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Everything posted by ImpacT.

  1. Nick: drazox Rank: 3 Ziua: miercuri Ma invoiesc de la: War. Data: 10.11.2022 Motiv: not home. Numar de invoiri pe aceasta saptamana(1/2; 2/2): 2/2 Alte precizari: GL
  2. Nick: Drazox Rank: 3 Ziua: vineri Ma invoiesc de la: War. Data: 09.11.2022 Motiv: sunt placet Numar de invoiri pe aceasta saptamana(1/2; 2/2): 1/2 Alte precizari: -
  3. Nick: Drazox Rank: 3 Ziua: vineri Ma invoiesc de la: War. Data: 08.11.2022 Motiv: sunt placet Numar de invoiri pe aceasta saptamana(1/2; 2/2): 1/2 Alte precizari: -
  4. * Name: impact. * Rank: 4 * RPG bar (small): * Why do you want this function?: I want this function to helper a lot LVPD because im serious member and active and i can do my best to prove myself in this department, also to be fair and respectful with all the candidates. * Do you speak english fluently?: Ofc * Do you think you can help us with the candidates?: Yes i can help a lot with the candidates especially the english candidates, teaching them how to make their raport and to avoid the mistakes that can be happen, also answering to their questions in /r and give help if they ask for anytime. * Other specifications: thanks, hope i ll get a chance to prove myself in this faction.
  5. Nick: Kiwo Rank: SubLeader Membrul sanctionat: SirMarioCAPYBARA[ZEW] Motiv: Evidence wars 14.10.2022 Sanctiune: $15000 (scor negativ) Nick: Kiwo Rank: subLeader Membrul sanctionat: .CaliMEiSTER Motiv: Evidence wars 14.10.2022 Sanctiune: AV (1/3)
  6. Evidence of wars Date: 14/10/2022 All wars: 500sec
  7. Nick:drazox Rank:3 I'm taking a leave from:wars Date: 13.10.2022 Reason: im not home Number of leaves this week(1/2; 2/2): 1/2 Anything else:gl
  8. Nick: kiwo Rank: subLeader Membrul sanctionat: kiwo Motiv: Evidence wars 11.10.2022 Sanctiune: AV (1/2) Nick: kiwo Rank: SubLeader Membrul sanctionat: AmR[ZEW] Motiv: Evidence wars 11.10.2022 Sanctiune: Faction Warn (2/2) Nick: kiwo Rank: SubLeader Membrul sanctionat: hardz3r. Motiv: Evidence wars 11.10.2022 Sanctiune: AV (1/2)
  9. Evidence of wars Date: 11/10/2022 All wars: 500sec "fara amenzi" / "without fines"
  10. Nick: Kiwo Rank: SubLeader Membrul sanctionat: AmR[ZEW] Motiv: Evidence wars 07.10.2022 Sanctiune: Faction Warn (3/3)
  11. Evidence of wars Date: 07/10/2022 War 1: 30 sec || War 2+3: 500 sec "fara amenzi" / "without fines"
  12. Evidence of wars Date: 05/10/2022 All wars: 500sec "fara amenzi" / "without fines"
  13. Nick:drazox Rank:2 I'm taking a leave from:wars Date: 04.10.2022 Reason: im not home Number of leaves this week(1/2; 2/2): 2/2 Anything else:gl
  14. Nick: drazox Rank: 2 I'm taking a leave from: wars Date: 03.10.2022 Reason: im not home Number of leaves this week(1/2; 2/2): 1/2 Anything else: Good luck
  15. "fara amenzi" / "without fines" Nick: kiwo Rank: SubLeader Membrul sanctionat: kiwo Motiv: Evidence wars 30.09.2022 Sanctiune: AV (3/4) Nick: kiwo Rank: SubLeader Membrul sanctionat: hardz3r. Motiv: Evidence wars 30.09.2022 Sanctiune: Faction Warn (4/4) Nick: kiwo Rank: SubLeader Membrul sanctionat: BlasK.ExE Motiv: Evidence wars 30.09.2022 Sanctiune: Faction Warn (4/4)
  16. Evidence of wars Date: 30/09/2022 All wars: 500sec "fara amenzi" / "without fines"
  17. Nick:drazox Rank:2 I'm taking a leave from:wars Date:30.09.2022 Reason: im not home Number of leaves this week(1/2; 2/2): 2/2 Anything else:gl
  18. Nick:drazox Rank:2 I'm taking a leave from:wars Date:28.09.2022 Reason: im not home Number of leaves this week(1/2; 2/2): 1/2 Anything else:gl
  19. Nick:drazox Rank:2 I'm taking a leave from:war Date:26.09.2022 Reason: im not home Number of leaves this week(1/2; 2/2): 1/2 Anything else:gl
  20. Nick:drazox Rank: 2 I'm taking a leave from:war Date:23.09.2022 Reason: internet problems Number of leaves this week(1/2; 2/2): 2/2 Anything else: succes
  21. Nick:drazox Rank:1 I'm taking a leave from:war Date:20.09.2022 Reason: im not home Number of leaves this week(1/2; 2/2): 1/2 Anything else:gl
  22. Nick:kiwo Rank:2 Date that you can't come: 16.09.2022 I wish to consent at (war/training/meeting/activity):war The absence reason:im not home Number of consents this week (x/2):1/2 Other specifications:-
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