Nickname: ZOD
Rank: 4
Invoire pentru war-ul din data: 19.02.2019
Motivul pentru care nu pot veni la war: My Internet and the server are making the game unplayable for me, 5 desyncs already, If it gets well I will be back
Numarul invoirii din aceasta saptamana (x/2):1/2
Alte precizari: Let's hope it gets well so i can come back
I downloaded the 5.2 Version because it's the english one but everytime I type /dr to frisk/confiscate, It gives the person wanted 1 for car jacking for which i have to clear it then. I hope you fix this. Now I'm gonna try the 5.3 Even though its in RO but i hope you make it english too
Nick: ZoD
Rank: 5
Data la care nu poti veni: 14.02.2020
Doresc sa ma invoiesc la (war/antrenament/sedinta/activitate): War
Lipsesc din motivul: Ies in oras. I am out of my house
Numarul de învoiri din aceasta saptamana (x/2): 1/2
Alte precizari:
Nick: ZoD
Rank: 5
Data la care nu poti veni: 06.02.2020
Doresc sa ma invoiesc(war/antrenament/sedinta/activitate: War
Lipsesc din motivul: Internet not working will be back if it runs.
Numarul de învoiri din aceasta saptamana (x/2): 1/2
Alte precizari: ms
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