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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/23/18 in all areas

  1. All we had to do was follow the damn train CJ!!
    11 points
  2. Nick: Day Level: 56 Age(Real): 20 Gender(real): Female How old are you on the Server: About 4 Years RPG profile link: Have you ever Been Mayor: yes in May The reason you want to become a Mayor: #)I think I have gained full experience, this function suits me and I can impose myself in front of the players, I think this is the strength of each mayor. #)What am I going to do for the players:. I'm trying to show the little players of the level the good way, to explain them what is good to do and what not. #)I try to advise them how to earn money, explain the rules, give them concrete evidence of what happens if you break the rules. . #)I try to convince the players that this server is very nice and deserves to stay. . I will help them with money from my own pocket. #) will raise funds for the poor, no one will be bypassed. #) will make nice, fun and interesting events and perhaps a bit of general culture with some awards, for example: (sums of beauties of $, cars,). #)The prizes will be on the table, many surprises will be waiting for you. . New Idea : 1) Tax will be 1$ for the majority. 2) Daily events from my own pocket money or sponsors. 3) I have massive experience with Events and lots of creativity.  4) The new Events system looks very fun and I believe the players will enjoy this. 4) We will stabilize the To many Players B-Zone RPG1 players.  5) Events you can expect will be X/O, Par/Impar, Deagle, LMS, LCS, Trivia, SMS, Who wants to be a millionaire etc. 6) I have friends in the NR industry who will be able to accomodate with features like [/live] 7) With some free time coming I will be coming online more often for June I will make a program and at certain times I will receive the players in the town hall to listen to their biggest problems and help them solve them. .I will try to keep the server at To many Players all the time and make daily events with the players. I will also include many un-noticed Foreigners into the community and help them make new friends. I will make the following events at least every day, prize 50,000$+ What I intend to do for other players.: Keep the tax low at working hours to avoid hidden costs and make sure all players have a great time.
    6 points
  3. Nick: SoBiG2Glory Level: 55 Years (real): 15 years. Sex (real): boy Server length: 5 years. but in 2019 i close 6 years RPG LinK Profile: Have you had this feature before? Yes. The reason why you want to be a Mayor: The reason you want to be a Mayor is to help community players, especially newcomers coming to the server that need to be helped as much as possible. Most of the players I know on this server are my buddies, and I want to help them as much as possible. Another reason is to make events for players to make money from winning them. What am I going to do for the players: 1. I want to help players on the server regardless of their level. 2. I want to make events on the server, on these occasions players can make money easier. 3. I want to keep the $ 1 charge, which happens if I get this feature 4. During the week, the money is loaded into the safe or given to low-level players. 5. Let's convince new players that the community has chosen the right server. 6. Players will have an active mayor 7. I will make a donation top 8. I will also help foreign players, those who speak English, because I speak this language fluent. 9.If he is primary, he will organize something special on the 29th, will not give more details for the time being
    4 points
  4. Info. Inactivitate incepand cu data de 23/12/2018 pana pe 01/01/2019, in caz de aveti probleme/ nelamuriri ii puteti contacta pe colegii mei. Sarbatori fericite si un nou an plin de impliniri!
    3 points
  5. ba e amuzant dar jucatorii de pe bizon sunt prea prosti sa rada
    2 points
  6. First of all, inactivitate maricica. Second of all, sa trecem la treaba. Doar cateva dintre logo-urile pentru factiunile de pe RPG2, facute in Ai. *Mai faina e a doua* Cate ceva de prin cereri, destul de putin. Si micutul thumbnail, tot in Ai facut. Doar ne este prieten.
    2 points
  7. In primul rand, vreau sa va urez un Craciun fericit alaturi de familie, multa sanatate si bucurii! Astazi, 23 Decembrie 2018, comunitatea B-Zone va trece pe o noua clasa de IP-uri din cauza unor probleme tehnice. Daca folositi adresele DNS (ex: rpg.b-zone.ro) pentru a va conecta la server cel mai probabil nu veti avea parte de nici o problema. In cazul in care folositi adresele IP atunci va trebui sa adaugati din nou in lista voastra de servere noile adrese: rpg.b-zone.ro -> rpg2.b-zone.ro -> rpg3.b-zone.ro -> rpg4.b-zone.ro -> Site-urile vor fi trecute si ele pe noua clasa de IP si s-ar putea sa fie indisponibile cateva ore. Serverele de CS si MIX vor fi redeschise si ele curand. In noua clasa de IP-uri beneficiem de o protectie anti-flood cu o latime de banda dubla. Craciun fericit!
