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[PASCAL] Sub types


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Sub types


There are many sub types for variables, for example, Integer number subtypes differ in the range and the number of required bytes to store values in memory. The table below contains integer types, value ranges, and required bytes in memory:





We can get the minimum and maximum values and bytes sizes for each type by using the Low, High, and SizeOf functions respectively, as in the example below:


program SubTypes;
uses wincrt;

 Writeln('Byte: Size = ', SizeOf(Byte), ', Minimum value = ', Low(Byte), ', Maximum value = ', High(Byte));
 Writeln('Integer: Size = ', SizeOf(Integer), ', Minimum value = ', Low(Integer), ', Maximum value = ', High(Integer));
 Readln; // avoid closing the program, you can also use readkey



Edited by CouldnoT
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