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problema - samp blocat la 60 fps-uri


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SA:MP-ul îmi este blocat la 60 FPS-uri, indiferent de ce-aș face. Am fps unlocker în SAMP, și cu alte modpack-uri e la fel (de data asta am încercat cu SA:MP stock, 
A, da, era să uit, când aveam monitorul conectat la placa de bază nu făcea așa, iar după ce l-am conectat la placa video, a început problema. N-am încercat pe alte jocuri să văd cum e. 



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If you can understand English, I had this problem 2 years ago. If you use an Nvidia card, then this might help you, I found this helpful from a post at Nvidia's forum.

1. Check if you game is running with the Nvidia GPU, go to Nvidia Control Panel - 3D settings - General settings, below that it says ''Prefer graphics processor: Powerful Nvidia-processor '' then go to program-settings and locate your game, and let it run with the Nvidia processor. If this still doesn't solve your problem, than u should contact your manufacturer for further instructions.


2. If the problem still exist, turn off anti-aliasing in Nvidia Control Panel. If these options are disabled, then open your Intel HD Graphics Control Panel. Once this is open, go to 3D Settings and disable ''multi-sampling anti aliasing'' also disable '' conservative morphological anti-aliasing'', ''optimized application mode'' If u disabled all of these, your fps should be higher than 60.


I had to do both of these steps, and it worked for me, I hope it will for you.

Good luck!

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