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LS Police Department - Sanctiuni / Punishments
TheTom replied to Teylo's topic in LS Police Department
- Nume: TheTom - Rank: 7 - Data sanctionarii: 06.02.2021 - Membrul sanctionat si rankul sau: NeD, Lolipop.5G, [$]zEu., [$]TiNa - 5 Slide, Berlin - 4 Vanity.Yssikov - 3 - Sanctiunea acordata: Faction Warn - Motivul: absenti activitate -
LS Police Department - Evidenta Activitati / Activities Evidence
TheTom replied to IonuC's topic in LS Police Department
- Nume: TheTom - Rank: 7 - Data si ora activitatii: 06.02.2021 19:00-20:00 - Organizatori: TheTom, Fox.HELPERU, Jiuu, RelaXx. - Membrii prezenti (22): 31.BiBe., Bahoi[WeedDealer], Taz.DraciPeMine, Kalph, Belzebub, Bailly, ShubhaM, Kendzor, growndex, Manny_Pardo, RelaXx, Darkblood, Markovnicov, Berk, xJz, Andrei[Legend], Cristian, Klaus.Iohannis, Jiuu, Agent_47, TheTom, Mangusta. - Membrii care au intarziat(0): - - Membrii invoiti(11): Mariano, Sasuke.Senpai, TheDarkbloodB1, Mike, 19DaNi, Larisa.C, Chicago, []XyHard[], Dallas.InDaHouse, eDy[Legend], GigGs11[Legend] - Membrii absenti(7): NeD, Lolipop.5G, Slide, Berlin., [$]TiNa, Vanity.Yssikov, [$]zEu. - Sanctiunea celor absenti: Faction Warn - Alte precizari: Ati fost cam putini, dar e ok -
LS Police Department - Anunţuri importante / Important announcements
TheTom replied to FlameS's topic in LS Police Department
Sambata, 06.02.2021, la ora 19:00 vom organiza o activiate speciala impreuna cu SF Taxi. Prezenta este obligatorie. Premiul este de $1.000.000. / Va reamintesc ca avem un topic pentru recorduri si realizari importante, daca doriti sa ramaneti in istoria factiunii. Pot fi adaugate si altele inafara de cele de pe lista. https://forum.b-zone.ro/topic/444129-ls-police-department-recorduri-records/ -
LS Police Department - Anunţuri importante / Important announcements
TheTom replied to FlameS's topic in LS Police Department
7.3 Cand arestati pe cineva, trebuie sa il duceti la cea mai apropiata sectie de politie de la locatia unde i-ati dat cuff, altfel Faction Warn. English: 7.3 When you arrest someone, you ned to bring he at the closest police station from where you cuffed him, otherwise Faction Warn. -
LS Police Department - Sanctiuni / Punishments
TheTom replied to Teylo's topic in LS Police Department
- Nume: TheTom - Rank: 7 - Data sanctionarii: 28.01.2021 - Membrul sanctionat si rankul sau: xJz - 5 - Sanctiunea acordata: Faction Warn - Motivul: Gov aiurea - Nume: TheTom - Rank: 7 - Data sanctionarii: 02.02.2021 - Membrul sanctionat si rankul sau: Lolipop.5G - 4 - Sanctiunea acordata: Faction Warn - Motivul: Reclamatie RPG - Nume: TheTom - Rank: 7 - Data sanctionarii: 04.02.2021 - Membrul sanctionat si rankul sau: Markovnikov - 4 - Sanctiunea acordata: Faction Warn - Motivul: Reclamatie RPG -
LS Police Department - Anunţuri importante / Important announcements
TheTom replied to FlameS's topic in LS Police Department
* Transferurile * * Intre factiunile LSPD, LVPD, SFPD, FBI si NG se pot realiza transferuri dupa 14 zile de la intrarea in factiune, care consta in plecarea din factiunea actuala in alta precizata anterior, fara a mai fi nevoie sa asteptati urmatoarea sesiune de recrutare si fara a avea alti concurenti la intrare. * Pentru a va transfera din LSPD sau in LSPD trebuie sa faceti un PM cu ambii lideri, in care sa precizati intentia si motviul pentru care doriti sa faceti asta. * Daca ambrii lideri sunt de acord transferul se va realiza astfel: - Se pune demisia din factiunea actuala. - Se stabileste cu liderul o ora la care se va aplica in noul departament, dar aplicatia va avea campurile departamentului respectiv. - Veti fi acceptati pe loc cu motivul "Transfer din X" si veti sustine un test daca este cazul. - Pentru transferul dintr-un PD in alt PD nu va fi nevoie de sustinerea altei probe/test. - Pentru transferul din NG/FBI in PD sau invers, se vor sustine diferite probe/teste stabilite de lider, despre care veti fi informati in PM-ul cu transferul. - Daca veti trece testul veti primi rank 1 (nu se va acorda rankul avut anterior), daca il veti pica veti ramane civili. English: -
