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Helium ToV

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Everything posted by Helium ToV

  1. Nume in joc: Helium Contract: https://imgur.com/MriY9j0
  2. Nume în joc: HeliumContractul ales: https://imgur.com/a/xV4aBwu
  3. Nume in joc: Helium Contract: https://imgur.com/a/wCaSeSd
  4. Nume in joc:Helium Contract: https://imgur.com/SYtdaoQ
  5. Daca am gresit ceva va rog sa ma contactati prin PM. Activitate: Mandat de perchezitie | Data: 14.02.2021 | Ora: 15:00 Organizator: Helium si Hirax. Membri prezenţi Candidate(0) - Officer (1) Zenod Anody Albert0MAN Detective (2) Morar_David Sergeant (3) Andy_Camatarul Kinoto ZmaraDulx[legend] Lieutenant (4) Hirax. Cloud Krogen Gabbiue LuciaNoN Baghera22 Haladit Captain (5) Helium FlaviusYOURDADDY ReplayNO Cassa. AnDeD [Speys] Andreea.M Assistant Chief (6) - Chief (7) Eduard Membri prezenti: 21 Membri învoiţi Officer (1) Blood adyy Stoony xThorr Detective (2) Beli .MariuS. Sergeant (3) [Cr.am3000biturbo ReMiXeD Lieutenant (4) Danut. Captain (5) Danony GabiGOLANISISNIGGA Cazan Madalin12 Assistant Chief (6) Membri invoiti: - Membri întârziaţi Officer (1) Detective (2) - Sergeant (3) danieL.POLITISTU (16min) -> av Lieutenant (4) - Captain (5) - Membri intarziati: 1 Membri absenţi Officer (1) Detective (2) Sergeant (3) Lieutenant (4) Andrew.Morningstar Captain (5) Pavel18Junior Membrii absenti: - Va multumesc pentru participare! Castigatorii sunt: danieL.POLITISTU
  6. Name:Helium Rank:4 I want in team: ROADS/SWAT The reason:I want to go after no drepts Onother specifications: Nothing thanks and good-luck
  7. Name:H3Lium Rank:3 I want in team: ROADS/SWAT The reason:I want to try road with my new rank Onother specifications: Nothing thanks and good-luck
  8. Nick :H3Lium[ToV] Rang :2 Proof at/fdeposit or/accept ticket:https://imgur.com/a/9uXTyMf Link to the complaint (if any):https://www.rpg.b-zone.ro/factions/report/91320
  9. Name:H3Lium Rank:2 I want in team: ROADS/SWAT The reason:I was in National Guard and i fell more comfortable in swat mode Onother specifications: Nothing thanks and good-luck
  10. Thanks Kelton , Now we have thing to do on the server more.
  11. Nick : HeLium. Rank : 1 La ce ma invoiesc (sedinta/antrenament/activitate/war): WAR Data la care nu poti veni : 22.01.2020 Lipsesc din motivul: i'm not at the home Numărul de învoiri din aceasta saptamana: 1/2 Alte precizari: -
  12. Nick: HeLium. Rank: 1 From what are you missing(meeting/training/activities/war? war Date: 15.01.2020 Reason: I'm at office at the war times Number of requests from this week: 1/2 Other specifications:thanks
  13. Nickname: HeLium. Rank: 4 Test with: YungSuri Theoretical part (x/3): 3/3 Guns part (x/5): x/5 Result (accepted/denied) : denied Other specifications: GoodLuck next time
  14. Nickname: HeLium. Rank: 4 Test with: Covrigel Theoretical part (x/3): 1/3 Guns part (x/5): 3/5 Result (accepted/denied) : accepted Other specifications: Welcome to the future
  15. Name : HeLium rank : 3 proofs : https://imgur.com/a/Z8oQivc other specifications : Thanks
    great and useful thank you
    i like it and use it
  16. Hello boys happy chiristmas to all of you
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