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[SOLVED] People Disrespecting Countries ( In-Game )


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36 minutes ago, Covrigel said:

Nu ai inteles, nu-ti faci singur justitie aruncand cu cuvinte in cazul unui subiect asa sensibil.


38 minutes ago, Juve said:

Sunt unele subiecte sensibile precum rasismul peste care nu poti trece cu vederea.

Can you guys speak English so we can understand what you guys are saying.?

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22 minutes ago, Mushroom said:


Can you guys speak English so we can understand what you guys are saying.?

Dude, No one cares here.

You are not gonna get justice.


Like I have already said, Most of the people of RO are racist.


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2 minutes ago, Khalsa Ji said:

Dude, No one cares here.

You are not gonna get justice.


Like I have already said, Most of the people of RO are racist.


Read what i've said above i m trying to learn ro :)

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Just now, S E T H said:

Yes You are right we never gonna get Justice because its romanian server.

We all do play on different servers, Or Else, I may create a powerful strike in game at LV-LS Intersection =))

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Isn't the end of the world. Just ignore them and move on. The more attention you give to them the more they'll do it.


What's actually the worst they will do? Hurt your feelings for a bit? I'm sure you have bigger worries in your life than these mate.


Problem solved.

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1 hour ago, Khalsa Ji said:

Helloooooo Bzone.

What's up.


My EN friends, be calm guys. 

Isn't the matter of saying "Terriost" to Indians or Pakistanis.


Actaully, Most of the RO people don't like English language, English people. As so as in game, That people don't like the one who speaks in English (English players.)

and Also, Most of the them are racist. Sooo, Let them bark, Live your life, Enjoy the game.


Recent ex: A player called me asked "I want to join your faction" (IN RO), I simply asked him "Do you can speak in English".. 

His reply was soo awesome "FUCK.OFF YOU FKING ENGLISH PLAYERS" =))


Sooo, I report him ? Nah, I am not gonna waste my time for that. (Because, You are not gonna get Justice)


I do appreciate the people who respect me, I do respect them tooo.


But, I don't give a Fk to haters. Haters gonna hate.


A SUGGESTION: if they tease you (Vulgar or anything.) in their language, Use your language to tease them. (Our language have power too!!)


Take care, Stay safe.

+1 Bro I agree with you 

But all of us have to remember that we are here to have fun  not to fights 

And yes let them do what they want  , planet won't stop rolling  just live your life and have a great time with your friends 

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4 hours ago, Mushroom said:

And then what ? 

Nothing will change in the end . 

New players will start playing and will keep doing the same thing over and over again .

U're Muslim right ? If you're then you know that you need to forget and to forgive people arround you . Whatever they said and whatever they did. 

Just try to live with it . Show them respect and trust  me they will be obliged to respect you back no matter their age or their religion .

Take graywolf for example ' , i asked him Politely to do not talk with me again and he didn't because he respected my opinion .

Thanks graywolf . :)

No problem Mushroom :)

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3 hours ago, Khalsa Ji said:

Helloooooo Bzone.

What's up.


My EN friends, be calm guys. 

Isn't the matter of saying "Terriost" to Indians or Pakistanis.


Actaully, Most of the RO people don't like English language, English people. As so as in game, That people don't like the one who speaks in English (English players.)

and Also, Most of the them are racist. Sooo, Let them bark, Live your life, Enjoy the game.


Recent ex: A player called me asked "I want to join your faction" (IN RO), I simply asked him "Do you can speak in English".. 

His reply was soo awesome "FUCK.OFF YOU FKING ENGLISH PLAYERS" =))


Sooo, I report him ? Nah, I am not gonna waste my time for that. (Because, You are not gonna get Justice)


I do appreciate the people who respect me, I do respect them tooo.


But, I don't give a Fk to haters. Haters gonna hate.


A SUGGESTION: if they tease you (Vulgar or anything.) in their language, Use your language to tease them. (Our language have power too!!)


Take care, Stay safe.

#respect Khalsa Ji :)

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I am not an outsider(sry if that's racist or just simply offense you), but i know how you feel, you just can't control this kids that are just ...., even if you aren't an outsider, they will still offense, verbally abuse or hurt you in anyway they can, because that's their mentality, untill they grow up and be mature they will still do this type of things and if the punishment for racism is bigger i think they would just rage at the community if they get banned.


I am sry for any racism, miss spelling or mistakes that have been made through out my opinion, have a good day

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rules state that offensive language is to be punished but racism is solved by looking the other way?

quite sure that's how racism gets powerful.

also, that's exactly how you make sure young people grow up to be A holes.

I am with Kelton when he says that the behaviour of some of the players does not in fact represent the general feeling of the community but racism should not be tolerated nor unanswered.

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Hi bro, It's good to see when you shared you're feeling.We can't blame other but The players from Romania are not bad that much.Among my friends and the people I know are actually good and well.But I seen that foreigneer player are hating//making conflict with foreigneer because they going ahead than them(teasers).Some player who are from a country who are foreigneer are teasing me by telling bad to my Nationality but not me.I really dont care them because they are kids and not more Mature :P  !! So, bro @DraGonSoul Rpg2 , it will be said by those nonsense kids and just ignore them and let them in their chidish behaviour. :) 

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I like and respect the foreigners that play on B-Zone because they manage to stay and play here when almost everyone is Romanian, the Romanian players that say that the other foreigners are "terrorists" are just stupid to the bone, you can't just judge someone by their nation/language, most of them are children with the age between 10-12 years that are not mature enough to think before they talk. Just ignore them, they are jealous because you, foreigners, are capable to play on foreign servers, not like these children.

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                                   Hi DragonSoul! You're right, and this is the mistake that many people are doing. You can't fix them, but the only solution is that Kelton said, ''don't get offended by anything others say about you''.

                  So, enjoy your game; we are all different, and the ''terrorists'', aren't very different in comparation with us. The religion, culture, these make the differents. Don't give up! 

My english is gone, i'll hope u understand :) So, let's play togheter.

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Helloooo Nabs again =))


21 hours ago, umairarshad said:

@Khalsa Ji. punjabi power

Aha =))


21 hours ago, Victory oRoxii said:

Just remember this: When one guy is bullying you, one hundred people are jumping to aid and sustain you.


Oooo :P


20 hours ago, Azain said:

#respect Khalsa Ji :)

#REPECT Azain! :D


9 hours ago, Kelton said:

The only solution is to grow up and don't get offended by anything others say about you.

Ooooo, Kelton in Action. :D



Btw, You know guys.. This world is full of garbage.

Everyone want to throw his/her garbage on you (in the way of bullying or scaming), Just beware of them. Give them smile instead of giving intention to them.


Don't give a fk to haters, Just care about those who resepct you, or who is caring you..


Its normal for me, I do had lot of friends and now they are one of my haters (Just bcz I am not leaving the Leadership) and they think, I do care about them... NO, I don't give a fk to them.


So, Just grow up and Enjoy the game. At the end, Either it's just a game, Every may die (Leave the game) someday and no one gonna remember him/her.


Salpa :X


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43 minutes ago, Khalsa Ji said:

Don't give a fk to haters, Just care about those who resepct you, or who is caring you..


Khalsa's Power

Khalsa is in action =)) 

and Very Well Said :) 

44 minutes ago, Khalsa Ji said:

NO, I don't give a fk to them.

This Line =))

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