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Everything posted by D J C

  1. Nick: .DjC. Rank: 2 Date of war: 11/12/2020 The reason I can’t come at war: Emergency jobs, can't promise that i can come. Invoice number this week (x/2): 2/2 Other specifications: Good luck
  2. I was banned in the wapp by someone. You do not have a discord too tf we gonna do =(
  3. Nick: .DjC. Rank: 2 Date of war: 10/12/2020 The reason I can’t come at war: Emergency jobs, can't promise that i can come. Invoice number this week (x/2): 1/2 Other specifications: Good luck
  4. Nick: .DjC. Rank: 1 Date of war: 03/12/2020 The reason I can’t come at war: Exam from school. Invoice number this week (x/2): 2/2 Other specifications: Good luck
  5. Nick: .DjC. Rank: 1 Date of war: 02/12/2020 The reason I can’t come at war: Exam from school. Invoice number this week (x/2): 1/2 Other specifications: Good luck
  6. Congratulations to all of you in advance and also thank you for the quest, KISS !!
  7. Nick: .DjC. Rank: 1 Date of war: 27/11/2020 The reason I can’t come at war: Got emergency work in hospital Invoice number this week (x/2): 1/2 Other specifications: Good luck
  8. D J C

    radical change

    Very bine, imi place
  9. D J C


    Definitely the seller is now being beaten in 10 samurai ways =)))))))) Very bine +1
  10. @Tupi Yep, both code works well. Thanks a lot, you can close the topic.
  11. Hello. I hope you are healthy. Recently I wrote a code that a part of that code does not work well and is disrupted in the mod Here is all the code: {$CLEO} thread "Service" repeat wait 0 until SAMP.Available() 0B63: "servicee" 0B34: "servicee" @Service WHILE TRUE WAIT 0 if 0B3C: samp is_dialog_responded id 1000 button 2@ list_item $item input_text 0 then if 0AB0: is_key_pressed 27 then 0B47: samp close_current_dialog_with_button 1@ else if 0039: 2@ == 1 then if $item == 0 then 0B3B: samp show_dialog id 1001 caption "Confirm" text "Do you agree to we continue !?" button_1 "Confirm" button_2 "Exit" style 0 $Servicee_item = 2 end if $item == 1 then 0B3B: samp show_dialog id 1001 caption "Confirm" text "Do you agree to we continue !?" button_1 "Confirm" button_2 "Exit" style 0 $Servicee_item = 3 end if $item == 2 then 0B3B: samp show_dialog id 1001 caption "Confirm" text "Do you agree to we continue !?" button_1 "Confirm" button_2 "Exit" style 0 $Servicee_item = 4 end end end end if 0B3C: samp is_dialog_responded id 1001 button 2@ list_item 0 input_text 0 then if 0AB0: is_key_pressed 27 then 0B47: samp close_current_dialog_with_button 1@ else if 0039: 2@ == 1 then if $Servicee_item == 2 then say "First works well." end if $Servicee_item == 3 then say "Second works well." end if $Servicee_item == 4 then say "Third works well." end end end end END :Service 0AC6: 31@ = label @Service_list offset 0B3B: samp show_dialog id 1000 caption "Menu" text 31@ button_1 "Call" button_2 "Exit" style 2 SAMP.CmdRet() :Service_list hex "First"A "Seound"A "Third"00 end ret 0 The main problem is here: if 0B3C: samp is_dialog_responded id 1001 button 2@ list_item 0 input_text 0 then if 0AB0: is_key_pressed 27 then 0B47: samp close_current_dialog_with_button 1@ else if 0039: 2@ == 1 then if $Servicee_item == 2 then say "First works well." end if $Servicee_item == 3 then say "Second works well." end if $Servicee_item == 4 then say "Third works well." end No message will be sent when I confirm this option 0B3B: samp show_dialog id 1001 caption "Confirm" text "Do you agree to we continue !?" button_1 "Confirm" button_2 "Exit" style 0 What do you think could be the problem? You also have a solution?
  12. I just spend 40 euro at all, god bless my soul very bine +1
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