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Un helper ca oricare altul...


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@GF CracKen

@TLG DubStep @TLG Dan eXe @TLG Nick @S P I K E @Lewoo @Atlantic 5stackz @TLG AdyWTF @TLG MarioGabriel@TLG Ionut @TLG Dan @Nemu

Edited by TLG AlexDN
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6 hours ago, AnxietyTBH said:

Ai helper 2?

Da, am helper 2.


5 hours ago, TLG Ionut said:

Trist, dar adevarat :))


5 hours ago, TLG Dan eXe said:

@TLG AlexDN adevărată postarea asta :))))))))))))))))))


5 hours ago, VaNNila said:

Ba..e putin tristă poza dar e adevarat :))
Felicitari pentru munca depusă , Good Job! =D>

Mda, e inspirată din fapte reale. :)) 

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Hahaha, mor +1




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Edited by VODA Shaggy
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