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Everything posted by D J C

  1. I, Keep crying that why server keep desync on me, Well I was going after suspect and i got another desync... I'm thinking about suicide.
  2. Imi place, un like de la mn.
  3. Nick: .DjC. Rank: 3 Date of war: 05/01/2021 The reason I can’t come at war: Just noticed that something important happened on Real-life, i have to consider it, sorry Invoice number this week (x/2): 1/2 Other specifications: Forgive me and Good luck at war.
  4. Here’s to another year full of joy, laughter, and unforgettable memories with an unforgettable. Happy new year friends!!
  5. Now that we are entering 2021, its best to let 2020 become a distant memory and celebrate the upcoming year with a lot of joy and happiness. With social distancing norms and curfews in place, ringing in the New Year will not be the same as it used to be. So, for people who are miles apart. Happy new year Department members!!
  6. D J C


    Truth, imi place.
  7. Exacly, what Tupi linked here, it's wiki website Which is placed in the case of Opcodes. Comes with examples and explanations. Which is good website to use.
  8. This is what I realized. I think you want the right package of SAMPFUNCS. Sampfuns v5.4.1 download link: sf_5_4_1_sdk download link: https://www.mediafire.com/file/9dpe1kisamwbvw9/sf_5_4_1_sdk.zip/file File preview: And files that must be installed in the Sanny builder 3 before scripting. otherwise The program does not support and compile opcodes at all.
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