LS Police Department - Wanted, Ticket & Code List
TheTom replied to Alexander's topic in LS Police Department
--=| English |=-- Wanted List: Wanted 1: - Car Jacking - Prank Call 112 - Car Jacking (given by server) - Murder (given by server) - Car Jacking (acordat de server) - Drugs Delivery (skill 3+) (given by server) - Materials Delivery (skill 3+) (given by server) Wanted 2: - Civilian Attack - Disobeying Order - Trespassing on Gov. Area ( LSPD, LVPD, SFPD, FBI, area 51 garage) Wanted 3: - Kidnapping Civilian - Possession/Use Of Drugs (wanted + /confiscate) - Cop Attack (without the right to surrender) - Not Paying Ticket - Pickpoketing Cop - Drugs Delivery (skill 5) (given by server) - Materials Delivery (skill 5) (given by server) - Department Vehicle Jacking (given by server and without the right to surrender) Wanted 4: - Drive-by - Cop Bribing - Murder (given by civilians) Wanted 5: - Kidnapping Cop - Cop kill (given by server and without the right to surrender) Wanted 6: - Runner (without the right to surrender) - Accomplice (without the right to surrender) - Armed Robbery (given by server and without the right to surrender) - Escape Attempt (given by server and without the right to surrender) Ticket List: - Illegal parking: specific ticket + driving license confiscated 1 hour - Illegal driving: specific ticket + driving license confiscated 1 hour - Disturbing the other drivers: specific ticket + driving license confiscated 1 hour - Using hydraulics on a public road: specific ticket + driving license confiscated 1 hour - Using NOS on a public road: specific ticket + driving license confiscated 1 hour - Breaking the speed limit with over 50km/h: specific ticket + driving license confiscated 1 hour - Breaking the speed limit with over 100km/h: specific ticket + driving license confiscated 2 hours - Driving with alcohol level over 3.0: driving license confiscated 1 hour * If the player repeats again the mistake in the remaining minutes after the confiscate, you will confiscate his license for another 3 hours. - Headlights off between 20:00 - 08:00: specific ticket - Materials without license: specific ticket + materials confiscated - Selling guns: specific ticket - Walking on road: specific ticket Ticket List for PD Members: - Illegal parking - $25.000 - Illegal driving - $25.000 - Use of NOS - $25.000 - Using hydraulics on public roads - $10.000 - Headlights off - $10.000 - Walking on road - $10.000 - Breaking the speed limit with over 50km/h-100km/h - $10.000 (Pay the cop's ticket) - Breaking the speed limit with over 100km/h - $10.000 (Pay the cop's ticket) Code List: - 10-0 - I need a patrol mate - 10-1 - Copy that - 10-2 - off duty - 10-3 - on duty - 10-4 - See you over ... - 10-5 - On my way over ... - 10-6 - ... Don't have the right to surrender - 10-7 - ... Have the right to surrender - 10-8 - ... Have drugs - 10-9 - I need a rank 2+ to confiscate the ... of ... - 10-10 - Everyone in armoury (Only the leader / subleader can use this code) - 10-99 - I need the SWAT Team * When you call the SWAT you also have to use /backup * Attention: For any transmitting mistake without reason sustained by solid proofs, you will be punished depending on the severity of the mistake Example: „Roads Member: 10-99 in DownTown” „SWAT Member: 10-1, 10-5 DownTown” Translated by @Chicago- 1 reply
LS Police Department - Sanctiuni / Punishments
TheTom replied to Teylo's topic in LS Police Department
