Daca ati fost banat de asa-zisul admin "Cr9_Style" atunci cu siguranta a fost o greseala. A fost doar o scapare de script iar aceasta inseamna ca absolut toate banurile date de acest individ vor fi scoase. De asemenea, siguranta conturilor nu a fost pusa in pericol, totul revenind la normal. Aproximam ca in seara asta in jurul orei 23:00 (gmt+2) serverul va fi online.
Ne cerem scuze pentru probleme cauzate si speram ca nu veti migra spre acel server. Popularea unui server nu se face prin aceste metode si consider ca playerii fideli vor ramane alaturi de noi.
If you are banned by admin "Cr9_Style", it was a mistake. This happened because our script had a bug. We assure you that all banns will be removed. Also your account is safe and there isn't any data loss. We aproximate that tonight at 23:00 (gmt+2) ,the server will be up .
We apologize for the trouble caused and we hope that you will not migrate to that server. I think the players will remain loyal with us.