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Everything posted by Hard
LS Police Department - Log echipe / Teams log
Hard replied to GF Infernal's topic in LS Police Department
- Nume: []XyHard[] - Rank: Leader - Data testului: 23.05.2023 - Jucator testat si rankul sau: Wampire 4 - Rezultatul probei de arme: 6/7 - Admin/respins: Admis! - Alte precizari: Felicitari! -
LS Police Department - Transferuri Echipe / Team Transfers
Hard replied to GigGs11 Legend's topic in LS Police Department
Ok, you need to take a test and then if you pass, you ll be SWAT -
LS Police Department - Log Teste / Testing Log
Hard replied to F4LDextter's topic in LS Police Department
- Nume: []XyHard[] - Rank: LIDER - Candidat: Shaolin.. - Data si ora: 21.05.2023 17:20 - Rezultat proba teoretica: 3/3 - Rezultat proba practica: -/10 -
LS Police Department - Log echipe / Teams log
Hard replied to GF Infernal's topic in LS Police Department
- Nume: []XyHard[] - Rank: Leader - Data testului: 21.05.2023 - Jucator testat si rankul sau: xXBossYTXx 5 - Rezultatul probei de arme: 5 - Admin/respins: Admis! - Alte precizari: Felicitari! -
LS Police Department - Transferuri Echipe / Team Transfers
Hard replied to GigGs11 Legend's topic in LS Police Department
acceptat, trebuie sa dai test cu un rank 6/7 -
LS Police Department - Transferuri Echipe / Team Transfers
Hard replied to GigGs11 Legend's topic in LS Police Department
Acceptat! -
LS Police Department - Lista Neagră / BlackList
Hard replied to TibiStanciu's topic in LS Police Department
Razbunat cu 1av pentru insulte usoare. -Nume: []XyHard[] - Rank: 3 - Numele jucatorului: bogdan.braileanu - Nivelul jucatorului: 46 - Motiv: Insulte usoare - Dovezi: https://imgur.com/a/NFUNaQV - Numar AV-uri: 1 - Alte precizari: - -
LS Police Department - Transferuri Echipe / Team Transfers
Hard replied to GigGs11 Legend's topic in LS Police Department
Acceptat Ne vedem in joc la test -
LS Police Department - Sanctiuni / Punishments
Hard replied to Teylo's topic in LS Police Department
----------------------------------------------------------------- - Nume: []XyHard[] - Rank: Lider - Data sanctionarii: 07.05.2023 - Membrul sanctionat si rankul sau: Ne[x]uS.Bombastik - Sanctiunea acordata: AV - Motivul: Reclamatie RPG - Dovezi: https://www.rpg.b-zone.ro/factions/report/99749 ----------------------------------------------------------------- -
LS Police Department - Transferuri Echipe / Team Transfers
Hard replied to GigGs11 Legend's topic in LS Police Department
Transfer Acceptat -
LS Police Department - Log Teste / Testing Log
Hard replied to F4LDextter's topic in LS Police Department
- Nume: []XyHard[] - Rank: Lider - Candidat: Slim - Data si ora: 02.04.2023 20:43 - Rezultat proba teoretica: 3/3 - Rezultat proba practica: -/10 -
LS Police Department - Sanctiuni / Punishments
Hard replied to Teylo's topic in LS Police Department
----------------------------------------------------------------- - Nume: []XyHard[] - Rank: Lider - Data sanctionarii: 02.05.2023 - Membrul sanctionat si rankul sau: Ale[k]s. - Sanctiunea acordata: AV - Motivul: Reclamatie RPG - Dovezi: https://www.rpg.b-zone.ro/factions/report/99707 ----------------------------------------------------------------- -
LS Police Department - Log Teste / Testing Log
Hard replied to F4LDextter's topic in LS Police Department
- Nume: []XyHard[] - Rank: Lider - Candidat: CorneliusAurelius - Data si ora: 02.04.2023 14:00 - Rezultat proba teoretica: -/3 (Banat pentru FastRun) - Rezultat proba practica: -/10 -
LS Police Department - Anunţuri importante / Important announcements
Hard replied to FlameS's topic in LS Police Department
Articolul 3 din Regulamentul intern a fost actualizat! De la data de 1 Mai 2023 vor intra in vigoare urmatoarele: Activitatile obligatorii vor fi anuntate cu 7 zile inainte inceperii lor. Activitatile obligatorii nu vor mai fi in numar de 2 pe luna ci pot fi chiar si 0. Atunci când o activitate obligatorie va fi organizată, toți membrii cu excepția celor cu cerere de INACTIVITATE sunt obligați să se prezinte. Nu o să mai puteți face cereri pentru a vă invoi de la activitațile OBLIGATORII! Pentru mai multe detalii, citiți articolul 3 din Regulamentul Intern Article 3 of the Internal Regulations has been updated! From May 1, 2023, the following will enter into force: Mandatory activities will be announced 7 days before their start. The mandatory activities will no longer be 2 per month, but may even be 0. When a mandatory activity will be organized, all members except those with a request for INACTIVITY are required to show up. You will no longer be able to make requests to invite yourself from the MANDATORY activities! For more details, read article 3 from Internal Rules! -
LS Police Department - Misiunea Saptamanii / Weekly Mission
Hard replied to TheTom's topic in LS Police Department
* Ediția 65 // Edition 65th * - Nume: []XyHard[] - Rank: Lider - Data inceperii misiunii: 1.04.2023, ora 15:00 - Data finalizarii misiunii: 7.04.2023, Ora 23:50 - Misiunea: Contra Ilegality - Obiectiv: Roads: Confiscati 5 permise. SWAT: Confiscati droguri de la 5 persoane. - Dificultate: Moderat spre greu - Premii: Locul 1: Raport OPTIONAL SAPTAMANA 8.05 - 14.05 + 60,000$ + Permisiunea de a purta orice skin cu exceptia celui de lider in saptamana 1.5 - 7.5 Locul 2: Raport OPTIONAL SAPTAMANA 8.05 - 14.05 + 40,000$ + Permisiunea de a purta orice skin cu exceptia celui de lider in saptamana 1.5 - 7.5 Locul 3: Raport OPTIONAL SAPTAMANA 8.05 - 14.05 + 20,000$ + Permisiunea de a purta orice skin cu exceptia celui de lider in saptamana 1.5 - 7.5 -
LS Police Departament - Politistul săptămânii | Cop of The week.
