Editia B-Olympics Winter 2020 s-a incheiat! Felicitari Tow Truck Company pentru castigarea acestei editii, dar si factiunilor Las Venturas Taxi si San Fierro Taxi pentru locurile 2, si respectiv 3. De asemenea felicitari liderilor @Paul ToV, @HEROINA si @aky9 pentru organizarea factiunilor pe care le conduc cat si subliderilor pentru interesul aratat. O sa va rog ca in urmatoarele 30 de zile sa impartiti premiile primite cu membrii factiunii (cu toti sau doar cu cei care au participat la olimpiada) sau sa organizati activitati in cadrul factiunii cu acestia, iar dupa ce terminati de acordat toti banii sa reveniti cu PM catre mine si @Rami cu dovezile transferurilor. Craciun Fericit si Un an nou plin de noroc!
De asemenea felicitari @KyubyZEM RPG pentru strangerea celor mai multe puncte pentru factiunea ta in timpul olimpiadei, ai fost premiat cu 1000 gold.
Atat medaliile cat si trofeul vor fi postate in cel mai scurt timp.
The Winter B-Olympics 2020 has ended! Congratulations Tow Truck Company for winning this edition, and congratulations Las Venturas Taxi and San Fierro Taxi for your placement in the rankings, takeing the second and third place. Also I would like to congratulate the leaders @Paul ToV, @HEROINA and @aky9 for how they managed to organise their factions that they lead and the subleaders that shown a lot of interest for this eveniment. I would ask you that in the next 30 days to share the prizes to your faction members (to the ones that participated in this olympics or to all of your members) or to organise some activities inside your faction with these money, and after you finish to give them the money to come back with a PM with me and @Rami with some proofs about the transfers. Merry Christmas and a Happy and Lucky New Year!
Also congratulations @KyubyZEM RPG for the most points gotten through the tasks of this olympics, you were awarded with 1000 gold.
The medals and the trofee will be posted as fast as possible.