission of the week  04.07.2022 - 10.07.2022:




You will have to emergency land with an AT-400 plane on top of Mount Chilliad.

You will have to recordthe entire flight: from takeoff to landing, where you will get down.



Awards (in chronological order of completing the mission):

1st place: $ 125,000 + 1 optional report + permission to wear any skin within the faction for a week   

2nd place :   $ 75,000 +  1 halved report + permission to wear any faction skin for a week

3rd place:   $ 50,000 +  1 halved report+ permission to wear any skin within the faction for a week


* If you have ideas and suggestions for the weekly mission, I am waiting for them in the "Feedback" section of the template or on discord / in-game / to Dabro

Discord SFPD: discord.gg/AUdvg2W4pd



-Use the post template from  this topic;

-The video must include the usual hud (your name, server name, date, time);

-Don't try to find any other "easy" way to win, because you will be disqualified.


Edited by dabro.pdf
șters condiția HP-ului aeronavei // removed the airplane's HP condition
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Nume: PhineanS

Alte informatii: cred ca inca se incarca video ca fraps si ca 15gb pt 5 min
Feedback: imposibil da eu zic ca i de locu 1, 872hp la avion

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Castigatorii misiunii saptamanii 04.07.2022 - 10.07.2022 sunt: 


Pentru ca am modificat o conditie (cea cu 1000HP) in timpul misiunii, pentru corectitudine si pentru a nu a avea discutii cine a aterizat mai frumos, se va acorda locul 1 tuturor membrilor care au dus la bun sfarsit misiunea (doar pentru misiunea de saptamana aceasta). Asadar:


=Locul 1: FROG : $125000 + 1 raport optional + permisiunea de a purta orice skin din cadrul factiunii timp de o saptamana

=Locul 1: SezeR0SKy.[7.83]: $125000 + 1 raport optional + permisiunea de a purta orice skin din cadrul factiunii timp de o saptamana

=Locul 1: PhineanS: $125000 + 1 raport optional + permisiunea de a purta orice skin din cadrul factiunii timp de o saptamana




Misiunea saptamanii 11.07.2022 - 17.07.2022:





Va trebui sa parcurgeti o cursa pe traseul urmator:  https://imgur.com/a/LuQ4dMY in 2 ture (adica parcurgeti de 2 ori consecutiv). 


Reguli specifice: 

-Puteti folosi orice masina (dar nu motor)

-Puteti folosi nitro oricand, puteti incalca orice regula de circulatie (contrasens sau altele, atat timp cat face parte din linia rosie de pe harta - adica un drum cu 2 sensuri de circulatie)

-Se va porni exact ca in poza aceasta: https://imgur.com/WClWphQ (cu rotile pe linia aceea)

-Va trebui sa filmati intreaga cursa, care sa includa cele 2 ture (videoclipul trebuie sa includa hud-ul obisnuit tot timpul)

-NU va abateti de la linia rosie desenata pe harta. Puteti taia linia usor ca in acest exemplu: https://imgur.com/FobbnWy, DAR NU ASA: https://imgur.com/O0T7gdL

-Puteti edita in limita impusa de forum postarea sau reposta

daca obtineti un timp mai bun


Premii (in ordinea crescatoare a timpului completarii cursei intregi)

Locul 1:  $125000 + 1 raport optional + permisiunea de a purta orice skin din cadrul factiunii timp de o saptamana

Locul 2:  $75000 + 1 raport injumatatit + permisiunea de a purta orice skin din cadrul factiunii timp de o saptamana

Locul 3:  $50000 + 1 raport injumatatit + permisiunea de a purta orice skin din cadrul factiunii timp de o saptamana


*Daca aveti propuneri si sugestii pentru misiunea saptamanala, le astept in sectiunea "Feedback" din template sau pe discord/in-game/ catre Dabro

Discord SFPD: discord.gg/AUdvg2W4pd



For English click on the spoiler:


The winners of the mission of the week  27.06.2022 - 03.07.2022  are: 


