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Everything posted by BASTARDO ToV

  1. Nick: BASTARDiNO Rank: 4 Nick-ul reclamatului: BiancaO Level-ul reclamatului: 16 MyStats bar a reclamatului: Descriere: Shoots at car + DM Dovezi:
  2. A fost o saptamana grea pentru mine, what about you?
  3. (19 Apr -> 25 Apr) Welcome back dear instructors, the tides have turned and this week you're going to become the bad guys! We're gonna rob a bank ! This mission consists of 2 steps First of all, you have to prove that you're a good criminal, in order to qualify for the next step. That's why you have to complete one rob successfully (Solo/Group). And PM me the proof (SS in-game/ Income log) You have until Wedneday 23:59 to fulfill this task
  4. Im fine, kinda busy with studies and stuff. But ive noticed you're a hard tester, i wonder why
  5. Activitate: | Data: 11.04.2021 | Ora: 15:00 Organizatori: .BASTARDO / Snowish/ Beebita  Membri prezenţi Private (1) - Second Lieutenant (2) Io[N]ut.z Hancks .karpen AsasinVIP First Lieutenant (3) Krovan Stoner Captain (4) Deagle Major (5) iHELLKING Reedorf CristeaADV Total : 10 Membri învoiţi Private (1) JunnkyFaraonu Second Lieutenant (2) OffSet AGN gunnter syoss.exposito purple. Pittsburgh [inactivitate] First Lieutenant (3) Jon.hatz avicii Captain (4) Ozzie haydenowski Anisha Major (5) LuiS. Sven Reksio swiftbrotherhd .Factot.Failmachine Dragos [COMMANDER] CostyTalent [COMMANDER] Total : 19 Membri întârziaţi Private (1) - Second Lieutenant (2) Volkano(15:34:00) * First Lieutenant (3) - Captain (4) - Major (5) - Total : 1 Membri absenţi Private (1) Second Lieutenant (2)  First Lieutenant (3) Captain (4) chillexanu Major (5) Marcel_ Total : 2 *Volkano a ajuns la 15:34. deci o sa fie sanctionat cu Faction Warn Sven esti invoit pentru prima si ultima oara pentru acest motiv. Daca am gresit cu ceva, contactati-ma printr-un PM
  6. -Name: BASTARDO. - Rank: SF Supervisor - Date of the test: 11/04/2021 (26) - Candidate: DenisEr0s - Results (x/3): 3/3 - Observed by: (only for new testers): _
  7. -Name: BASTARDO. - Rank: SF Supervisor - Date of the test: 11/04/2021 - Candidate: Tatto - Results (x/3): 3/3 - Observed by: (only for new testers): _
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