Hard replied to Pikovit's topic in LS Police Department
Politistul saptamanii in perioada: 24 Aprilie- 30 Aprilie este Mossan cu un total de 97 de puncte. Felicitari! -
LS Police Department - Sanctiuni / Punishments
Hard replied to Teylo's topic in LS Police Department
----------------------------------------------------------------- - Nume: []XyHard[] - Rank: Lider - Data sanctionarii: 01.05.2023 - Membrul sanctionat si rankul sau: Ne[x]uS.Bombastik 4 - Sanctiunea acordata: FW - Motivul: Contributii insuficiente (8 ore) - Dovezi: Statistica ore jucate. ----------------------------------------------------------------- - Nume: []XyHard[] - Rank: Lider - Data sanctionarii: 01.05.2023 - Membrul sanctionat si rankul sau: Victor.tragecox 2 - Sanctiunea acordata: FW - Motivul: Absent sedinta - Dovezi: Evidenta. ----------------------------------------------------------------- -
LS Police Department - Statistica Ore / Hours Statistics
Hard replied to TheTom's topic in LS Police Department
Sanctiuni: Nexus - Fw (8 ore rank 3) -
LS Police Department - Transferuri Echipe / Team Transfers
Hard replied to GigGs11 Legend's topic in LS Police Department
accepted -
LS Police Department - Anunţuri importante / Important announcements
Hard replied to FlameS's topic in LS Police Department
A fost adaugata o noua regula in cadrul tuturor departamentelor! Regula fiind regula 16.9 din Regulamentul Intern. 16.9: În cazul în care suspectul fără drept de predare sare pe clădiri înalte folosind o bicicletă (folosindu-se de bugul high jump), fiind greu de prins și omorât, aveți dreptul de a deschide focul cu Hunter sau Hydra pentru a-i omorî. Dacă suspectul coboară de pe clădire, nu mai aveți voie să deschideți focul, ci continuați urmărirea terestră. Asigurați-vă că aveți întotdeauna dovezi clare înainte de a deschide focul! Nerespectarea acestei reguli se va sancționa cu Faction Warn la prima abatere, Rank Down la a doua abatere și Demitere dacă va continua. A new rule was been added within all departments! The rules is rule 16.9 from Internal Rules. 16.9: If the suspect without surrender jumps on high buildings using a bicycle (using the high jump bug), making it difficult to catch and kill, you have the right to open fire with Hunter or Hydra to kill them. If the suspect comes down from the building, you are no longer allowed to open fire but continue the ground pursuit. Make sure you always have clear evidence before opening fire! Failure to comply with this rule will result in a Faction Warn for the first offense, Rank Down for the second offense, and Dismissal if it continues. -
LS Police Department - Evidenta Activitati / Activities Evidence
Hard replied to IonuC's topic in LS Police Department
- Nume: XyHard - Rank: Leader - Data si ora activitatii: 28/04/2023, 20:00 - Organizatori: []XyHard[] - Membrii prezenti: [$]TiNa, Zeu, Bawz, Wampire, Dracus, BigBossStanq, Wally. (Membri altor factiuni: xKay, ArmandoTiganu, K1nd, Koody.Garcea, Paul.Comunistul) - Membrii care au intarziat: - - Membrii invoiti: - - Membrii absenti: - - Sanctiunea celor absenti: - - Alte precizari: Sper ca va-ti distrat! -
LS Police Department - Log echipe / Teams log
Hard replied to GF Infernal's topic in LS Police Department
- Nume: []XyHard[] - Rank: Leader - Data testului: 28.04.2023 - Jucator testat si rankul sau: Bogdan.i 4 - Rezultatul probei de arme: 6 - Admin/respins: Admis! - Alte precizari: Felicitari! -
LS Police Department - Transferuri Echipe / Team Transfers
Hard replied to GigGs11 Legend's topic in LS Police Department
Acceptat, trebuie sa dam un test. Contact me in-game sau pe Whatsapp cand esti pregatit. -
LS Police Department - Sanctiuni / Punishments
Hard replied to Teylo's topic in LS Police Department
----------------------------------------------------------------- - Nume: []XyHard[] - Rank: Lider - Data sanctionarii: 27.04.2023 - Membrul sanctionat si rankul sau: Cristi6969 2 - Sanctiunea acordata: FW - Motivul: Reclamatie RPG - Dovezi: https://www.rpg.b-zone.ro/factions/report/99669 -----------------------------------------------------------------