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Hitmen Agency - Agenți de colecție | Agents of the Collection


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Nume: WhYskY
Factiune: School Instructors
Ganduri: Felicitari tuturor de pe aceasta lista , voi ati muncit cel mai mult pentru a deveni legende!

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Nick: [RW]Stephen

Factiune: San Fierro Taxi (RPG2)

Mesajul Transmis: Congratulations to all those who got on the list, i don't think they got so simply but have worked hard and have great job for the Hitman Agency and each member who is on the list deserves all my respect!

" When you kill for money, there is no rules™ "

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  • Bagwell changed the title to Hitmen Agency - Agenți de colecție | Agents of the Collection

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