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[PASCAL] Conditional Branching


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Conditional Branching


One of the most important features of intelligent devices (like computers, programmable devices) is that they can take actions in different conditions.

This can be done by using conditional branching. For example, some cars lock the door when the speed reaches or exceeds 40 K/h. The condition in this case will be:


If speed is >= 40 and doors are unlocked, then lock door.


The If condition


The If condition statement in the Pascal language is very easy and clear. In the example below,

we want to decide whether to turn on the air-conditioner or turn it off, according to the entered room temperature: 


Air-Conditioner program:

 Temp: Single;
 Write('Please enter Temperature of this room :');
 if Temp > 22 then
 Writeln('Please turn on air-condition')
 Writeln('Please turn off air-condition');

 Write('Press enter key to close');


We have introduced the if then else statement, and in this example: if the temperature is greater than 22, then display the first sentence::

Please turn on air-conditioner

else, if the condition is not met (less than or equal to 22) , then display this line:

Please turn off air-conditioner


We can write multiple conditions like:


 Temp: Single;
 Write('Please enter Temperature of this room :');
 if Temp > 22 then
 Writeln('Please turn on air-conditioner')
 if Temp < 18 then
 Writeln('Please turn off air-conditioner')
 Writeln('Do nothing');


You can test the above example with different temperature values to see the results.






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