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Khalsa Ji

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Everything posted by Khalsa Ji

  1. Hello @OG bawles, Welcome to the world of B-zone.ro
  2. Hello @zlatogod, Welcome to the world of B-zone.
  3. Hello @Edison, Welcome to the world of B-zone.ro
  4. Nick: Khalsa Rank: Leader (SF Boss) Sanctioned member and his rank: ArseniePapacioc 1 (SF Trainee) Sanction: Faction warn Reason: Absent at activity Proof (optional): Other specifications?: Be more careful next time. ___________________________________________________ Nick: Khalsa Rank: Leader (SF Boss) Sanctioned member and his rank: LordGabral 1 (SF Trainee) Sanction: Faction warn Reason: Absent at activity Proof (optional): Other specifications?: Be more careful next time. ___________________________________________________ Nick: Khalsa Rank: Leader (SF Boss) Sanctioned member and his rank: Omid__bg (SF Trainee) Sanction: Faction warn Reason: Absent at activity Proof (optional): Other specifications?: Be more careful next time. ___________________________________________________ Nick: Khalsa Rank: Leader (SF Boss) Sanctioned member and his rank: Rdj 1 (SF Trainee) Sanction: Faction warn Reason: Absent at activity Proof (optional): Other specifications?: Be more careful next time. ___________________________________________________ Nick: Khalsa Rank: Leader (SF Boss) Sanctioned member and his rank: GodWoken.[Legend] 1 (SF Trainee) Sanction: Faction warn Reason: Absent at activity Proof (optional): Other specifications?: Be more careful next time. ___________________________________________________ Nick: Khalsa Rank: Leader (SF Boss) Sanctioned member and his rank: EddyLikes 1 (SF Trainee) Sanction: Faction warn Reason: Absent at activity Proof (optional): Other specifications?: Be more careful next time. ___________________________________________________ Nick: Khalsa Rank: Leader (SF Boss) Sanctioned member and his rank: No_Stress 2 (SF Instructor) Sanction: Faction warn Reason: Absent at activity Proof (optional): Other specifications?: Be more careful next time. ___________________________________________________ Nick: Khalsa Rank: Leader (SF Boss) Sanctioned member and his rank: Starp 3 (SF Senior Instructor) Sanction: Faction warn Reason: Absent at activity Proof (optional): Other specifications?: Be more careful next time. ___________________________________________________ Nick: Khalsa Rank: Leader (SF Boss) Sanctioned member and his rank: Camper 3 (SF Senior Instructor) Sanction: Faction warn Reason: Absent at activity Proof (optional): Other specifications?: Be more careful next time.
  5. Nick: Khalsa Rank: Leader (SF Boss) Sanctioned member and his rank: ArseniePapacioc 1 (SF Trainee) Sanction: Uninvited with 60/60 Faction punish Reason: Unannounced Inactivity Proof (optional): Other specifications?: Be more careful next time.
  6. Hello @Elena, Welcome to the world of B-zone.ro
  7. Hello SF Instructors. Thanks a lot. Thank you. Thanks for the information friend, I think I will go to break some records now :V
  8. Thanks a lot everyone, I am so sorry If I was unable to reply ya in spamy weather. Take care.

    1. Bob LCN

      Bob LCN

      Happy birthday my brother <3

    2. Peleg


      Happy birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!<3

    3. Khalsa Ji

      Khalsa Ji

      Thank you very much guys. :D

  9. Thanks a lot everyone, I do appreciate that. and that last event #ProtectTheVIP was awesome. First time ever, Someone escaped from DMers... Since I am doing event on the top of HQ.
  10. Nick: Khalsa Rank: Leader (SF Boss) Sanctioned member and his rank: Theharbuz 1 (SF Trainee) Sanction: Uninvited with 60/60 Faction punish Reason: Behaviour Proof (optional): Other specifications?: Be more careful next time.
  11. Hello @Ch3looADV, Welcome to the world of B-zone.
  12. Nick: Khalsa Rank: Leader (SF Boss) Sanctioned member and his rank: Hulio 1 (SF Trainee) Sanction: Uninvited with 3/3 Faction warns Reason: Inactive Proof (optional): Other specifications?: Be more careful next time.
  13. Nick: Khalsa Rank: Leader (SF Boss) Sanctioned member and his rank: CocoJambo13 1 (SF Trainee) Sanction: Uninvited with 3/3 Faction warns Reason: Inactive Proof (optional): Other specifications?: Be more careful next time.
  14. Stress life ? want to laugh ? Click - https://www.rpg.b-zone.ro/players/report/63250 =)))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    1. Khalsa Ji

      Khalsa Ji

      PS: I am waiting for just ONE.

    2. palu
    3. oC Tro.Palestine

      oC Tro.Palestine

      lol what the nab omg :)) idk it's joke or sure

  15. The one who come, have to go someday.. But, I am really sad about Vinnie. He was the best mate I ever had ... #RIP #VINNIE
  16. No winner for last week. As the topic has been recently created. We will choose winner for this week. Take care.
  17. Hello @JuDdY, Welcome to the world of B-zone.
  18. Hello @Rashid1, Welcome to the world of B-zone.
  19. Hello @DumeeTURMENTATU, Welcome to the world of B-zone.
  20. - Name: Khalsa - Bar RPG: - Type the desired package: Packet number 2 (20 News) - Anunţuril wanted: Khalsa is looking for a girl friend - Number of packages I received this week: 0/2 - I acknowledge the rules outlined on the first page: Yes. - I agree that the type of package and advertisement to be modified if: Yes, But I want it in English only. - Other specifications: I want to have an active member and Only put news when I am Online. Take care.
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