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Everything posted by BASTARDO ToV

  1. Nickname: BASTARDiNO Rank: 4 Culoarea votată (doar ID-ul culorii): 106
  2. Nick: BASTARDiNO Rank: 4 Data: 28.04.2021 Am dat test cu: puyanegru1 Rezultat regulament (x/3): 0.5/3 Rezultat traseu (x/5): 6/5 Rezultat proba de teren (x/4): - Rezultat final: Admis / Respins: Respins Alte precizari: Better luck next time
  3. Nick: BASTARDiNO Rank: 4 Data: 28.04.2021 Am dat test cu: Bulkin Rezultat regulament (x/3): 1/3 Rezultat traseu (x/5): 6.5/5 Rezultat proba de teren (x/4): - Rezultat final: Admis / Respins: Respins Alte precizari: Better luck next time
  4. Nick: BASTARDiNO Rank: 4 Data: 28.04.2021 Am dat test cu: MihaiTzib Rezultat regulament (x/3): - Rezultat traseu (x/5): - Rezultat proba de teren (x/4): - Rezultat final: Admis / Respins: Respins Alte precizari: Tentativa de frauda proba practica!
  5. Nick: BASTARDiNO Rank: 4 Data: 28.04.2021 Am dat test cu: Danutu._ Rezultat regulament (x/3): 1/3 Rezultat traseu (x/5): 4/5 Rezultat proba de teren (x/4): 4/4 Rezultat final: Admis / Respins: Admis Alte precizari: Felicitari
  6. Nume: BASTARDO. Level : 69 Facțiune: National Guard Mesajul tău: Felicitari.
  7. Nume: .BASTARDO Rank: 4 Dovezi: https://imgur.com/a/dDqQP94 Alte precizari: Merci
  8. Nickname: Chief. Meeting / Activity: Activity Date and hour: 26/04/2021 19:00 Statistics (Present / Absent members): here Winner/s name/s, Prize that they have received: Lil.kayn/Seecron: 200.000$ each Other mentions: GJ Chief!
  9. (19 Apr -> 25 Apr) Congratulations to our two robbers, you've successfully completed the money heist! Winners: *1st place: @Seecron You are allowed to wear the leader skin from April 26th to May 2nd + The sum of 300.000$ *2nd place: @JudgementDay The sum of 200.000$ Proofs here
  10. Nick: BASTARDiNO Rank: 4 Nick-ul reclamatului: Fighter.NSA Level-ul reclamatului: 134 MyStats bar a reclamatului: Descriere: Destroy wheels of taxi Dovezi:
  11. Congratulations @AloneKiNG, @ChandTheGreat, @JudgementDay, @Seecron, @Alexandra987, @mihneafeitan You have successfully completed the first quest, now it's only a matter of time until we get our hands on the prize. Your mission is to find the bank we're going to rob in This Picture, but i have some conditions. 1-You must wear This Costume(click 95 times to the left to find it on /costumes in any clothes shop) 2- You must perform the same animation shown in This Picture 3- You must have any weapon in hand (Deagle/M4/Ak47...) You have until the end of this week to PM me the SS, but be quick, there will only be 2 winners.
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