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Everything posted by ImpacT.

  1. Nick: ImpacT. Nick testat: LowRider.MEiSTER Rezultat proba teoretică: 0.5/3 Rezultat proba practică: 5-4 pentru el Rezultat final: Admis Alte precizări: Welcome
  2. Nick:impact. Rank:6 Data la care nu poti veni:24/01/2023 Doresc sa ma invoiesc la (war/antrenament/sedinta/activitate):war Lipsesc din motivul:nu sunt acasa Numarul de învoiri din aceasta saptamana (x/2):1/2 Numarul de invoiri puse de la ultimul rank-up:- Alte precizari:-
  3. Nick: ImpacT. Nick testat: .Hezail.ELCHAPO Rezultat proba teoretică: 1.5/3 Rezultat proba practică: 5-0 for me Rezultat final: Respins Alte precizări: -
  4. Nick: ImpacT. Nick testat: .Royz. Rezultat proba teoretică: 0/3 Rezultat proba practică: 5-2 pentru el Rezultat final: Admis Alte precizări: Welcome!
  5. Nick: ImpacT. Rank: 6 Date that you can't come: 14.12.2022 I wish to consent at (war/training/meeting/activity): war The absence reason: not home Number of consents this week (x/2): 1/2 Other specifications: -
  6. Nick: ImpacT. Rank: 6 Date that you can't come: 13.12.2022 I wish to consent at (war/training/meeting/activity): war The absence reason: not home Number of consents this week (x/2): 1/2 Other specifications: -
  7. Nick: ImpacT. Rank: 6 Date that you can't come: 12.12.2022 I wish to consent at (war/training/meeting/activity): war The absence reason: not home Number of consents this week (x/2): 1/2 Other specifications: -
  8. Nick: ImpacT. Rank: 6 Date that you can't come: 07.12.2022 I wish to consent at (war/training/meeting/activity): war The absence reason: not home Number of consents this week (x/2): 2/2 Other specifications: -
  9. * Nick: ImpacT. * Rank: 2 * Reason: sa rup fail-urile. * Other specifications:-
  10. Nick: ImpacT. Rank: 6 Date that you can't come: 05.12.2022 I wish to consent at (war/training/meeting/activity): war The absence reason: personal problems Number of consents this week (x/2): 1/2 Other specifications: -
  11. Activitati OPTIONALE: Duels with Gas Can., LMS And Duels with Deagle. | Data: 27.11.2022 | Ora: 15:00 Organizatori: ImpacT. // Cuzo.. // DickyHAZE  Membri prezenţi Private (1) Renx. KeNt1..0 Mr0ne Second Lieutenant (2) .Cristi_ First Lieutenant (3) Cuzo.. DickyHAZE Captain (4) - Major (5) Focs. l00k.CoFFeOLEACA Colonel (6) - General (Leader) - Membri prezenti: 13 (din care 2 r6+) Membri invoiti: Membri invoiti: 32 ! Daca am gresit cu ceva, contactati-ma printr-un PM! Toate cele bune.
  12. Nick: Drazox Nick-ul celui testat: Michael.Townley Rezultat proba teoretic (?/3; Admis / Respins) 0/3 Admis Rezultat proba practic (?/10; Admis / Respins) 5-4 pentru el Rezultat final (Admis / Respins) . Admis
  13. Invoir (21.11.2022) retrag Nick: drazox Rank: 4 Ziua: Monday Ma invoiesc de la: War. Data: 22.11.2022 Motiv: Sunt plecat maine Numar de invoiri pe aceasta saptamana(1/2; 2/2): 1/2 Alte precizari: -
  14. Nick: drazox Rank: 4 Ziua: Monday Ma invoiesc de la: War. Data: 21.11.2022 Motiv: Sunt plecat maine Numar de invoiri pe aceasta saptamana(1/2; 2/2): 1/2 Alte precizari: -
  15. Nick: drazox Rank: 4 Ziua: Miercuri Ma invoiesc de la: War. Data: 16.11.2022 Motiv: Sunt plecat maine Numar de invoiri pe aceasta saptamana(1/2; 2/2): 1/2 Alte precizari: -
  16. Nick: Drazox Rank: 4 Ziua: Marti Ma invoiesc de la: War. Data: 15.11.2022 Motiv: not home Numar de invoiri pe aceasta saptamana(1/2; 2/2): 1/2 Alte precizari: -
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