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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/18/22 in all areas

  1. Hello my FBI members, i want to tell you somethings... I know that i left you, that's not fair, part of family never do that Okay that's a game, we decide ourselfs, we are not childs. Like in real life. I want to tell you that i am bored because i left FBI, in best moment i left you because i want to enter in Hitman Agency, That's my dream in game, but i hope that one time i will back in FBI, not soon but maybe one time... I meet a lot good friends there, a lot FBI members really helped me to enter in ToV. In FBI i saw discipline in 90 procent of members, good working, team working and most important thing that's friendship. After your nickname bottom, i will write some words, don't be angry if i didn't write about you a lot or something what you wanted to hear :). Miss you ma brothers. Director Trebor.[ToV] - Good person with big heart, guy who want to listen what you talk, who protect and save his members. Big respect for you. Assistant Director (6) Hawkeye[ToV] - Also for you i can say that you're an good man good person with good behavior, respect. CsT[ToV] - Newbie ma bro kiss Section Chief (5) Beebita[ToV] - What to say for you... You're an big nab (positive things). Know rules good player, my last /confiscate Ripper[ToV] - Contra hehe good boy Carrey. - One of my best friends on server, good person, want to help want to explain, want to have fun. Miss you bro ribe - When i come in FBI you helped me a lot, thanks ribe. hassen - Your nickname hear like you're from Germany, joke, see you bro. Special Agent in Charge (4) mezen.salaawi[ToV] - You're nub, my good friend ! Thanks god we are on /c, and i'll stay in communication with you, also if i enter in h.a i will kill just you. kiss [uS]Flep - We enter in same moment in fbi, you, audi, biaa and me. GOod luck bro HancKs - Good luck bro Biaaa.[S4F] - Good luck biaa you're good person. Supervisory Special Agent (3) Federal - Federal and your namecover acvtivity raport Good luck bro [uS]Ciprian.Cipri - cipri good luck JohnMeister.[ToV] - Ah, old gangster, i will remember that words what i told you, "you'll be acceoted see you in FBI" [RW]Salman.. - SalNub i tested you, don't shame me, take r5 minimal! [AIM]VISA - I don't like your behavior for girl... I hope you'll be better [TFG]AdelaV. - Good girl C.George - Hm, i am not sure that we had a lot of communication good luck bro [AIM]Scooby69 - scooby doo and englad way See ya bro Lt.Cazan - You are ma bro, helped me a lot, you know for what, i will remember everything! SOLDIER ! SIR YES SIR low]Euphoric - Euphoric good luck Blade - i watched movie Blade a lot years ago, was good movie GOod luck bro G.UniT[ToV] - Wish you good luck g.unit and your negativ votes see ya bro on /c Special Agent (2) [AIM]Lyce. - See you! Lucifer[VIP] - Lucifer take rank 5 minimal see ya [RW]ShubhaM.. - You're big nab ma bro Gabryel2k - Rank down, don't get r1 again [420]CristiXTR - See you [FBI]dLs_TeQuila - Bye vodka Professional Staff (1) Members Donator[END] - we had not a lot important things with all r1, good luck bro Alin47[VODA] - good luck Calinnn.[END] - see you Bukovski[KING] - you were tested by me, good luck ! YOUR FRIEND Dejan88 Section Chief (5)
    6 points
  2. Interviuri speciale dupa acest turneu cat si alegerea de premii a castigatorilor. Interviu special Impact Poli, castigatoarea acestui turneu @ Chim Interviu special PSG, locul doi al acestui turneu @ TLG Bebino Interviu special locul 3, Universitatea Cluj @ eB Swau Interviu special locul 4, West Ham @ TLG GoNNNy Interviu special locul 5, @ uV NarcisZEW Interviu special locul 6, @ Kemir Interviu special locul 7, @ TLG Valentinos Interviu special locul 8, @ Thrasher. Felicitari tuturor, va asteptam si la editia urmatoare care speram sa atraga si mai multi jucatori!