- Nume: TheTom - Rank: 7 - Data sanctionarii: 26.01.2021 - Membrul sanctionat si rankul sau: 31.BiBE. - Sanctiunea acordata: Faction Warn - Motivul: Reclamatie RPG. - Nume: TheTom - Rank: 7 - Data sanctionarii: 28.01.2021 - Membrul sanctionat si rankul sau: Chicago - 5 - Sanctiunea acordata: Avertisment Verbal - Motivul: Reclamatie RPG. -
LS Police Department - Sanctiuni / Punishments
TheTom replied to Teylo's topic in LS Police Department
- Nume: TheTom - Rank: 7 - Data sanctionarii: 24.01.2020 - Membrul sanctionat si rankul sau: Ionut. - 5 - Sanctiunea acordata: Amenda - Motivul: Reclamatie RPG. - Nume: TheTom - Rank: 7 - Data sanctionarii: 25.01.2021 - Membrul sanctionat si rankul sau: 19DaNi - 5 - Sanctiunea acordata: Amenda - Motivul: Reclamatie RPG. -
LS Police Department - Anunţuri importante / Important announcements
TheTom replied to FlameS's topic in LS Police Department
Regula aceasta: 12.7 Cand sanctionati pe cineva trebuie sa-i spuneti motivul, locatia si timpul cand a fost incalcata regula si cum il veti sanctiona. Altfel Faction Warn. este acum asa: 12.7 Daca sanctionati jucatorul la o alta ora sau in alta zi fata de cea cand a incalcat o regula de circulatie, trebuie sa ii spuneti si motivul, locatia, data si ora si cum il veti sanctiona. Altfel Faction Warn. -
LS Police Department - Sanctiuni / Punishments
TheTom replied to Teylo's topic in LS Police Department
- Nume: TheTom - Rank: 7 - Data sanctionarii: 20.01.2021 - Membrul sanctionat si rankul sau: Ionut. - 5 - Sanctiunea acordata: Faction Warn - Motivul: Reclamatie RPG. -
Na ca si-a facut timp Kelton de samp Multumim pentru implicare. Thanks @nWo Mushroom, idk why i think that was your ideea
- Nume: TheTom - Linkul catre profilul de website / RPG bar: - Tipul de pachet dorit: 3 - Anunțul dorit: "LSPD va avea aplicatiile deschise vineri la ora 20:00." - Numărul de pachete de care am beneficiat saptămâna asta: 0/2 - Am luat la cunoștință regulile prezentate pe prima pagină: da - Sunt de acord ca tipul pachetului și anunțul să fie modificate dacă este cazul: da - Alte precizări: as dori un raspuns azi, maxim maine, dupa nu mai este cazul.
LS Police Department - Sanctiuni / Punishments
TheTom replied to Teylo's topic in LS Police Department
- Nume: TheTom - Rank: 7 - Data sanctionarii: 16.01.2121 - Membrul sanctionat si rankul sau: Lolipop.5G, .gmbh. - 4 , VLT., [$]zEu., [$]TiNa - 5 - Sanctiunea acordata: Faction Warn - Motivul: Absenti activitate. -
LS Police Department - Evidenta Activitati / Activities Evidence
TheTom replied to IonuC's topic in LS Police Department
- Nume: TheTom - Rank: 7 - Data si ora activitatii: 16.01.2121 20:00 - Organizatori: TheTom, RelaXx, Fox. & V86ulpea - Membrii prezenti: Vanity.Yasikov, Bailly, Belzebub, ShubhaM, Kendzor, growndex, Berk, Slide, darkblood, 19DaNi, RelaXx, Berlin, Mike, Rogvaiv[Legend], Andrei[Legend], []XyHard[], Cristian, xJz, Agent_47, io[N]uT.z, Ionut., Larisa, Chicago, eDy[Legend], TheTom. - Membrii care au intarziat: NeD. - Membrii invoiti: Andra.E, TheDarkLordB1, Manny_Pardo, Markovnicov, Waynee, Jiuu, Kr3tzu.PD, GigGs11[Legend]. - Membrii absenti: Lolipop.5G, .GmbH., VLT., [$]zEu., [$]TiNa. - Sanctiunea celor absenti: Faction Warn - Alte precizari: zi frumoasa, ms pt prezenta mare! -
LS Police Department - Sanctiuni / Punishments
TheTom replied to Teylo's topic in LS Police Department
- Nume: TheTom - Rank: 7 - Data sanctionarii: 11.01.2021 - Membrul sanctionat si rankul sau: LIetun.Spargminore - 4 - Sanctiunea acordata: 2x Faction Warn - Motivul: Reclamatii RPG - Nume: TheTom - Rank: 7 - Data sanctionarii: 14.01.2021 - Membrul sanctionat si rankul sau: VLT, Waynee, Berlin - 5 - Sanctiunea acordata: Rank Down - Motivul: Contributii insuficiente - Nume: TheTom - Rank: 7 - Data sanctionarii: 16.01.2121 - Membrul sanctionat si rankul sau: Kimbal - Sanctiunea acordata: 3/3 - Motivul: Abuz functie -
