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Cantecul asta il canta Faust cand merge dupa Black List :D




Si-am plecat la vanatoare

Domn, Domn sa-naltam

Sa vanez caprioare

Domn, Domn sa-naltam

Caprioare n-am vanat

Domn, Domn sa-naltam

Si-am vanat un iepuras

Domn, Domn sa-naltam


Sa fac din blana lui

Domn, Domn sa-naltam

Vesmant frumos liderului

Domn, Domn sa-naltam

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★ Nume in joc: Dragos03


★ Level: 25


★ Varsta(reala): 15


★ De cat timp jucati pe server? 7-8luni


★ Factiuni precedente: School instructor, Fireman paramedic, Cuneo, Stracci, Barzini(x2), Corleone


★ Motivul pentru care ati parasit/ati fost demisi din fosta factiune: Am demisionat


★ De ce doriti sa va alaturati agentiei? Caut o factiune unde dispune activitate, si aceasta cred ca ar fi perfecta


★ Cate ore pe zi acordati acestui joc, fara afk? 5-7 ore, in weekend non-stop


★ Cu ce considerati ca se ocupa aceasta agentie? Cu rezolvarea contractelor contracost


★ Nickname-uri anterioare: -


★ Aveti capacitatea de a lucra in echipa? Da


★ Aveti capacitatea de a scrie corect gramatical? Da


★ Motto-ul personal: Toti pentru unul, si unul pentru toti!


★ Poza cu stats si skill la detectiv: /Stats si /skill 1


★ Cate warn'uri ai in joc? : 0/3


★ Biografia caracterului (minim 150 de cuvinte): Dragos03 s-a nascut in orasul Los Santos in iarna anului 2009, in luna decembrie. Acolo avea 2 prieteni foarte buni, pe Stephan.Corleone si pe D3nys. Acestia l-au ajutat pe Dragos03 cu niste bani, iar apoi acesta s-a angajat in Fireman/Paramedic. A stat 3 saptamani pana ce a aflat ca School instructor recruteaza. A aplicat, iar apoi a vazut ca a fost acceptat pentru teste. A trecut testele si a ramas in School instructor aproximativ 1 luna, timp in care a luat rank 3 pentru a putea face bani prin vinderea licentelor. Dorind sa intre in viata mafiotilor a intrat in The Stracci Family, unde i-a fost acordata sansa . Dupa 3 saptamani a plecat din Stracci Family pentru a-si indeplini visul: sa ajunga in Barzini Family. Dragos03 a mai fost in Cuneo Family , Barzini(unde si-a petrecut mai bine de 2 luni), dupa ce am intrat la un timp s-a dat wipe, si am intrat iar in Barzini Family unde a obtinut rank3. Deoarece a demisionat din Barzini Family pentru a intra in Corleone Family, iar acum a demisionat si din Corleona Family pentru a intra in Hitman Agency. Dragos03 vrea acum sa incerce sa intre in factiunea Hitman Agency pentru a efectua cat mai multe contracte!


Ne parasesti ? Fara sa ne anunti ?

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Buna seara tuturor, imi cer scuze ca postez, dar am niste probleme cu netul, in week`end il voi schimba sper + ca nu merge serverul, dar promit sa revin cat mai repede pentru teste.


Inca odata imi cer scuze ca am postat.

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Noul regulament (tot ce trebuie sa sti in viata si poti afla din The Godfather):

1 "No Sicilian can refuse any request on his daughter's wedding day."

2.In Sicily, women are more dangerous than shotguns.

3.A man that doesn't spend time with his family can never be a real man.

4.My father made him an offer he couldn't refuse.

5.Don't ever take sides with anyone against the Family again. Ever.

6.It's a Sicilian message. It means Luca Brasi sleeps with the fishes.

7.Women and children can be careless. But not men.

8.Mr. Corleone never asks a second favor once he's refused the first, understood?

9.You've gotta get up close like this and bada-bing.

10.We don't discuss business at the table.

11.Never let anyone outside the family know what you're thinking.

12.I don't feel I have to wipe everybody out, Just my enemies.

13.Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer.

14.Don't trust a doctor who can hardly speak English.

15.Leave the gun, take the cannoli."

16.I don't want my brother coming out of that toilet with just his dick in his hands.

17.Don't ask me about my business

18.Finance is a gun. Politics is knowing when to pull the trigger.

19.Never hate your enemies. It affects your judgment.

20.It's dangerous to be an honest man.

21.Power wears out those who do not have it.

22.Just when I thought that I was out they pull me back in.

23.When they come... they come at what you love.

24.Your enemies always get strong on what you leave behind.

25.The richest man is the one with the most powerful friends.

26.The sicker you get, the wiser you get, When I'm dead I'm gonna be really smart.

27.Goddamn FBI don't respect nothin'.

28.Monday -- Tuesday -- Thursday -- Wednesday -- Friday -- Sunday -- Saturday

29.I don't like violence, I'm a businessman. Blood is a big expense.

30.It's not personal. It's business

Un inamic tocmai sa atins de una din afacerile noastre! Ce spune Don Corleone?


Edited by d3l3t3r
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