Because I changed a condition (the one with 1000HP) during the mission, for fairness, the 1st place will be given to all the members who completed the mission (only for this week's mission). Therefore:


= 1st place: FROG:  $ 125,000 +  1 optional report + permission to wear any skin within the faction for a week

= 1st place: SezeR0SKy. [7.83]:  $ 125000 +  1 optional report + permission to wear any skin within the faction for a week

= 1st place: PhineanS:  $ 125,000 +  1 optional report + permission to wear any skin within the faction for a week




Mission of the week  11.07.2022 - 17.07.2022:





You will have to complete a race on the following route:  https://imgur.com/a/LuQ4dMY  in 2 laps (i.e. run 2 times in a row). 


Specific rules: 

-You can use any car (but not motorbike)

-You can use nitro at any time, you can violate any traffic rule (wrong way or other, as long as it is part of the red line on the map - that is a road with 2 different directions of traffic )

-You will start exactly as in this picture:  https://imgur.com/WClWphQ  (with wheels on that line)

-You will have to record the whole race, which will include the 2 laps (the video must include the usual hud all the time)

-DON'T deviate from the red line drawn on the map. You can easily cut the line as in this example:  https://imgur.com/FobbnWy , BUT NOT LIKE THIS:  https://imgur.com/O0T7gdL

-You can edit the post within the timeframe imposed by the forum or repost if you get a better timing on the race


Prizes (in ascending order of time to complete the entire race)

1st place: $ 125,000 + 1 optional report + permission to wear any faction skin for a week   

2nd place :   $ 75,000 +  1 halved ratio + permission to wear any skin within the faction for a week

3rd place:   $ 50,000 +  1 halved ratio + permission to wear any skin within the faction for a week


* If you have ideas and suggestions for the weekly mission, I am waiting for them in the "Feedback" section of the template or on discord / in-game / to Dabro

Discord SFPD: discord.gg/AUdvg2W4pd


Edited by dabro.pdf
corectat o dată
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Nume: PhineanS

Alte informatii: va pupa pinata
Feedback: -

Edited by PhineanS
am uitat sa mi pun numele
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Castigatorii misiunii saptamanii 11.07.2022 - 17.07.2022 sunt: 


Locul 1: ._Mickey_Mouse_. (cu un timp de 16 min si 56s): $125000 + 1 raport optional + permisiunea de a purta orice skin din cadrul factiunii timp de o saptamana


Locul 2: PhineanS (cu un timp de 17 min si 25s):  $75000 + 1 raport injumatatit + permisiunea de a purta orice skin din cadrul factiunii timp de o saptamana

Locul 3: Koppen_RPV (cu un timp de 17 min si 42s): $50000 + 1 raport injumatatit + permisiunea de a purta orice skin din cadrul factiunii timp de o saptamana




Misiunea saptamanii 18.07.2022 - 24.07.2022:


Cele mai multe anunturi (ad-uri la CNN) prin care promovati aplicarea in SFPD (aplicatii deschise).

Faceti un screenshot de fiecare data cand apare PUBLIC (catre toti jucatorii) anuntul.

Minimul pentru a putea castiga este de 10 anunturi postate.

Castigatorii vor fi alesi in functie de numarul de anunturi postate


Premii (in ordinea numarului cel mai mare de anunturi postate):

Locul 1:  $125000 + 1 raport optional + permisiunea de a purta orice skin din cadrul factiunii timp de o saptamana

Locul 2:  $75000 + 1 raport injumatatit + permisiunea de a purta orice skin din cadrul factiunii timp de o saptamana

Locul 3:  $50000 + 1 raport injumatatit + permisiunea de a purta orice skin din cadrul factiunii timp de o saptamana


*Daca aveti propuneri si sugestii pentru misiunea saptamanala, le astept in sectiunea "Feedback" din template sau pe discord/in-game/ catre Dabro

Discord SFPD: discord.gg/AUdvg2W4pd



-Folositi modelul de postare din acest topic;

-Pozele trebuie sa includa hud-ul obisnuit (numele vostru, numele serverului, data, ora);

-Nu incercati sa gasiti vreo alta modalitate "usoara" de a castiga, pentru ca veti fi descalificati.


