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Everything posted by Andrada

  1. Ador avatarul. (*)

  2. Mi se par o idee luminate, Edi, dar sunt frumusele. Mai joaca-te cu textul si incearca sa eviti acele stroke-uri negre. Ma bucur ca ti-ai deschis si tu un portofoliu!
  3. Ai deja un topic. Ți-am șters ultima lucrare pentru reclamă.
  4. Da, da ALO bn tuuu Neața Danu. Neața echipă!
  5. Meh, nu ca e ceva atat de mirific acolo
  6. Uite m-am plictisit, am intrat, m-am uitat pe la miss nuj ce si am zis ca-s inactiva p-aici tu, Danu?
  7. Pentru a deschide o cerere in sectiunea 'Requests' ai nevoie de minimul de 50 de postari, pe care nu-l detii la momentul actual. Te rog sa citesti regulamentul, pe langa asta primesti o interdictie de 3 zile. T/C
  8. Ti-am spus si in privat ca il ador.
  9. Bun venit pe comunitatea noastra! Topic closed.
  10. Hello! Even if you're new here, I will tell you something and it will help you. First, you've created the wrong topic in the wrong section. You were supposed to go here: https://forum.b-zone.ro/forum/330-help/ and create the topic. The second thing I want to tell you, is to PLEASE READ the rules of each section. If you'll go to the 'Help' section rules, you will find that you are not allowed to post a topic just if you're one week old on our community. But, if you really need some help, you can send me a PM by clicking on my profile picture which will send you to my forum profile and then click the 'Send a message' button. I hope I helped you. Have a nice day and welcome to B-Zone Community!
  11. Comentariile pentru +1 se sanctioneaza cu un AV. La a doua abatere, il vei primi. // Topic inchis la cerere. Imi dai mesaj cand vrei sa il redeschid, @Steluta
  12. nu ma, la topicul ala cu Miss si Mister gen pozei aleia
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