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LS Police Department - Discuţii / Discussions


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2 minutes ago, Jelo said:

Its fine, just chilling

nice. im also chilling.. im mixing music rn. I'm also chilling on discord staff server xD

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:O this topic is "Hot Topic" again hahaha lezgaaaaaaaaww

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Vedeti ca de luna viitoare vom incerca sa ne revenim usor, usor cu activitatea, iar primul pas va fi ca vom lua mai in serios activitatile. In alta ordine de idei, la voi toate bune? 


*Apreciez ca e topicul activ, dar nu exagerati cu posturile aiurea doar pentru a creste numarul de posuturi pe forum. 

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1 hour ago, Elvis3 said:

Hello Argent!

hey! .. how are you? 

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