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Everything posted by BASTARDO ToV

  1. Mayor CortezZ was arrested on a charge of 2nd degree murder and was sentenced for life in prison. Justice has prevailed thanks to the efforts of SFSI detectives! Winners: *1st place: @Zizu You are allowed to wear the leader skin from April 12th to 18th + The sum of 200.000$ *2nd place: @ChandTheGreat The sum of 200.000$ *3rd place: @FBI chief The sum of 100.000$ Honorable mentions: @Alexandra987 @mihneafeitan @Gabriel Valentin Barbu
  2. -Name: BASTARDO. - Rank: SF Supervisor - Date of the test: 10/04/2021 - Candidate: Le0nard0 - Results (x/3): 2.5/3 - Observed by: (only for new testers): _
  3. -Name: BASTARDO. - Rank: SF Supervisor - Date of the test: 10/04/2021 - Candidate: Malorne - Results (x/3): 0/3 - Observed by: (only for new testers): _
  4. -Name: BASTARDO.  - Rank: SF Supervisor - Date of the test: 10/04/2021 - Candidate: MihaiMNA[1] - Results (x/3): 2/3 - Observed by: (only for new testers): _
  5. -Name: BASTARDO.  - Rank: SF Supervisor - Date of the test: 10/04/2021 - Candidate: pr_edward11 - Results (x/3): 1/3 - Observed by: (only for new testers): _
  6. -Name: BASTARDO. - Rank: SF Supervisor - Date of the test: 10/04/2021 - Candidate: AloneKing - Results (x/3): 1.5/3 - Observed by: (only for new testers): _
  7. Nick-ul tau: BASTARDO Numele actorului: Johnny Depp A fost nominalizat la premiul Oscar: A fost nominalizat de 3 ori pentru cel mai bun actor. Motiv: He has great talent Alte Precizari:
  8. Congratulations @chief @ChandTheGreat @Alexandra987 @Gabriel Valentin Barbu @Zizu @mihneafeitan @F4L Sonny Corleone Good Job! You have successfully found the killer's hideout (City Hall LS). Now, for the final step, you should use all the data and info we collected in the previous steps and find out who the killer is. The first 3 detectives to send me picture of them standing next to the killer in game will win the prize. You have until Sunday 23:59. Competition is great, i suggest you hurry up! Note: The killer is a player on the server, you can take picture with him even if he's on /sleep, the green infernus has nothing to do with the identity of the killer.
  9. Congratulations @chief @ChandTheGreat @Alexandra987 @Gabriel Valentin Barbu @Zizu @JudgementDay @ArmandoTiganu @CERVALOTTA @mihneafeitan @F4L Sonny Corleone You used your detective skills and found the crime scene (house id 45). GG! The investigation team entered the house, but have failed to find any evidence, Jasmine was hit by a smooth criminal (rip M.J). But luckily enough, security cameras have captured a suspicious vehicle speeding through LS a few minutes after the murder has occured. (Video footage here) In a matter of hours, our undercover agents have given us a close up view of the murderer hideout. (Location) My fellow detectives, you have until Friday 13:00 to send me a PM containing a picture of yourself in this location. Only the first 7 detectives who achieve this hard task will qualify to the final step of our mission. Good luck!
  10. (5 Apr -> 11 Apr) Hello, this week we're going to introduce a new type of missions. Instead of the usual instructor job, you're going to be a detective and help solve a homicide case. This mission will have 3 steps. On 04/04/2021 a crime was committed, a 27-year-old woman named Jasmine was killed. At 6:30 , the victim's brother Gareth, woke up. He went straight to the kitchen because he was thirsty, but there he saw his sister Jasmine lying on the floor breathless. He screamed, woke up the others who lived in that house and called the police. Officer BASTARDO, in charge of the case, asked for the ID of the house to come search the crime scene, but they did not know the ID of that house. We need some detectives to find out the ID of the house where the crime took place. Step 1: Using your logistical resources, find the house where the crime has occured. Luckily enough we managed to find a picture of the house (link). My fellow detectives, you have until Wednesday 23:59 to send me a PM on my forum profile (here) containing a screenshot of you sitting in front of the house. Those who complete this task in time will qualify for the next step. PS: The prizes for this mission will be announced in step 2
  11. Results (29 Mar -> 4 Apr) 1st Winner Prize (150.000$): Sasuke.Senpai: GG Participation in Mission (25.000$): ArmandoTiganu: I'm sorry but this is an english faction, your whole joke was in romanian.
  12. Nume: .BASTARDO Rank: 3 Dovezi: https://imgur.com/a/tMmGoUw Alte precizari: GG
  13. Nickname: BASTARDiNO Rank: 3 Culoarea votată (doar ID-ul culorii): 115
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