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Vietnamese Boys - Discuţii generale | General discussions


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Doamne iarta merge forumu >:D<<'> Am luat ban :X De cE? Pai venisem de la dush si trebea sami bag parola si uite ca nu se potrivea


Nu pot ajunge la antrenament din 2 motive

1. Am ban

2. Plec in vizita


Noroc la antrenament >:D<<'>

Edited by SpliT
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La mutli ani Romania! Ce sa facem, sunt banat de 4 5 zile. Cred cami scot astaia windsoru la licitatie :((( Deci n-am vazut ma...

Uitativa la photoshop la SpliT creation

La subforumul creatii, si scrieti aici daca va place ceva :)

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