    2 points
  3. Version 7.4


    - PDHelper V7.5 - Cel mai bun, eficient si simplu de folosit mod pentru PD / FBI / NG Esti la inceput si iti este frica sa nu gresesti ceva? Esti vechi si te-ai plictisit de raport? In orice situatie, modul acesta este exact ceea ce cauti! Dezvoltat de 7 ani pana in prezent, v7.5 este cea mai buna versiune de PDHelper de pana acum. Lasa-ma sa-ti fac cunostinta cu noul tau mod, iata cateva imagini si explicatii: - In prima poza este meniul principal de unde vei personaliza modul dupa bunul plac si nevoie. - In a 2-a poza sunt comenzile principale ale modului. - Sistemul GOV: Poti seta textul dorit din /pdc. Dupa, scriind /PDgov, modul va da randurile setate instant, unul dupa altul. - Sistemul FVR: Cu o singura comanda (/aFvr) modul va face tot ce este nevoie. Desigur, poti seta ce text vrei tu sa apara pe chat. - Sistemul Blacklist: Deja te coplesesc dujmanii de cand esti in PD? Nicio problema, de acum n-o sa-ti mai scape niciunul. - Sistemul Comenzi Custom: De cate ori ai zis "mi-e lene sa scriu /service towtruck", lasa ca iau mai tarziu? Sau orice alte comanda lunga? Nu mai e cazul, de acum vei putea face economie de tastatura. ... si multe altele pe care te las pe tine sa le descoperi. [Ro] Instructiuni de instalare: - Se instaleaza cleo - Se pune sampfuncs in folderul principal al jocului (acolo unde este si gta_sa.exe) - Selectati versiunea in romana (Ro) din fisierul descarcat. - Puneti fisierele "PDHelperV7.5.cs" si "PDHelperV7.ini" in folderul cleo. - (optional) se puncte sampgui.png in folderul principal pentru un aspect mai frumos la /pdc [En] Install instructions: - Install cleo - Put sampfuncs in the main game folder (where is located too gta_sa.exe) - Chose english version (En) from your download file. - Put "PDHelperV7.5.cs" and "PDHelperV7.ini" in the cleo folder. - (optional) put sampgui.png in the main game folder for a better look in /pdc menu.
    1 point
  4. Nick: Telescop.. Nick testat: COSMlN Rezultat proba teoretică: 2/3 Rezultat proba practică: 5-1 Rezultat final: Acceptat Alte precizări:
    1 point
  5. - Nume: DaNiKowsKy - Ziar scris în data de: 18.05.2022 - Ziarul a fost aprobat de către (dovada /f): Sleek - Titlul ziarului: Instagram - Ziar (poză): https://imgur.com/a/YFGrUBi
    1 point
  6. Felicitări pentru implicare. Ai fost adăugat pe prima pagină.
    1 point
  7. Semifinala loser bracket 2: Puiaru 0 - 3 Steaua Bucuresti(din pacate acesta nu s-a putut prezenta) Semifinale winner bracket: PSG 2 - 0 West Ham Golul de 1-0 Golul de 2-0 West Ham 2 - 1 PSG Golul de 0-1 Golul de 1-1 Golul de 2-1 Finala mare: PSG Finala mica: West Ham Impact Poli 0 - 0 Universitatea Cluj Universitatea Cluj 0 - 1 Impact Poli Golul marcat Finala mare pentru locurile 1-2: Impact Poli vs PSG Finala mica pentru locurile 3-4: West Ham vs Universitatea Cluj Finala mare pentru locurile 5-6(loser bracket): United Victory 1 - 0 Steaua Bucuresti @ uV NarcisZEW @ Kemir Golul marcat Finala mica pentru locurile 7-8(loser bracket): CSM Resita 3 - 0 Puiaru(din nou Puiaru nu s-a putut prezenta). Finala mica pentru locurile 3 si 4: Universitatea Cluj 1 - 0 West Ham Golul marcat Iar acum, marea finala pentru locul 1 si 2. PSG 0 - 0 Impact Poli Penalti 1 Impact Poli Penalti 1 PSG Penalti 2 Impact Poli Penalti 2 PSG Penalti 3 Impact Poli Penalti 3 PSG Penalti 4 Impact Poli Penalti 4 PSG Penalti 5 Impact Poli Penalti 5 PSG MARELE CASTIGATOR: Impact Poli cu scorul de 2-1 la loviturile de departajare @ Chim
    1 point
  8. Nume: champagne Ziar scris în data de: 17.05.2022 Ziarul a fost aprobat de către (dovada /f): Sleek Titlul ziarului: "Furt total" Ziar (poză): CLICK Sursă: CLICK
    1 point
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