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About Divyanshu

  • Birthday 01/07/2000

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Gurugram ,India
  • Hobbies
    Finding genuine people in this fake world.

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  • Real name
    Divyanshu Vats
  • RPG Nickname

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  1. Good Bye agents , it was a Nice long time with you guys 8 months in faction. many joined and left infront of me, got many friends . time to say good bye
  2. • Nickname:Divyanshu • Level:87 • Rank (The rank you have in FBI):4 • The nickname of the perpetrator: Darkking8 • The perpretator RPG bar: • Reason: Insults adressed to the members. • A short description of the situations: - • Proofs (Screenshots):.https://imgur.com/a/Y36aTEN
  3. Name: Divyanshu Rank:4 Date and hour:28/03/2020 Name of activity:m4 1vs1 duels, lms Description of activity (if that's the case):there will be 1vs 1 m4 duels and 2x lms with a specific weapon mentioned at time of activity. Partner (optional): Other specifications:thank you.
  4. Name: Divyanshu Rank:4 Date and hour:25/03/2020 20:00 Name of activity:solo race with rancher, 1vs1 deagle duels and Last Man standing. Description of activity (if that's the case):in solo race every member will be given a FBI rancher and required to reach a given destination first to win will get 100k prize. In 1vs1 deagle duels the winning player will duel between them and the last winner will get 100k, Price for LMS is 100k Partner (optional): Other specifications:thanks for considering
  5. Name: Divyanshu Rank:4 Date and hour:24/03/2020 20:00 Name of activity:solo race with rancher, 1vs1 deagle duels and Last Man standing. Description of activity (if that's the case):in solo race every member will be given a FBI rancher and required to reach a given destination first to win will get 100k prize. In 1vs1 deagle duels the winning player will duel between them and the last winner will get 100k, Price for LMS is 100k Partner (optional): Other specifications:thanks for considering
  6. *Name:Divyanshu *Rank:4 *Proofs: Click here *Other specifications:
  7. Nume: Divyanshu Rank: 3 Actiuni namecover: click Numarul de actiuni namecover: 1x drug possession/ use + confiscate Alte precizari:
  8. Name:Divyanshu Rank:3 Namecover actions: Click Number of namecover actions:1x Drug Possesion/use + Confiscate Other specifications?:Hi
  9. Name:Divyanshu Rank:3 Namecover actions: Click Number of namecover actions:1x Drug Possesion/use + Confiscate Other specifications?:Hi
  10. Name:Divyanshu Rank:3 Namecover actions: Click Number of namecover actions:1x Drug Possesion/use + Confiscate Other specifications?:Hi
  11. Nick:Zod Rank:3 Date that you can't come:10/12/2019 I wish to consent at (war/training/meeting/activity):War The absence reason:Light down. Cant even use crome Number of consents this week (x/2):1/2 Other specifications:he cant even use forum.
  12. Name:Divyanshu Rank:3 Namecover actions: https://imgur.com/a/REZ96Ij Number of namecover actions:1x Drugs Possesion/Use Wanted + Confiscate Other specifications?: Thanks
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