LS Police Department - Anunţuri importante / Important announcements
TheTom replied to FlameS's topic in LS Police Department
De acum pentru fiecare invoire la activitati veti primi o zi in plus la rankup. Exemplu: X are rank 2, s-a organizat o activitate, iar X a pus invoire. Acesta are punctele de rankup deja, iar in 4 zile trebuie sa ia rankup. Pentru ca a pus invoirea respectiva va primi rank-ul in 5 zile (cu o zi in plus) Regula intra in vigoare incepand de luni, 18.01.2021. *decizia adminilor* Pentru a evita greselile se va tine evidenta acestor invoiri in topicul "Avansare in Rank" -
LS Police Department - Discuţii / Discussions
TheTom replied to Alexander's topic in LS Police Department
@gxmarius @NTZ ZEW facem posturi pt helper, a? hai sa nu mai facem -
LS Police Department - Sanctiuni / Punishments
TheTom replied to Teylo's topic in LS Police Department
- Nume: T.I.B.I - Rank: A5 - Data sanctionarii: 28.12.2020 - Membrul sanctionat si rankul sau: _LauRenTiu69_ - 2 - Sanctiunea acordata: 3/3 - Motivul: Ban Aimbot - Dovezi: - - Nume: TheTom - Rank: 7 - Data sanctionarii: 01.01.2021 - Membrul sanctionat si rankul sau: gmbh. - 4 - Sanctiunea acordata: Faction Warn - Motivul: Activitate scazuta luna decembrie - Dovezi: - -
LS Police Department - Lista Neagră / BlackList
TheTom replied to TibiStanciu's topic in LS Police Department
@Bailly ToV cred ca este cam tarziu acum pentru a-l mai adauga pe blacklist, voi cauta pe cineva sa se ocupe de bl-uri. -
Este o idee foarte buna sa pui GPL pe masina cat timp ai injectie MPI (multi-punct), nu afecteaza motorul si vei avea un const total pe km mult mai mic, plus ca poluezi mult mai putin. La injectie directa e putina mai complicata treaba, nu mai este aceeasi fiabilitate si va trebui sa mergi undeva 30benzina/70gpl, in functie de motor. In concluzie eu am o masina diesel, iar la noi in tara nu sunt omologate astfel de instalatii pentru vehiculele diesel, dar sunt total de acord daca ai o masina pe benzina cu care vrei stricat sa-ti faci treaba.
LS Police Department - Anunţuri importante / Important announcements
TheTom replied to FlameS's topic in LS Police Department
Sambata, 16.01.2021, la ora 20:00 vom organiza o activiate impreuna cu SF Taxi Aceasta activitate va fi un war, iar prezenta este obligatorie. O zi buna! -
LS Police Department - Anunţuri importante / Important announcements
TheTom replied to FlameS's topic in LS Police Department
Acestea sunt noile rapoarte de activitate, in mare parte au fost putin ajutstate, nu marite. Mult succes la raport! Rank 1: - Roads: 5 amenzi | 3 licente confiscate | 3 wanted | 14 orice actiune in factiune. (25) Rank 2: - Roads: 10 amenzi | 5 licente confiscate | 5 wanted | 10 orice actiune in factiune. (30) - S.W.A.T: 10 arrest/kills | 5 obiecte confiscate | 5 wanted | 10 orice actiune in factiune. (30) Rank 3: - Roads: 15 amenzi | 5 licente confiscate | 5 wanted | 15 orice actiune in factiune. (40) - S.W.A.T: 15 arrest/kills | 5 obiecte confiscate | 5 wanted | 15 orice actiune in factiune. (40) Rank 4: - Roads: 30 orice actiune in factiune. - S.W.A.T: 30 orice actiune in factiune. Rank 5: - Roads: 20 orice actiune in factiune. - S.W.A.T: 20 orice actiune in factiune. -
Cred ca ai gresit comunitatea dupa posturile tale, aici suntem pe B-Zone. OnTopic: exista deja un astfel de mod cel mai probabil pe comunitatea de care apartii, este de ajuns un search pe google si il vei gasi. O zi buna!
LS Police Department - Sanctiuni / Punishments
TheTom replied to Teylo's topic in LS Police Department
- Nume: TheTom - Rank: 7 - Data sanctionarii: 22.12.2020 - Membrul sanctionat si rankul sau: []XyHard[] - 5 - Sanctiunea acordata: Faction Warn - Motivul: Reclamatie RPG - Dovezi: *click