For English click on the spoiler:


The winners of the mission of the week  11.07.2022 - 17.07.2022  are: 


1st place: ._Mickey_Mouse_. (with a time of 16 min and 56s):  $ 125000 +  1 optional report + permission to wear any skin within the faction for a week

2nd place: PhineanS (with a time of 17 min and 25s):  $ 75,000 + 1 halved report + permission to wear any skin within the faction for a week  

3rd place: Koppen_RPV (with a time of 17 min and 42s): $ 50,000 + 1 halved report + permission to wear any skin within the faction for a week  




Mission of the week  04.07.2022 - 10.07.2022:


Most ads (CNN ads) that promote the application in SFPD (applications are open).

Take a screenshot every time the announcement appears PUBLIC (to all players). 

The minimum to be able to win is 10 ads posted. 

The winners will be chosen according to the number of ads posted.


Prizes (in the order of the largest number of ads posted):

1st place: $ 125,000 + 1 optional report + permission to wear any faction skin for a week   

2nd place :   $ 75,000 +  1 halved report + permission to wear any skin within the faction for a week

3rd place:   $ 50,000 +  1 halved report + permission to wear any skin within the faction for a week


* If you have ideas and suggestions for the weekly mission, I am waiting for them in the "Feedback" section of the template or on discord / in-game / to Dabro

Discord SFPD: discord.gg/AUdvg2W4pd



-Use the post template from  this topic;

-Photos must include the usual hud (your name, server name, date, time);

-Don't try to find any other "easy" way to win, because you will be disqualified.



Edited by South MrJelly
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Misiunea saptamanii 25.07.2022 - 31.07.2022:


Consta in aterizarea pe bila de demolare a macaralei din San Fierro

Locatia mai exact (vis-a-vis de Car Rent SF): https://imgur.com/Ri6nKpU


Premii (in ordinea cronologica a completarii misiunii):

Locul 1:  $125000 + 1 raport optional + permisiunea de a purta orice skin din cadrul factiunii timp de o saptamana

Locul 2:  $75000 + 1 raport injumatatit + permisiunea de a purta orice skin din cadrul factiunii timp de o saptamana

Locul 3:  $50000 + 1 raport injumatatit + permisiunea de a purta orice skin din cadrul factiunii timp de o saptamana


*Daca aveti propuneri si sugestii pentru misiunea saptamanala, le astept in sectiunea "Feedback" din template sau pe discord/in-game/ catre Dabro

Discord SFPD: discord.gg/AUdvg2W4pd



-Folositi modelul de postare din acest topic;

-Poza trebuie sa includa hud-ul obisnuit (numele vostru, numele serverului, data, ora);

-Nu incercati sa gasiti vreo alta modalitate "usoara" de a castiga, pentru ca veti fi descalificati.


For English click on the spoiler:


Mission of the week  25.07.2022 - 31.07.2022:


It consists of landing on the wrecking ball of the San Fierro crane

The exact location (opposite of Car Rent SF):  https://imgur.com/Ri6nKpU


Prizes (in chronological order of mission completion):

1st place: $ 125000 + 1 optional report + permission to wear any faction skin for a week   

2nd place :   $75,000 +  1 halved report + permission to wear any faction skin for a week

3rd place:   $50000 +  1 halved report + permission to wear any faction skin for a week


*If you have ideas and suggestions for the weekly mission, I am waiting for them in the "Feedback" section of the template or on discord/in-game/ to Dabro

Discord SFPD: discord.gg/AUdvg2W4pd



-Use the post model from  this topic;

-The picture must include the usual hud (your name, server name, date, time);

- Do not try to find any other "easy" way to win, because you will be disqualified.



Edited by South MrJelly
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  • dabro.pdf changed the title to SF Police Department - 🚩 Misiunea săptămânii / Challenge of the week 🚩
  • dabro.pdf unpinned this topic

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