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Cerere - i.M.a - Cover Profil

RW i.M.a

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Display Name: RW i.M.a
I want (Avatar/Avatar Discord/Signature/Userbar/Logo/Cover Profile):Cover Profile
Picture (requested in case of signatures):
Theme (Nature, girls, landscapes, sunset, sunrise, cars, vintage, b&w, abstract, textures, animals, etc.): la alegerea voastra
Text (optional): i.M.a
Sizes (optional): 2048 x 1152
Other details (optional):Coverul sa fie in genul asta: succes

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Este interzisă alegerea unei teme de tip "random''. Exemple de teme: Alb & Negru, Flori, Păduri, Galaxie, Natură, Animale, Planete, Portrete, Zăpadă, Stele, Răsărit, Apus, Gaming, Celebrități, Modă, Muzică, Mâncare, Anime, Actori, Tehnologie, Călătorii etc..



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