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La 19:00 vreau sa veniti in Armoury pentru a ne pregati de olimpiada. Am nevoie de:


- un alergator bun

- un pilot bun

- un sofer bun

- 5 membrii priceputi la arme


Detalii despre proba: http://forum.b-zone.ro/topic/231736-b-departments-olympics/




At 19:00 I want you to come in Armoury so we can prepare for olympics. I need:


- one good runner

- one good pilot

- one good driver

- 5 members that know how to use weapons


Details about this round: http://forum.b-zone.ro/topic/231736-b-departments-olympics/

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@, Goldie brody :X


Dai ma in ceva de ratati, am jucat ieri barbut pe contu mic am pierdut 10k ca nu dadeau aia banii :)) JUCATI BARBUT DOAR CU LEVEL 25+ sau cu cei intregi la cap.

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Noapte buna LSPD


Ne auzim #maine I-)


EDIT:LOL, cum se face ca eu am intotdeauna la discutii prima pagina? =))

Edited by Brody
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