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oC lamporo

RPG Administration - Junior
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oC lamporo last won the day on December 23

oC lamporo had the most liked content!

About oC lamporo

  • Birthday 07/13/2002

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oC lamporo's Achievements


Mentor (12/14)

  • 200 Topics Rare
  • 60 Consecutive Logs Rare
  • 30 Consecutive Logs Rare
  • 100 Topics Rare
  • 50 Topics Rare

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  1. Nick: MosCraciunSEO Rang: 3 Taskuri (dovezi): https://imgur.com/a/gAcazuB Alte precizări: Sal
  2. Nickname: MosCraciunSEO Rang: 3 Culoarea votată (doar ID-ul culorii): 82
  3. Salutare, Gradul de VIP, Donator si Peaceful Faction Member ti-au fost acordate. Urmeaza sa primesti si gradul de Lady.
  4. Salutare, gradul mentionat ti-a fost alocat. Mult succes.
  5. Salutare, gradul mentionat ti-a fost alocat. Mult succes.
  6. Salutare, Gradul ti-a fost acordat, mult succes!
    Obtine Gold la pret special de
    Black Week in perioada 9.11.2024 - 6.11.2024! Nu rata sansa de a-ti economisi banutii. Intra pe shop.b-zone.ro si foloseste acest link cand cumperi: https://shop.b-zone.ro/aff.php?aff=4598.

  8. A happy beaver playing on a computer in a gaming room with RGB lights. The room has a modern setup, with a large monitor, gaming keyboard, and a sleek desk. Colorful RGB lights illuminate the room, casting a vibrant glow on the walls and furniture. The beaver is focused on its game, wearing headphones, and the atmosphere is cozy yet high-tech, with a comfortable gaming chair and posters on the walls. The scene is filled with energy and fun.

    asta esti tu ba

  9. da mi ba follow sau ma duc sa vanez capybare

    1. Roberte


      Capybarele nu urmaresc, capybarele sunt urmarite !! 


  10. capybarism de gradul 2. boala incurabila. 

    1. Roberte


      Pe bune 


  11. sal te urmaresc

    1. Andr666


      nici el pe tine pa :) 

    2. oC lamporo
  12. Ce ma urmărești?

    1. SoA NEXUS

      SoA NEXUS

      eu nu-s stalker, sunt înger păzitor

    2. oC lamporo
  13. Bun bun, La Multi Ani. Doresc o capybara @ Roberte
  14. prea multe notificari din partea ta mane

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