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Everything posted by Z O D

  1. Please Update us on the Backup and When Approximately Server will start?
  2. Great Kelton, Looking Forward to this
  3. In Loving Memory of RPG 3 


  4. End of An ERA, RIP RPG 3 Forever In Our Hearts, It gave us Everything we are today

  5. aaj pta chla rpg 1 par bhi paki h wah warna m akela rpg 3 pr paki hu :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Z O D

      Z O D

      abhi fusion k time par kyu leave krdia xD wapis aja


    3. Tobe Petes

      Tobe Petes

      Kafi time waste kar liya yaha ab kuch time real life ko bhi dena hai kabi chakar lagaoun ga samp pe

    4. Z O D
  6. It Would Be Awesome to Merge with RPG 1 Because More Staff Will Mean More Hacker Banned, Most of the Aimbotters which is like 60% of The Gangsters Are Already banned from RPG 1 / RPG 2 And They Reside in RPG 3 Because it has the lowest number of staff and they easily get away using hacks, So Now They all will be caught now And Everyone can play peacefully Great Day
  7. Great, Looking Forward To Fusion
  8. Please Update Us on The Fusion @Kelton
    It's A Great Mod, Specially For Gangster Because Whenever A Member asks for gun while you are shooting you don't have to stop and it gives him the gun automatically and automatically accepts too+
  9. I Wish English Players had much higher choices to Become A Leader, Yet I See Immature Players being leader I Wish I Could Atleast have a chance to become leader in 1 Gang, 1 Department and 1 Peaceful (Which we already have SFSI)

  10. I Don't think the Fusion Will be postponed because The Scriptwriters Like Adi007 And Killerfish might still be working on the fusion so there is no need for a postpone
  11. Congratulations @Kelton On Your Wedding, May you and your wife live a Happy and Prosperous Life together!

    1. Kelton


      Thank you very much!

