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LS Police Department - Discuţii / Discussions


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Buna dimineata LSPD,acum m-am trezit si eu,ne auzim in game.

Welcome Back

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@, nolifer.. Get a freaking life.. :|

I report u , Admin Rey breaking B-zone players :D

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In locul antrenamentului din data de 09/03/2014 vom desfasura un WAR 4 FUN impreuna cu San Fierro Police Department. WAR-ul va avea loc in Blueberry ( satul de langa Ferma Veche ) la ora 20:00. Vreau sa fiti prezenti cat mai multi.




Sedinta o vom tine la data si ora normala ( 09/03/2014 ora 21:00 ).

Va puteti lua skin-ul pentru WAR incepand cu ora 19:30. Dupa terminarea WAR-ului trebuie sa va luati skin-ul obisnuit.

Prezenta este obligatorie! Daca nu puteti ajunge postati o cerere de invoire.


Instead of the training on 09/03/2014 we will make a WAR 4 FUN with San Fierro Police Department. The war will take place in Blueberry ( the town near the old farm ) at 20:00 o'clock. I want you to be online as many as you can.




We will host the meeting at the usual time and date ( 09/03/2014 at 21:00 o'clock )

You can take the WAR skin starting with 19:30 o'clock. After the WAR ends you must take your regular skin.

Attending to this activity is obligatory. If you can't come please post a Pass request.




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SFPD skin for WAR Our skin for WAR

( Rank 3 with beige uniform ) ( Rank 5 with brown uniform )


Las topicul inchis ca sa vada toata lumea.

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