    1 point
  8. - For Honor is mingling with another Ubisoft property, with a limited-time Assassin's Creed crossover event. The "For the Creed" event will run from December 20 to - January 10 and will feature familiar Assassin's Creed characters with trappings of the animus. - During the duration of the event, you can play a special 4v4 Dominion mode called "Assassini e Templari" in which you capture zones to lure out one of two commanders: Ezio Auditore da Firenze or Cesare Borgia. Defeating either commander gives you 300 points, and reaching 1000 points and defeating the opposing team during the breaking period will win the match. - The maps rotating in the Assassini e Templari mode will feature animus glitches and soldiers will be themed after the factions in the AC series. Your drop attacks will appear as Leap of Faith and air assassination animations, and game modes will be displayed using an animus theme. Some game modes will also be narrated by Warren Vidic of the Animus Project. - You can also earn some new customization items, like the Odyssey of the Misthios mask from Assassin's Creed Odyssey, a Haystack emote, Hidden Blade execution, animus effects and battle outfits, Assassin and Templar outfits, and weapons from the franchise. A special For the Creed bundle will be available for 35,000 Steel per hero. - For Honor and Assassin's Creed seem tonally similar enough that a crossover makes sense. Ubisoft recently played matchmaker for two of its other franchises, with a special event that put Rainbow Six characters and story beats into Ghost Recon Wildlands. Sursa
    1 point
  9. Nick: Alex9alex Rank: 5 Am dat test cu: Dudu18 Data: 23.12.2018 Rezultat proba teoretica: 0.5/3 Rezultat proba armelor: 3/6 Rezultat proba practica:0/3 Rezultat total (Admis/Respins): Admis 8.5 Observator test: Radu.g Alte menţiuni:-
    1 point
  10. Nick: Alex9alex Rank: 5 Am dat test cu: RafaaBK Data: 23.12.2018 Rezultat proba teoretica: 0/3 Rezultat proba armelor: 0/6 Rezultat proba practica:0/3 Rezultat total (Admis/Respins): Admis 12 Observator test: Radu.g Alte menţiuni:-
    1 point
  11. Nick: KaltwerQ Level: 75 Vârstă (reală): 17 anisori. Sex (real): Male Vechime pe server: Ma consider un jucator destul de vechi (din 2014). RPG profil LinK: Ai mai avut aceasta functie? Nu.Este rpima oara cand aplic si sper sa iau functia ca sa ajut jucatorii. Motivul pentru care doresc să fiu Primar: Doresc să devin primar pentru a ajuta cât mai mult playerii începători care activează pe acest server, nu doar prin evenimentele zilnice pe care le fac, doresc să fac asta şi prin oferirea taxelor, organizarea de evenimente pe [/gov]. Doresc să inițiez toți playerii noi pe server, deschizându-le un orizont către acest joc pentru a le face "munca" mai uşoară. Mai pe scurt, doresc să devin primar pentru a ajuta cât mai mult playerii începători şi nu numai. Doresc să devin primar deoarece cred că este cea mai potrivită facțiune pentru mine, fiind o persoana care se înțelege bine cu majoritatea playerilor. Ce intenționez să fac pentru jucători: Vreau sa ajut jucatorii care sunt mai putin experimentati (chiar si cei experimentati daca or sa aiba nevoie.)
    1 point
  12. 1 point
  13. Ma intrebam cu cat o platesti sa stea cu tine, ca iti mai dau si eu bani sa mai stea si de revelion
    1 point
  14. Foarte frumoase, felicitări pentru munca depusă.
    1 point
  15. Sărbători fericite, mono Sărbători fericite, băieți.
    1 point
  16. Foarte frumoase! Felicitari pentru munca depusa! ❤️
    1 point
  17. 1 point
  18. ho ba mai usor cu filmele de scarlxrd cu avataru asta ejti nebun batilxrd
    1 point
  19. Nick: [uS]Ed[w]ard. Rank: 5 - Captain Am dat test cu: TheVirus Data testului: 16.12.2018 Admis/Respins: Admis Rezultatul la proba de arme: 5/8 Alte precizari: Bun venit in echipa S.W.A.T.
    1 point
  20. Cate ceva si din requests.
    1 point
  21. Nick: Vladimir.ChubbyRank: 3Data amenzii: 05.12.2018Suma depusa: 5.000$Dovada: ClickMotivul(absenta/scor): Scor -5 la warAlte precizari: Gracias.
    1 point
  22. I always provide you the good music.
    1 point
  23. @ToV Hrean, de pachetul tau se va ocupa reporterul ROBBEL( @ROBBEL) Anunţul pe care trebuie să îl dai, sună astfel: Te consideri un "veteran" adevarat cu experienta si cunostiintele necesare? [...] [...] Aplica chiar acum pe website la Clans -> Team Of Veterans -> Apply! [ToV] la putere! Deadline: 24.12.2018- 07.01.2019. Anunţul va fi dat intre orele 15:00 - 23:30 indiferent daca ToV Hrean este online sau nu.  Informaţii suplimentare: Având în vedere că ToV Hrean comandat pachetul cu numărul 8, ai de dat 80 de anunţuri. Succes! Daca ai intrebari sau nelămuriri astept un PM sau mesaj in joc.
    0 points
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