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Khalsa Ji

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Everything posted by Khalsa Ji

  1. >>

    << Chal koi na. Changa fer. SatShreeAkal.
  2. Please, Can you tell me the way, by which you forgot me ? I want to forgot you too, But I can't ... ...

    1. Zantex


      Who is him or her ? :))

    2. Khalsa Ji

      Khalsa Ji

      A faker lover. That's it.


    3. Zantex


      Oh don't mak3 a fake love bro :D

  3. Nick: Khalsa Rank: Leader (SF Boss) Sanctioned member and his rank: Amry.xD 1 (SF Trainee) Sanction: Faction warn Reason: Absent at activity Proof (optional): Other specifications?: Be more careful next time. ____________________________________________________ Nick: Khalsa Rank: Leader (SF Boss) Sanctioned member and his rank: Thefr33style 1 (SF Trainee) Sanction: Faction warn Reason: Absent at activity Proof (optional): Other specifications?: Be more careful next time ____________________________________________________ Nick: Khalsa Rank: Leader (SF Boss) Sanctioned member and his rank: Dr.zombie 2 (SF Instructor) Sanction: Faction warn Reason: Absent at activity Proof (optional): Other specifications?: Be more careful next time ____________________________________________________ Nick: Khalsa Rank: Leader (SF Boss) Sanctioned member and his rank: Starp 3 (SF Senior Instructor) Sanction: Faction warn Reason: Absent at activity Proof (optional): Other specifications?: Be more careful next time
  4. How many time I do have to told ya ? This is not a topic to share videos. Be careful next time.
  5. Nick: Khalsa Rank: Leader (SF Boss) Sanctioned member and his rank: Darth_VassaJr 1 (SF Trainee) Sanction: Uninvited with 60/60 Faction punish Reason: Inactive Proof (optional): Other specifications?: Be more careful next time.
  6. Withdrawn $50,000 ( [/fwithdraw] ) from the safe for the late faction's activity. (SS) And Transferred to the Activity organizer i.e. Csiicsa (SS)
  7. Nick: Khalsa Rank: Leader (SF Boss) Sanctioned member and his rank: Dr.Ucharted 2 (SF Instructor) Sanction: Faction warn Reason: AV + AV Proof (optional): Other specifications?: Be more careful next time.
  8. Nick: Khalsa Rank: Leader (SF Boss) Sanctioned member and his rank: Dr.Ucharted 2 (SF Instructor) Sanction: Advertisement Verbal Reason: Disturbance at activity Proof (optional): Other specifications?: Be more careful next time. _________________________________________________ Nick: Khalsa Rank: Leader (SF Boss) Sanctioned member and his rank: Emir.br 3 (SF Senior Instructor) Sanction: Advertisement Verbal Reason: Disturbance at activity Proof (optional): Other specifications?: Be more careful next time. __________________________________________________ Nick: Khalsa Rank: Leader (SF Boss) Sanctioned member and his rank: RakakaNi 3 (SF Senior Instructor) Sanction: Advertisement Verbal Reason: Disturbance at activity Proof (optional): Other specifications?: Be more careful next time..
  9. Nick: Khalsa Rank: Leader (SF Boss) Sanctioned member and his rank: JFD 2 (SF Instructor) Sanction: Uninvited with 3/3 Faction warns Reason: Inactive Proof (optional): Other specifications?: Be more careful next time.
  10. Hello SF Instructors. Do you guys know one thing ? You guys helped me to bring out the Evil inside me, Thanks a lot for that. But, Now get ready to pay for it. Take care.
  11. Nick: Khalsa Rank: Leader (SF Boss) Sanctioned member and his rank: Hulio (SF Trainee) Sanction: Advertisement Verbal Reason: Other language on [/f] Proof (optional): Other specifications?: Be more careful next time.
  12. Nick: Khalsa Rank: Leader (SF Boss) Member: Dr.UnchaRted The amount of the fine: 2.000$ Reason: Spam at [/f] Proof: Click HERE. Proof of [/pay] or [/transfer]: Click HERE. Money deposited to Faction safe (SS): Click HERE. Other specifications: Better luck next time.
  13. Nick: Khalsa Rank: Leader (SF Boss) Sanctioned member and his rank: Dr.UnchaRted 2 (SF Instructor) Sanction: Advertisement Verbal Reason: Spam on [/f] Proof (optional): Other specifications?: Be more careful next time.
  14. This is to inform all the members of SF School Instructors that, We have a faction activity very today, which is announced on 15 January 2017. Each and every member's presence is necessary, If you really have Important work you can post on Absent request topic. Contact me in game for some information regarding activity. -Khalsa
  15. Enough, RIP *Great people, Great thoughts.*

  16. Happiness is, Getting payday within seconds after joining the server.
  17. Accepted Applications 20/01/2017 The following 4 applicants have been accepted and are now ready to do their tests: Amry.xD VladTepes Ariya James Note to accepted applicants: You have until Friday 16th November, 18:00 to do your test. You must know EVERYTHING from our School Instructor Section (http://forum.b-zone....ol-instructors/). If you fail the tests you have a restricted chance in the future to be accepted as there will be people that deserve it more, Good luck.
  18. Hello @RoarKe, Welcome to the world of B-zone.
  19. ~~ If someone in your life makes you forget your past, Then that someone is probably your future. ~~ Great people, Great thoughts.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Khalsa Ji

      Khalsa Ji

      Trying.. hard to survive :V

      can die at any moment :V

    3. innocent


      jaan deyo edan diyan gallaan

    4. Khalsa Ji

      Khalsa Ji

      Yr, You don't know that feeling.

      Its like you are inside water and can't breathe forcefully.

  20. Honestly ~~ I do understand why you left me, But I don't understand why I am still WAITING for you. ~~ Great people, Great thoughts.

  21. Hello @Minu97, Welcome to the world of B-zone.ro
  22. ~~ Single boys may not know, How to propose a girl. But They know to Respect Girls. ~~ Great people, Great thoughts.

  23. Nick: Khalsa Rank: Leader (SF Boss) Sanctioned member and his rank: L4Sk3 1 (SF Trainee), JFD 2 (SF Instructor Sanction: Faction warns Reason: Incomplete Activity report. Proof (optional): Other specifications?: Be more careful next time.
  24. Nick: Khalsa Rank: Leader (SF Boss) Sanctioned member and his rank: Quaff 2 (SF Instructor) Sanction: Uninvited with 3/3 Faction warns Reason: Inactive Proof (optional): Other specifications?: Be more careful next time.
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