  12. Un alt om patetic a sosit să vorbească spune prostii Scuzați-mă pentru utilizarea Translatorului Translation to my Message Above: Translated By Google Translator Colaborarea a 2 lideri nu ar fi un astfel de dezastru Dacă este gestionat corect, presupun că până când sistemul de fracțiuni se va întoarce la un lider, numai liderul poate ataca turf și nu este clasat pe 4+ și nu este sub-lideri de eveniment. Atribuțiile ar trebui atribuite, pentru că liderul unei săptămâni 1 trebuie să răspundă la plângeri, aplicații și să administreze alte lucruri, în timp ce săptămâna viitoare al doilea lider trebuie să facă același lucru. Acest lucru ar fi mult mai ușor și conflictele vor fi rezolvate foarte ușor. Cel mai mare lucru pe care mă îngrijorează Este decalajul. Sigur că după Merge ar fi 900 sau chiar 1000/1000 la orele de război. Așadar, întârzierea și încărcarea pe server ar crește în ultimă instanță, ceea ce se întâmplă deja cu un număr de 300 de jucători. I Wonder Dacă calitatea serverului nu este modernizată, războaiele ar fi inutile, în special pentru străini, sunt sigur că poți să manevrezi 150 de ping-uri Am fi x2 de asta. Acesta este, în principiu, singurul lucru pe care mă îngrijorează mai degrabă decât modul în care ar fi rambursate banii pentru afaceri și case. Pentru E.G: Am cumpărat un Biz pentru 100kk și am fost transferat la celălalt cont pentru $ 1, sper că nu primesc $ 1 pentru că ar fi afișat în Contul meu
  13. If Players Stop playing due to that, it's their pathetic mind and nothing else. Collaborating of 2 Leaders Would Not Be Such A Disaster If it is Managed Properly, I Suppose Until The Faction System is Back To 1 Leader, Only Leader can Attack Turfs and Not Rank 4+ and Not event Sub-Leaders. Duties should be assigned, For A Week 1 leader has to Answer Complaints, Applications and Manage Other Things while the next week the 2nd Leader has to do the same. This Would be much easier and conflicts will be resolved much easily. The Biggest Thing I'm Concerned About is the lag. I'm Sure After Merge it would be 900 or even 1000/1000 at War Hours. So The lag and load on the server would ultimately increase which already happens now with a player count of 300. I Wonder If the server quality is not upgraded the Wars would be unplayable especially for foreigners, I'm Sure You Can Handle 150 Ping But We Would have x2 of that. That's basically the only thing i'm Concerned about Rather than how the business & houses money would be refunded. For E.G: I Bought a Biz for 100kk and Transfered to my other account for $1, I Hope I Don't Get $1 because that would be shown in my Income
  14. I Disagree With This Because Some People Who Had Upto Level 150 or level 100 moved to RPG 3 or 4. So Merging the Level would be crazy because most people could have upto Level 400 (Same Goes For Respect Points). However Merging the Property, The Gold, The Vehicles and Faction History (If Possible) could be done
  15. I Propose the Idea of Merging RPG 1 with RPG 4 And RPG 2 with RPG 3. The Simple Reason is that; RPG 1 has the highest player count while RPG 4 has the lowest And RPG 2 and RPG 3 are a lot similar because most of the players who joined RPG 3 used to play in RPG 2. Thus their properties can be returned to them that they left on RPG 2 and It will help a little to Stabilize the Economy Merging these servers seems right to me. The Idea of 2 Leaders Seems Amazing. Like Admin 4 and 3 who are appointed each week to answer complaints / unban requests. The Leaders should be appointed like this to Answer Applications And Complaints Of the Faction. Both Leaders Chose 1 of their own Sub-Leaders. The Staff Members (Admins and Helpers) Shall Keep Their Function as they worked hard for it and it's not a piece of cake as mentioned by Our RPG 1 And RPG 2 Players. Of course everyone keeping their functions means less chances for Helper Applications to be Opened Ever again. The Idea of Resetting the Turfs doesn't get to me. If all the turfs are reset, How will gangs control over them? like if the turf belongs to no-one, whom would the Attacker Gang fight to Rule over it? All Gangs Should Be Given Turfs Equally, And then Wars Could Start. I Have Another Idea Which is to Increase The Vehicle Stocks In Dealership, If there is already No Stock in Dealership after merging. The Economy would raise much higher, An Infernus could go upto the price like $4,000,000 [4kk]. If the Dealership is Is Restocked, Vehicle Prices would be reduced thus Reducing Houses, Businesses Prices and Stabilizing The Economy Which would be Suitable to All Players. For Business, I Propose that for e.g: Those Players who Had Paintball LS in RPG 3, Which costs 200kk+ should not be refunded 200kk, but should be refunded the amount that was refunded to the player of the RPG 2. Because of that, Both Players would be Able to participate in the Re Auction of The Businesses and Thus could compete Equally. +1 If You Agree
  16. You see Thoughts like this makes you feel superior. If you think that getting Staff Function in 3 And 4 Are piece of cake then that is just pathetic from you. Every Staff Members Has Worked to achieve and get his function. Removing and Demoting Some Will Only Cause In More Players Leaving the Server Forever. I Don't think you had to kill a bear and hike through a mountain to get Admin or Leader or Helper, All of you worked on the server so did the Players from RPG 3 and 4. Every Action should result in a good to both or bad to both servers that are merging.
  17. I have A Proposal, When The Server Merges, All Businesses Which Are Owned By Both Players of Both Servers Should Be Reset, They should be refunded the Amount that they paid for it, But it has a flaw, If a player puts his business or his house to another account and trades it for $1, so he should not be refunded $1, Instead the amount that he genuinely paid for it. Houses And Businesses Should be reset and Auctions Shall be held, More over the players who owned them on their respective servers should be refunded in full. More Over, If RPG 1 and RPG 3 Are Merged, I Propose that the English Factions shall remain English like 69 Pier Mobs and SF School Instructors, These servers have the most amount of English and foreign players in them. Also I Propose the Idea of Merging Accounts, If the Player has Accounts on both Servers, His RP And Property should be transferred too. Merging the levels would be a bit crazy because that way some players would be above 200 or 300 level. I Hope you like this Idea @Kelton
  18. Congratulations To Team Pakistan For Winning Against 'Unbeatable New Zealand' 




  19.  A Must hear song for Hip hop Fans

    1. RW MiR HaSSaN

      RW MiR HaSSaN

      gand me dedun?? :D :D

  20. Z O D

    Summer Wars

    Hello, Please Don't Change the War Time Because It Is Perfect For Me And Other People Living In Other Timezones Like Pakistan And India
  21. GG HELPER 1!!!!!!!

    1. Jolly


      Thanx Brother <333

  22. All My Work, My Hardwork, My Grind to Become An Admin 1

    Just Gone from my hands

    It only took a few hours of time to ruin my months of hardwork.



    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. costi buci de cal

      costi buci de cal

      grind in a fucking video game, I found someone more stupid than me, wow :))

    3. Z O D

      Z O D

      Thanks Bro @Lil Wald I will try my best, Actually I'm thinking of joining The Gym

    4. Lil Wald

      Lil Wald

      Best thing to do man, never forget to play for fun! And for fun only!!!! Best regards mate!

  23. Hey Everyone, Sup?

  24. Great I Love it But Please Don't Do this like 1 month nothing 1 month marathon, it is just too soon and keep it like every 3 months or something so it gets balanced or else people will get piled up with these rewards and it will not feel like a grinding thing for levels, job skill & Stuff
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