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Hello my niggaz, today i will leave SA:MP, and i don't think i'll ever come back.

There is simple rule, if you have money you will be GOD, if you are normaly player you will be nothing.

Sick of people on that server, really. A lot of admins means "We are god, yea i'm level 3 etc etc..." They admins won't really help like a KillerFish, DooKid and some admins more... I respect Kelton and Bobo, they made a business, but all peoples leave b-zone cuz they want just money, all is about money, want good house ? PAY bro and you will have, want good car? PAY... But doesn't important, it is choice of ADMINISTRATION TEAM. There in clan you can't join because you are not rich/helper/admin or leader, yea that's true story, all know that, it is stupid really! I lost a lot of time for that game... All of you know this too, but you won't say anything.

Suggestion for normaly peoples, don't play that game like " I don't have life, just SA:MP baaaa etc..." Make your life, go train any sport, go to study/school, find girl and f*** her :) Trust me it is life.

ZuGa_ZuGa is my gay BRO, in real life he is really gay trust me, Infernal you must kick him with FP :D:*

Remember me my friends, i miss you all, see you on forum maybe!

L S P D power




All you said is true bro, this is reality, all for money $$$$.

Noapte buna, am iesit si eu.

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